Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005 Review!

What's Hot?
1) Exams! I passed all my papers this year! When I thought that I might fail Maths and Circuits, I got B- for both instead! There can be miracles when you believe..

2) Ritz Carlton. I must say that I am very impressed with the staff there during my 2 months stint. Thumbs and big toes up!

3) Liverpool crowned European Champions. How can any I ever forget a night like that?

4) A01. My 1st year 1st sem class, still got together every month to celebrate birthdays despite being in different courses. We even got our own class jersey!

5) The 'rockk' msn emoticon. Enough said.

What's Not So Hot?
1) Ibanez guitar. My wife! She's sitting in a corner of my room now. I will love her deeply when I got the time again.

2) ICT. I've been told that we might go to Australia during the December break in my 4th year. That means I'll have to start my FYP earlier.

What's Cool?
1) Greenday. Great new album!

2) Settler's Cafe. I didn't knew that board games can be so fun before.

3) Lego. My nephews got tons of lego blocks in my house and it's quite fun whenever I join them to play. Haha.

4) Crazy Taxi, FM06 are my games of the year.

5) Children's Camp 05. It's funny when a bunch of adults start pullin their hair out when they are dealing with hyper active kids.

What's Not?
1) Blink 182 had disbanded. My favourite band is nothing but a memory now..

2) End of the year weather. Isn't the weather supposed to be cool, not scorching hot?

Happy New Year Everyone!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Finally got time to blog bout my past weeks.. Ok let's see what I did..

There's the Hall Charity Children's camp, which took up the whole week planning and buying stuff, for a 3 days 2 nights camp from Monday to Wednesday. Then I went to watch the kids perform at Toa Payoh on that Sunday. Its some publicity thing on the home's organisation part, where the kids will perform around the island and to try and pull volunteers (I think). But I'm impressed by their performance, break dance and drums. Naughty but talented!

Then went for ICT the following Monday. It last till Saturday morning, Christmas eve. On the very 1st day, when I was unpacking stuff from my bag, I forgot that I left my shaver somewhere deep inside it. And when I reach my hand in and try to pull out my pack of clothes, the shaver sliced some flesh from my right index finger away. Yes, SLICED. When I look at my finger, the part was white(not my bone though, the cut is not that deep). Then a few seconds later blood ooze through my finger and drip on the floor. It took me an hour or so to completely stop the bleeding. To me it seems like a small cut but when I showed my friends they were like, 'Wah! So big ah!' So you can imagine me enduring when I was bathing. Haha. My finger is fine now though. And btw, I use Gillete Mach 3 Turbo. It's been 3 months since I last change the blades and they are still damn bloody sharp (pun intended)!

Nothing much happen on the other days during ICT, except at the shooting range. I shot 8/8 at 100m and the system recorded me as fail!! Bloody hell.. I represented my Divison last time to shoot in a national wide shooting competition against snipers from commandoes and guards, and say I missed from 100m?? Haiz. I'm not the only innocent guy, many people shot more than 4/8 and they were told that they fail in the range computer system. Maybe the system cocked up on that day. That's why I said SAF still haven changed after 2 years.

After out process from ICT, I went back home and sleep for most of the day. Ya it's Christmas Eve and I was sleeping. Had dinner with my family on Christmas day to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary, then went to watch midnight movie, Narnia with my nephew and his parents. I got a last minute 'gig' from my band mate today. His NTU Taekwando club has a Christmas Function and he wan me to play guitar while he sing.. Haha. So I went, and after 2 hours of short practise, we were still not ready but nvm, the show went on and I think our performance was boring. We played Christmas songs like Last Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock etc on accoustic guitar, and therefore it can't get very exciting anyway.

So for the rest of the week, I've got bbq, post xmas presents exchanges, and then school reopens! Too bad mambo's cancelled.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm back from reservist. SAF are still the same, but the food somehow tastes a lot a lot better. I had a good time this week, we even sacrifice our book out on Friday night to play soccer. 2 years ago we would have probably been out at this time for our long weekend. Haha. I think we missed each other too much.

I've broken my 'A-less' duck! I've scored my 1st A in university! It's a A- actually but who cares, I'm happy. And I got mostly B- for the rest of my subjects! I was expecting to fail or at best, get a D for Maths and Circuits but I got B- for both! That's a very pleasant surprise. I hope I can get more pleasant surprise next sem..

Have a Happy Holidays everyone!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tml is my 1st ICT, surprisingly I'm not feeling excited or sian. Gonna be in Pasir Laba Camp for a week, out process on the 24th, Xmas eve. The thing that's worrying me is that my results and subject registration dates are on that week! Last sem I got a lousy timetable as I was working in Ritz Carlton and was a few mins late to register, and I missed out on my 'perfect' timetable. I hope that whoever is helping me to register can get what I want.

Results and timetables aside, this ICT is a good time to meet up with the rest of my army buddies. I met those who are in NTU some of the time, the rest of them are practically 'lost' in NUS, except that once in a while we will meet up to celebrate someone's bday. And I remember that last time in NS, I was the unofficial soccer IC. Haha, cos during any free time in the afternoon you will find me walking from bunk to bunk trying to jio ppl to play soccer. But after we shifted camp, I was not as enthusiatic bout football as before as the new bed in the new bunk is very comfortable. Haha you get what I mean.. And that's how the 'Shiu Shiu Shiu!!' phrase came about.

Christmas! My favourite time of the year! No matter what's going on, nothing can spoil my mood for it. I've got presents for my nephews and niece, and for some of my friends, I'm broke now. Anyone interested to invest in 'Save Weiyuan's Fund'??

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Due to popular demand, this is what I am if I become a dog..

German Shepherd
No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you — they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well. That focus and attention to detail spans from your personal to your professional life, too. Although you can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the projects you tackle, you still manage to keep cool and laid-back in social situations. You get a kick out of the little things and thrive when you're constantly busy and on-the-go. Easygoing and unpretentious, you don't need constant pampering and reassurance. A genuine, carefree pup, you're a true-blue friend, employee, and partner. Woof!

Btw, here's the link
What's Hot?
December Weather (Where the hell is the cool December weather??? I don't want to wake up and see the hot blazing sun.)
Scotty Doesnt Know

What's Not So Hot?

What's Luke Warm?
Rusty guitar strings

What's Cool?
World Club Championship (Liverpool are in the Finals!)

What's Sucky?
Essien's tackle on Hamann

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The 2nd day of the camp was not as hectic as expected, maybe cos we more or less knew how to deal with the kids already. Science Centre now has 1 area for kids to play football, and when they saw it, they ran inside and spent quite some time playing, while we happily watched them and relax. Haha. The last day of the camp got nothing much for them, except prize giving and photo taking. A few of them cried while leaving. For us, I think we were more glad that finally the camp's over and it's time for some well deserved rest.

I'm sure many of us scolded the kids when they were naughty or misbehaviour throughout the camp. For me, there's one instance when I blew my top. They were playing a fool around their sleeping area, making a lot of noise and none of us can make them quiet. I shouted at them at the top of my voice and they were stunned and finally shut up. The last time I was so angry was when I was still in NPCC I think, when 1 squad made me so pissed of that I really takan them and made them do change parade. After that they told my OC somemore, but he also never do anything. Haha

Feel like doing the volunteer work at this "Beyond social service" centre, but then I like to procastinate. Haha

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Children's camp children's camp... Last year the children's camp that my hall did, the kids were from a child care centre where their parents are well to do, and they were a happy bunch, easy to take care of and play with. In other words, they were cute. This year we got a home where the kids are from under privilage households, they are more streetwise, hardy, rowdy, and naughty. They're not easy to handle, everyone can testify to that. Bullying, fighting, running around, shouting and screaming as if we are invisible. Not that I'm complaining but it's really hard to make a choice between the 2 different bunch of kids. Either you do something for the society by choosing the latter bunch and pull out ur hair, or enjoy a peaceful camp by choosing the former bunch and let the rich get richer and fatter.

Tml is the science centre trip, and then finale night. May the kids show mercy on us...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I can't remember when was the last time I was so busy.. It may sound strange but somehow I'm enjoying it.. It makes me feel alive, cos for the past few months I had been so low, so dead..

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Argh!! I hate this holidays...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Taken from

Today will be the day for long goodbyes, write Connie Levett and Steve Butcher in Singapore.

NGUYEN TUONG VAN has seen his last sunrise - by the time the sun breaks the South China Sea horizon and touches Changi prison tomorrow, the 25-year-old Australian will be dead.

In Singapore they say "hanged at dawn" but Nguyen will go to the gallows at 6am before it's light.

Today will be the long goodbyes, with final visits from his two close friends Kelly Ng and Bronwyn Lew and painful farewells with mother Kim and twin brother Khoa.

Who Nguyen sees on his last day is very much in his own hands. "Van is making the calls in terms of the visits, as to the timing and who is coming," a family friend told the Herald. He will be allowed at least four hours of outside visits.

There are other matters Nguyen must face. He will receive a visit from the hangman, expected to be Darshan Singh.

The executioner will weigh him to calculate the precise length of rope needed to break his neck when the trapdoor drops from under him.

Visiting hours close at 5pm. What to do in the remaining time? Pray and write, say those closest to him.

When Nguyen's appeal was dismissed last October, his mother said outside the court: "He is good, he is always praying."

Today Nguyen, a Catholic and prolific letter writer, is expected to pray and keep penning words of comfort and farewell to his many friends in Australia. Prison officials will prepare a special evening meal for him.

"They find out details of the person's tastes," said M. Ravi, a human rights lawyer who has defended other men on death row. "They will find out if you like extra garam masala in your curry, that sort of detail."

At 4am, a prison guard will knock on Nguyen's door to rouse him if he is sleeping.

"They will offer him breakfast but whether he can eat is another question." Then he will bathe before he is handcuffed and takes the short walk from his cell to the gallows inside the prison.

Those who will attend the hanging include the coroner, the prison superintendent, a medical officer, as well as chaplain Father Gregoire Van Giang.

An autopsy will be performed to establish cause of death and then Mrs Nguyen must collect her son's body by 1pm on Friday or the Singaporean authorities will cremate him. The Australian high commission, which has cared for the family since their arrival in Singapore a week ago, is expected to arrange the return of his body to Melbourne.

At lunchtime, the family plan to attend a formal church service at Mary Mount Convent to commemorate Nguyen's life before flying out of Singapore, probably on Friday evening.

There will be no more reason for them to stay.

This feeling sucks...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

If I'm able to measure the loudness of sound in my house this morning, it'll exceed the threshold of pain at 130 decibel. On second thoughts, I think it'll even exceed the noise level inside a tornado at 250 decibel. The noise from my nephews, the cries of my niece, the constant nagging of my mum and the construction works downstairs add up to my threshold of pain... It's a miracle that I did not turn deaf.

Anyway, it's the time of the year, when I spend hours in front of my comp and my nephews will keep coming to ask me, 'Why you always play this??' Yes, you've guessed right.. FOOTBALL MANAGER 2006 is out and installed in my comp!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The highlight of the week is not my final paper, but its the reunion of MCT! Too bad 2 of our members were not present on Friday when we played football. Nevertheless, Cantona is still trying to find back his kung fu kick, Crespo is still learning how to stay on-side, and Figo is still... Figo.. The almighty cross cum goal kick cum long ball is still very much his trade mark. And of course Chuaradonna is still Chuaradonna, expect that I tried to play like Peter Crouch that day. Haha. But I did score some goals mind you.. I still rushed back to NTU straight away to play more football with A01 guys. Now both my legs are aching badly. Today we went to celebrate 5 of our friends' birthdays and when the guys let out the 'OUCH, OHH, AH, TSK' noise when we were sitting down taking pictures, the gals asked, 'Eh you guys went to fight war?'
'No lah we played soccer yesterday..'
'WAH LAO SIBEI LAN LEH!!!!' came their reply.. We are getting old and that's why our legs can't take it. I was limping after I visited Mr Toh at his place and for the whole of today. Couldn't even get to send Kai off to Taiwan just now, I was too damn tired..

Alright.. Liverpool won 1-0, and Peter Crouch still has not broken his goal drought.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I forgot if I've blogged bout this before, this is bout my childhood ambitions. I shall define childhood as from age 0 - 21.

I've always wanted to be a..

Science has always been my fav subject in Pri Sch. Believe it or not, I used to read my Science textbook during my leisure time for fun. And I was in the Science Club, where you'll have to buy the blue 'Young Scientist' card and complete the little projects in it to earn points and after you reached the requirements you'll recieve a badge. Wonder if it rings any bells? I was in the club in Pri 5 but didnt complete any cards, but once I reached Pri 6, I 'chu power' and managed to complete 8 cards! I've got the, Young Zoologist, Young Botanist, Young Ecologist, Young Entomologist, Young Phyicist, Young Geologist, Young Meteorologist and Young Astronomer. Ya, I was that crazy bout it. I only left 3 cards to complete the series. Damn if only I didn't have to study for PSLE then. I even represented my Pri Sch in some national Science Fair, where I presented some of the little projects from my school, cos most of them are designed and made by me. Haha.

Planes always fascinate me. Even most of the transformer toys that I bought can transform into planes. I was that close to join the Air Force until I failed at the last hurdle, the interview. Haiz. They told me if I'm able to impressed during my BMT I'll be able to enrol in the pilot course but I had no motivation by then. I'm not the type to talk a lot and show off, I'm always the silent worker behind the scene.

Some Mandarin drama back then inspired me to make loads of money by setting up a businees empire. Haha.

How many guys never dream of playing for their beloved club or country before? I always dream of entering Anfield's pitch. Passing, dribbling, tackling, scoring.. GOAL!!! But ya I know, soccer is not my forte. But I still can step onto Anfield, as a tourist.....

5)Rock star.
Haha. I could be the new rock star idol of Singapore! They've got SG Idol English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil version, so when is the rock star version coming? Haha.. Actually I don't take this seriously, playing guitar is only a passion, and I'm still not good enough to play in front of huundreds. But living a rock star life is very tempting don't you think?

6)Crazy Taxi Driver.
Haha joking..

So what's your childhood ambition?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one question final exam after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics.

The class was already seated and ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk and wrote on the board: "Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist."

Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class however, was up and finished in less than a minute.

Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an A when he had barely written anything at all.

His answer consisted of two words: "What chair?"

I wish that my profs are like this.. haha

Friday, November 18, 2005

One of the few ppl that I seldom see them get stressed out is Justin, my room mate. Before a paper he still can play games, and sleep at midnight (a good 8 hrs before he wakes up for his paper), while others will be probably be mugging till 3-4am and wake up at 7am to continue revising.

I remember a few years back, while on my way to school to collect my 'A' levels result, I met yy on the bus. She went to a temple at racecourse road to pray for good results. And along the way she was damn restless and couldn't stop biting her nails, and she remarked, 'Hey WY! Later get results leh! Why you are are still so cool??'

A few days ago, another friend told me, 'Hey now exam period, why are you still so relax? Everytime see you, you are smiling and enjoying yourself..'

While I may not have the stress coping ability of Jus, but normally ppl wont see me in a stressful, tense up state.

SO what's the point of this entry? If you want to see me in that state, you should look at me NOW!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE THE NOTES TALKING ABOUT! And tml's paper is at 930am. Eh no.. Make it in 9 hours. Crap.. Maybe a round of Crazy Taxi will relax me a little.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Take a look, it's about an incident at Zouk KL, the bouncers there beat up a couple.. This entry made them look bad..

I dun have any bad experiences with bouncers before, and i remember once a friend got quite drunk in dbl o and a bouncer came up to us and lead us to the service lift so that she wont trip and fall down the flight at stairs at the exit.. haha

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

There's always a new game to get hooked on during every exam period.. 1st it was Warcraft, then Platypus, and now, Cray Taxi!! This game rocks, and I always play it everytime I take a break from my studies.. Seriously, playing this game is the most interesting and exciting moment of my current miserable life now, and maybe u can include listening to the adventures of the toilet mate from hell too.. Now it's always books, notes, tutorials, past yr papers and pressing my oh-so beloved calculator. What the heck, I can't even bother to comb my hair nowadays, cos there's no place for me to go except to mug inside my room! My rocker life style will be back next week! WOOHOO!

Alright, going to play 1 round of cabbie before sleeping.

*Blow the whistle blow the whistle blow the whistle*

Monday, November 14, 2005

1 more week to book-out day...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's official, Liverpool is the top football club last year. Here's the proof, so don't argue..

The IFFHS World Club Ranking - Top 50 (1st November 2004 - 30th October 2005)

1. LIVERPOOL FC (England) 295,0
2. FC Internazionale Milano (Italia) 292,0
3. FC Bayern München (Deutschland) 279,0
4. Milan AC (Italia) 262,0
5. Manchester United FC (England) 257,0
6. CSKA Moscow (Russia) 245,5
7. Olympique Lyonnais (France) 243,0
8. Arsenal FC London (England) 242,0
9. CA Mouth Juniors Buenos Aires (Argentina) 234,0
10. Villarreal CF (España) 233,0
11. São Paulo FC (Brasil) 230,0
12. Chelsea FC London (England) 229,0
13. PSV Eindhoven (Nederland) 228,5
14. AZ Alkmaar (Nederland) 226,0
15. AJ Auxerroise (France) 225,0
16. Sporting Clube of Portugal Lisbon (Portugal) 215,0
17. Newcastle United FC (England) 207,0
= AS of Monaco (France) 207,0
19. Juventus FC Torino (Italia) 206,0
20. SC The International I carry Cheers (Brasil) 197,0
21. SV Werder Bremen (Deutschland) 193,0
= Fluminense FC Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 193,0
23. Shakhtjor Donetsk (Ukraina) 192,0
24. FK Austria Wien (Österreich) 191,5
25. Real Betis Soccer football (España) 186,0
= CA River Plate Buenos Aires (Argentina) 186,0
27. Glasgow Celtic FC (Scotland) 184,5
28. FC Barcelona (España) 184,0
29. Buenosairean Hill FBC Asuncio'n (Paraguay) 183,0
30. FC Schalke 04 (Deutschland) 182,0
= Real Madrid CF (España) 182,0
32. Seville FC (España) 181,0
33. Sport Club Guadalajara (México) 180,0
34. Saints FC (Brasil) 178,0
35. Olympiakos Pireas (Greece) 177,5
36. FK Partizan Beograd (Srbija) 176,0
= Clube Atletico Paranaense Curitiba (Brasil) 176,0
38. Udinese Calcium (Italia) 175,0
39. CA Banfield (Argentina) 174,0
40. Club Brugge KV (Belgique) 168,5
41. SC Corinthians Paulista São Paulo (Brasil) 165,0
42. Lille Olympique Sporting Club (France) 164,0
43. Cruzeiro EC Belo Horizon (Brasil) 162,0
44. Fenerbahçe SK Istanbul (Türkiye) 161,5
45. AFC Ajax Amsterdam (Nederland) 160,5
46. It binds Sport College student of Quito (Ecuador) 160,0
47. AS Rome (Italia) 159,0
48. Palmeiras São Paulo (Brasil) 156,0
49. Glasgow Rangers (FC Scotland) 154,5
50. Middlesbrough FC (England) 153,0
= FC Parma (Italia) 153,0
= CD University of Chile Santiago (Chile) 153,0

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It's November.. I had quite a screwed up October, and I'm glad that its over. Sometimes I feel that you need to remember the bad times so you'll learn to appreciate the good times more.

And it's raining the November Rain now..

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A song by Mourinho.. Haha

I closed my eyes,
And stand there grinning (Woooh oh)
We cant stop winning, (Woooh oh)
you'll be grinning too.
When I first came, (When he first came)
I was delighted. (Woooh oh)
Could've managed United, (Woooh oh)
But anything will do..
I wore my coat, (He wears his coat)
The world is merry. (Woooh oh)
I've got John Terry, (Woooh oh)
And Drogba too.
I switched them round, (He switched his rounds)
they all are hating. (Woooh oh)
I like rotating, (Wooh oh)
Anything will do

A corner kick is just enough
A little flick, from Damien Duff
The ball flies right into the net
And we are one nil up. (One nil one nil one nil!!)

May I return, (May we return)
to the beginning. (Woooh oh)
So easy winning, (Woooh oh)
When your team is blue.
You cant go wrong, (We can't go wrong)
We are in heaven. (Woooh oh)
Bring whatever eleven, (Woooh oh)
Anything will do.

//Haha Chelsea sucks

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

As I am eating my filet-o-fish burger at 2.30am, I shall blog bout my friends' toilet mate from hell... Oh well, not really from hell, but from Nepal or somewhere around THAT area.. You can get my point. THAT area. Anyway it's too gross to continue while eating, I guess I finish up my burger 1st...

Ok.. As I was saying, if ppl thought that my toilet mates last year was bad, wait till you hear bout this.. Apparently, this toilet mate of my friends', let's call him 'S' (you'll noe why I called him 'S'), is a frequent shitter.. Yes. So what's wrong with a guy who shits frequently?? No, nothing's wrong, but when he shits outside the bowl, that's the problem. Now, how the hell can 1 person shit outside the bowl? FYI, my hall's toilet bowl are seats, not the squating type, and so, Theory 1: he squats on the seat, shits and miss.. Theory 2: he stands up and shits and miss (Impossible??) Theory 3: he shits before his ass touch the toilet seat, ans miss.

Have I spoilt your appetite yet?? Cos there's more! He don't clear up his shit at all! He don't flush, and he leave his shit lying all over the place. Phew. I didn't believe it until I was forced into the toilet, and the smell was overwhelming. I could nv forget that sight. I swear that I got nightmare during the night..

This 2 friends really got strong endurance for this.. S's roommate is NTU Student Union Vice President, and he came back only once a week, or even less than that. And sometimes he clears the mess.. So why didn't they confront S?? They said that they are just waiting for the right moment to catch him red handed and give him a scolding.. Haha no need lah. Got evidence liao still need to catch him red-handed??

And last weekend S brought some friends over.. I don't know if they shit all over the place or not, but they borrowed my friend's toothbrush, toothpaste, shaver to use. My friend noted that his toothbrush was wet, and shaver got hair on it when it is normally clean when he came back. Haha. And he kept kb-ing since dinner.

I thought my toilet mates last year was bad.. This is worse!! Now I love my current toilet mates more le..

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oh Gosh.. Liverpool, please wake up your ideas and don't kill your fans..
Dearly beloved, are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying,
Are we demented? Or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure

Oh therapy can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused,
For the lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse

Land of make believe,
And it don't believe in me,
Land of make believe,
And I don't believe,
And I don't care!

And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time
Forgetting you, but not the time

Friday, October 21, 2005

Argh now I'm falling sick.. Shit..
Another late night mugging, and I am not tired even after a mad staircase run and some weight lifting.. Yes, I do weight lifting once in a while, I've got a dumb bell under my desk and most of the time I'm lazy to lift it. That explains for the skinny arms. Haha. Life's so boring, and I count catching Lizzy as one of the more interesting stuff to do around here in hall, supper, Google Earth.. Die.. I think it'll more interesting to watch paint dry. At least you can go, 'Hey! This part has dried up!'

Roommate Jus fell asleep quite late today. He's got a routine and he sticks to it, sleeps early and wake up early; unlike me, who used to sleep at dawn and wake up at will (READ:3pm). I'll need to learn from him next sem.

Its 5.30am now.. Wooohooo!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I had a weird dream this morning.. I dreamt that I was with Avril Lavigne, and we were like a couple, holding hands while walking... Before anything happens, my alarm went off.. Sheesh.... Normally I would have went back to sleep to try and find Avril back but I woke up and went for lesson today.. And it's time for me to meet her again! (What the crap am I talking...)

Anyway it was not a wet dream.. haha

Monday, October 17, 2005

Here are the photos of the recent Indo Chine gig!

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Trying to act rock star-ish..

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Our 1st song, Holiday..

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I dunno what is my lead singer trying to do.. Haha

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Notice that we wore black, and even our guitars are black.. We always planned to wear black tops for performances, but our guitars just happen to be black too...

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The start of American Idiot!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Finally, a week in this semester that's very productive.. Did 1 fluids tutorial, 1 circuits tutorial, and 3 maths tutorials! Feeling much better now.. Haha some weight has been taken off my shoulders!

Can sleep more peacefully now, even though I sleep very peacefully everynight already..

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The reason y I choose to do Mechanical Engineering is because I hate to do circuits... Those Kirchoff's Laws, currents, capacitance, diodes etc make me sick everytime, and now I have to take this stupid module in my course! ARGH!!

Sometimes its good to know that kind people do exist. I'm quite a lucky guy, I've just known my lab group mates for only a few weeks, and after I've missed 1 lab 2 days ago, one by one asked me why I didnt go and told me to go and do make up lab cos it's important. This might not sound anything impressive, but I do appreciate it a lot.

Its time for What's Hot, What's Not!

What's Hot
Google Earth

What's Warm

What's Cool

What's Lukewarm
Study Rooms
Nokia Alarm Tone

What's NOT
Electrical and Electronics : Circuits and Devices i.e MP2008!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Google Earth is cool!! I've just d/l it and have spent 1 hr finding places like my previous schools, camps, friends' and relatives' houses.. Haha.. For some reasons it bring back some memories, esp when I looked at my army training areas.. Didnt know that I managed to 'topo' 1 big area in 1 night. It looks damn big to me.. I'm able to look at Liverpool's stadium, look down the crater of a volcano, pin point where's some of the world's seven wonders etc..

But its dangerous, after the Bali bombings, only time will tell if terrorists will use it to target sensitive places......

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Interesting quiz :

Your distinct personality, The White Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Don Quixote was a White Knight as was Joan of Arc, the Lone Ranger and Crusader Rabbit. As a White Knight you expect nothing in return for your good deeds. You are one of the true "Givers" of the world. You are the anonymous philanthropist who shares your wealth, your time and your life with others. To give, is its own reward and as a White Knight you seek no other. On the positive side you are merciful, sympathetic, helpful, giving and heroic. On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Indochine was good! And I dun understand why the girls from nus and smu look so much better than ntu girls.. I'm in the wrong school.. haha...

A friend asked, 'Eh, how come NTU dun have this kind of bash???'
Then another friend commented, 'Cos NTU students are studying now mah, exams coming!'

Haha.. How true.. And what the hell was I doing there??!?! I should be studying! Nerds are the 'IN-THING' now! Sorry wifey, u'll have to be kept under my bed till exams are over.

Friday, October 07, 2005

1 more gig! Tonite at indochimes at wisma, for smu's bash there.. shack out after football just now, hope tat i still got the strength to stand on the stage...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

If you are in a dark place, you look around and can see no rays of light anywhere.. What will you do?? Just plain darkness creeping all around you. What will you do??

It's time to change my Feng Shui, and get my ass off to a brighter area..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It is turning into a nightmare!!!!!! What happen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? When did 1 dream became so true???????


Sunday, October 02, 2005

I had a good weekend, the last enjoyable weekend that I'm going to have before I shut myself from the outside world to study for my exams.

I was susposed to meet Melz and her friend at 12pm but instead I woke up at 2+ and only managed to meet her at 4.. Haha so sorry.. But I've treated to her TCC's Hot Chocolate Lava Cake, which was damn good.. After that I met ah lian for dinner, and I die also insist on watching movie, so I jio-ed the bookworm gang, and none of them can make it.. So we ended up watching 'The Myth' in Toa Payoh.. Not a bad show afterall, they even got a striping fighting scene with the Bollywood actress.. =P~~~ haha

Went for my usual sunday football match, and oddly enough, 28 of us turned up.. We jio friends, friends jio friends, friends' friends jio friends... Since so there're so many of us, we even waited for 30 mins for the rain to stop then we can start to play, as we did not want to go home without kicking a ball... Had a good game, and we won 1-0! Good sign for Liverpool tonite!

On my way back, a cute baby boy, slightly younger than my niece, played peek-a-boo with me on the bus.. After a few mins, his mum gave him the 'nai zhui' to suck, and almost immediately he fell asleep.. haha!

A Liverpool victory tonite will complete my good weekend.. Pls win!!!
TCC Hot chocolate Lava Cake Rocks!! It's been more than 8 hours since I've last tasted it, and it's taste still lingers in my mouth.......


Friday, September 30, 2005

Everybody's busy....

Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head

I miss you

Thursday, September 29, 2005

hall one jam band got no future liao haha.... Ans I broke my D-string this time.. @#$%%$#@!!

The time that i've been dreading has come.. Its time to study!

//4 pops are ex.. haha

//Liverpool deserved to win last nite....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

BIG DAY BIG DAY!!!!!! We sold 100 tickets!! So there'll be enough people to let me do body surfing! Haha!

So much at stake.. Reputation, money, the future of Hall One Jam Band, depends on the show tomorrow.. And of course our future gigs and performances. May the GOD of Rock bless us, the servants of rock.. Amen......

A great rock show inspires lives

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My horoscope for today...

Make sure you rest up and get your beauty sleep, because you'll want to be at the top of your game to keep up with all the dazzling events the stars have lined up for you. You need to look, feel and be your best right now!

I nv trust horoscopes b4.. until I read 1 that was quite accurate tat is able to say how am I feeling right now and wat i should do etc... Then I signed up for it, and it send an horoscope email to me daily.. Its freaky when it's able to predict what's in your mind right now, what's the situation around you right now etc... And YES, I DO NEED BEAUTY SLEEP AND BE AT MY DAZZLING BEST!! haha

Monday, September 26, 2005

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Shadow Torch
Your Superpower is Telekinesis
Your Weakness is Cowboys
Your Weapon is Your Grenade Wand
Your Mode of Transportation is Cow
You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another turning point a fork stuck in the road
time grabs u by the wrist grabs you where to go

One light, one mind, flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
For crying out loud, she screams undo me
A free for all, Fuck them all, you and you aside

Zieg Heil to the president gasman
Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel towers
Who criticize your government
Bang, Bang goes the broken glass and
Kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire, setting fire
Is not a way that's meant for me
Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws, yeah!

I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line on the edge where I walk alone

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are

Friday, September 23, 2005

Every morning, a battle between good and evil will take place..

Angel, 'Sleepy Head!! Wake Up!!'
Devil, 'Still early.. go back to sleep..'
Angel, 'I say wake up!! Time for lesson!'
Devil, 'He is tired.. Let him sleep!'

Whamzed!! The devil managed to shut the angel's mouth up.. And so Mr Sleepyhead went back to bed..
But this morning the good triumph over evil, and I went for lesson.. Hope this continues..

I got a mixed day today.. A friend was admitted into SGH today for suspected dengue fever, and when I visited her just now she was still cheerful and bubbly despite her 39.3 degrees fever.. Her family was admitted in due to suspected dengue too.. hope they recover soon!

Next wed is Audioshots, my band's performance at Zodiac Pub.. Initially it wasnt looking good due to lack of support from the Hall JCRC, and some internal conflicts here and there make most of us doubt that we are able to perform. And so we went for a walkabout session in hall and managed to get quite good ticket sales. 25 tickets sold, and more than 30 promised and confirmed that they are going. And so we don't have to scrap the event afterall, and JCRC promised to provide transport back. Things are looking good so far, and we shall see how is tml's jamming session going to be..

time to sleep, if not the angel will fight a losing battle tml morning..

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Finally got some serious studying tonite... But I think the rest of the week I'll have to live a rockstar life again, jamming, spending serious time with my wife etc... All this for next week's AUDIOSHOTS!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

It's time of the season where I'll get excited for a very good reason.. It's Liverpool vs Man U!
Powerjam is over.. And next week I gotta prepare for Hall's Mooncake Festival, and the week after next is Audioshots, then after that I can finally rest my wife and return to serious studying! From Rocker to mugger toad(familiar term.. dunno where I got this word 'mugger toad' from..) Anyway, we played at Wala Wala @ Holland Village just now, and the 3 piece band who performed before before us was damn good.. Their music is very nice, but they can do better for the lyrics.. Think The Killers.. They've got all sorts of funny stuff for their guitars, like a wah-wah pedal and fuzz box.. (What the hell is that??) I'm gonna get 1 for my wife too!

(3 piece band here means there are 3 ppl in the band.. Dun think in terms of bikinis i.e 2 piece bikini etc.. Okay.. I'm the one who's thinking bout bikinis.. Haha)

Anyway I brought my wife home and she fought with my other wife (my red accoustic).. Haha...

Ya lame I noe..

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Yes! The song is complete!! In 1 afternoon, we toiled and sweat and came out with something for the song. Its not something fantastic, but at least it's playable and 'catchy'..

Now that we've got the song, the musicians, the instruments, all we need is a miracle for tomorrow's Powerjam..

Friday, September 16, 2005

I woke up this morning to have my 1st cig
im living this life to the edge and live my regrets
And if i fall off this mountain of sin
im falling six feet down to hell

break out my heart break out my soul
i lay it down for you to see
Tear out my thoughts tear out my dreams
cos its the only way i bleed

This song is driving me nuts!!! Not that it's a hit song or what, we are going to play this song this coming Sat and we still cant get the chords right for this... Argh... Now 'Em G A G' keep on playing on my mind, and I can't progress... Help...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Finding Neverland is a heart warming show... Quite good.. And the cast's British accent is cool..

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The bookworm gang bought me a distortion pedal as a belated bday gift, and now my rockstar kit is complete!! I almost bought 1 pedal for myself on Sat at some guitar shops which is having a sale, but luckily I didnt buy.. Now I've got my guitar, my pedal, my amp, my cables, my tuner, my pick holder, left my playing skills to complete the whole rock star package.. Oh and of course groupies are not included yet.... haha

I've got to buck up on my studies starting tml! ARGH

//I hope that everything is fine...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Due to popular request, and while waiting for Arsenal to lose so that I can collect my $$, I shall post this survey...

Se7en things that scare me:
1. A lot of dead cockroaches
2. Liverpool relegated (Not really scared, but it will make me sian)
3. Waking up late for an important exam!! (Nv happen b4, but I think I'll be scared)
4. The scene in Ju-On when the ghost mum lean over and look at the gal on the bed. (Ya it gives me the creeps, esp since I sleep so much)
5. Die without knowing what happen
6. I dunno what else to write
7. same as no 6...

Se7en things I like the most about me:
1. My MOLE
2. My MOLE
3. My MOLE
4. My MOLE
5. My MOLE
6. My MOLE

Se7en most important things in my room:
1. My bed
2. My pillow
3. My blanket
4. MY air con
5. My window
6. My curtain
7. My wardrobe (actually these are the only 7 things that I have in my room that I use..)

Se7en random facts about me:
1. I am a Liverpool Fan
2. I can twitch 1 ear at a time and I'm very proud of this..
3. I prefer ppl to call me Weiyuan, as normally only teachers call me Wei Guan..
4. I like to sleep..
5. My mole used to be black.
6. I have an oily nose..
7. I used to think that boy bands are cool, then after I saw gays who look like boybands and worshipped them, I changed my mind.. Rockers rulez

Se7en things I plan to do before I die:
1. Win Si San Yao in mahjong
2. Step on the Anfield pitch
3. Bungee jump
4. Sky dive
5. Graduate
6. Kick Mourinho in the face
7. Buy over Chelsea after kicking Mourinho

Se7en things I can do:
1. Yawn and yawn and yawn
2. Sleep and sleep and sleep
3. Eat and eat and eat
4. Snore and snore and snore
5. Drool and drool and drool
6. Dream and dream and dream
7. Toss and turn and turn and toss8

Se7en things I can't do:
1. Support Man U or Chelsea or Arsenal
2. Play the piano (I always envy ppl who can play piano, but not guitar)
3. Become muscular
4. Get very very very very rich
5. Strike 10 million in TOTO (Ya it's unrealistic, but still.. I will not gif up!)
6. Dun snack in the middle of the nite
7. Fly a plane....

Se7en things I say the most:
1. I/You/Me
2. This/That/The
3. What/Where/When/How
4. He/She/They
5. Haha
6. Am/Is/Are/Was/Were
7. Lah/Loh/Leh/Lao

Se7en celeb crushes (This is the easiest!):
1. Fiona Xie
2. Angelina Jolie
3. Fann Wong
4. Jessica Alba
5. Athena Chu
6. Jeanette Aw
7. Avril Lavigne

Se7en people I'll love to see doing this (for various reasons):
Any 7 lah..

Friday, September 09, 2005

Mark this date!! The ROCK SHOW @ 28th September!! Venue to be confirm.. I only know it's in some pubs.. Zodiac or Zombie or what... Cya there!

I wish that I can clean my room tml.. =) But alas...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Life will be better after Wednesday.. Because I have 1 quiz tomorrow, and 3 on Wednesday! Bloody timetable, if I had my ideal timetable, I wont be in such a state now.......

There are more gigs coming up, but we'll need to go for auditions first.. Fingers crossed... Actually I agree to perform because I want to experience the excitement of playing in front of a live audience, and it means I'll have to practise a lot harder.. I am not a good guitarist, my basics fingerings are not good, I cant recite the scales, my left hand tends to cramp often.. And sometimes I think that I took a big leap, from a guitar noob to performing live in a short time. Not that I am that good, but as lobangs came along, its hard not to accept them. I'm sure I've improved since Jam & Hop 05, and with more performances coming, I hope that I can juggle between my studies and my wife..

I should be studying instead of blogging!! But on 2nd thoughts, I think I should get some sleep...

Monday, September 05, 2005

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Saw this at HMV on Sat, couldn't resist the temptation, so I forked out $55 bucks or so..

Liverpool DVD - $55

Satisfaction - PRICELESS

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Y is the English national team so talked about??? Evertime the u can see the media speaking bout them, criticising their play, tactics, players etc etc.. Can't the media just shut up and let the England team perform?? They even talk about changing captains.. England is a team with a lot of potential, but with all the undue public pressure on their shoulders, the weight of expectation, or the burden of under performance in their mind, I'm sure that they won't go far (sometimes I think that they are over rated). England just won 1-0 against Wales in a WC qualifying game, and there'll be at least 6 pages of news talking bout how their formation (4-5-1 for this game) failed badly, how the players under perform, who should be playing etc etc... Pls let them play 'in silence'...

P.S: I didn't bet on this match.. Phew..

Oh btw.. I need someone to help me compose a song!!! URGENT!

Friday, September 02, 2005

I love my wife! I bought a Marshall amp for $110 (yup 2nd hand again), and together, they sound perfect! haha.. shiok.. now I need an effects or distortion pedal.. but I am quite broke... I guess if I spend more time with my wife, I might save more $$!!

I just came back from playing soccer, and after yesterday's road relay and night jog, my legs are quite wobbly now. I need support when I go down stairs, haha damn weak right?? Next week I've got 4 quizzes, and 3 of them are on wed! Damn it......

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I knew that this is love at 1st sight. She was standing by the door, gleaming in the moonlight. I blushed as I walked towards her. She's tanned, not so tall, and has a perfect figure that one would die for. I looked at her lovingly, and gently touched her neck, feeling her smooth skin on my rough fingers. My arm held her waist, and we embraced. Without hestitation, I brought her back home.


Meet my new wife, Ibanez GSA-60!!


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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I wanted to blog last nite, but the ntu network dun allow me to load this website properly. And now when I can access it, I dun feel like writing what I wanted to write last night... Nowadays NTU network sux, its very very slow...

Anyway, its time for What's Hot, What's Not!

What's Hot:
Ibanez Electric Guitar
Addidas Sweater!!

What's Warm:
World of Warcraft

What's Luke Warm:
My handphone alarm

What's Cold:
Water from the water cooler
GBGS Email Gang

What's Not:
Lime + Lemon + Coffee Powder + Almond Syrup

Friday, August 26, 2005

We were just 'hi-bye' friends, yet his departure came as a shock.. Young, promising, and its his final year, it's a pity.. What happened nobody really noes, but he'll be missed for sure..


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

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Here are the pics from my gig last Fri. Check out the one I took with Jamie Yeo! She looks better in real life.. And I would like to thank these ppl, Qiyong (for his guitar and pedal), Choon Lin (for his guitar), Weirong (for his pedal), Kelvin (for his tuner), and all those who came, and those who cant make it yet wished me luck! I knew we wont win cos we were just formed like 2 weeks before the gig, but I had a good time, gained some experience and I'm looking forward to my next gig already! It'll be an external one and details not confirm yet.. ==> HAHA!! His last entry was damn funny!

It rained damn heavily this morning, so I thought that since there's no way I can reach my LT without gettting wet, I went back to sleep. Yes its true! Confirm will get wet! There's no sheltered walkway from my hall to school, and the road at the shuttle bus stop at my hall will be waterlogged, which means that when cars zoomed past, the water will zoomed on to me also.. And so I woke up at 12 noon for lunch. Shiok!!

I had my 1st quiz yesterday and it was quite alright.. If my teacher is kind I might get a B.

I have been downloading the World of Warcraft patch for almost 24hrs already, and it's still not complete. Mine is a 7-day trial version, minus 1 day of patching left 6 days! Maybe that's their plan. Clever bastards...

Tomorrow its the year of the '2s'! Wonder if my relatives will still give ang baos as it's my 22nd bday, not 21st.. People are more interested in these ages : 1 month old, 1 year old, 18, 21, 40, >65..

I wish for world peace! And I want to play World of Warcraft...........

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My hand got some cramps during the performance last nite.. During the American Idoit interlude, when only me and the drums are playing, wah lao it was damn obvious... But nvm, our next song was good.. We got $400 after a day's work, and took pictures with Jamie Yeo and Electrico, so its not bad at all!

Bookworm gang came and celebrate my bday in my hall, where we played The Drinking Game. Darn, it was crappy.. Haha, again all the stupid rules that we set made us hit combos and most of the time u dunno y are u drinking. Its fun and contrary to what they thought, I am not drunk! My whole face red and got bloodshot eyes only lah.. We finished 1 bottle of Vodka and 1/2 bottle of gin with coke, sprite, root beer and !!Greentea!! haha the best part was when someone toppled the drinks and you should've seen the reactions of the rest of the ppl.. HAHA! Damn funny..

Friday, August 19, 2005

Been practising for my performance for everyday since last week, now I can feel numbness in my left hand.. Praying hard tat my hand wont cramp tml...

Here's the song that we'll be playing at tml noon..
Buffy Opening Theme
American Idiot
Song 2
Time of Your Life <-- I like our edited part of this song.. sounds good!

At night for the Jam and Hop event we'll be playing..
American Idiot

I dun think we'll win this Jam & Hop with these 2 songs at night. But what do you expect from a band that's formed only like 3 weeks ago?? Oh ya I forgot to mention, my band is called 'Dead Poets'. Sounds very dead and satanic I think. I didnt come up with the name but the rest of the members were ok with it and so here we are! Dead Poets! Alive and kicking @ss!!! haha

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fri's coming! And I shall see if our hard work pays off...

I've asked the bookworm gang to stay over at my hall after the Jam & Hop event, to sort of celebrate my bday and play stupid games which all of us noe so well.. Too bad, for 2 consecutive yrs I cant get my $20 chalet!! So I'll have to settle for 2-239 instead. Shall try again next year...

Quiz!! Argh!! Y must they find me when my bday is coming!! Haiz.. I guess I'll be mugging at home for this 2 weekends le.... I am lagging, and I need to switch on my catch up mode now.. Yup, catch up mode, after 1 month ONLY since sch started..

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I am sure tat a bad day like tat comes only one in a blue moon....
I had a bloody bad day today.... Nothing went right for me. Overslept; turned transparent to ppl ---> IGNORED, OVERLOOKED, USED; amps and guitars screwed up; THE BLOODY STUDIO SUCKS...

Me, after breaking a string, 'Eh u wan me to pay for this broken string when it's already rusty?!?!'
Auntie, 'Yes. It's written over there, $2 for any broken string.'
Me,'But it's a sting waiting to be broken! RUSTY LEH AUNTIE, sure break wan!'
Auntie,' Nono, We got ppl to maintain it. How many times u've used our guitars and the sting dun break?'
Me, 'U got ppl to maintain then y are the strings still rusty?!? If It's a nice, clean string and I break it then no problem, I pay, no questions asked. And I DUN COME HERE OFTEN LEH'
Auntie, 'Sorry, rule is rule. Break sting, pay up'

Wat the fuck.. Its not bout the money, but its the condition of the guitarS (note the SSSSSS) that made me du lan. ARGH.

15 AUGUST ==> fucking wasteful day

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fri nite was my hall's DND. It was quite alright though, except that there was only 1 mc for the nite and sometimes I think he ran out of ideas on what to say... But nevertheless, that did not prevent me from winning the 20th lucky draw prize of the nite! 1 pair of GV tickets! WOOHOO!!! The 1st prize was an Ipod mini!! Argh.. But nvm, I've Zen Neeon already.. The other time that I won something in a DND lucky draw was way back when I was in NPCC.. Won some files which I donated back to them.. haha.

My rock show is coming in 5 days' time! It's amzing how 5 strangers.. er not really strangers, I knew the bassist and drummer liao, but the rest dunno each other except for the lead guitarist and vocalist who played together in JC. After our jamming practise yesterday, I felt that we were quite alright, the coordination was there, just tat each of us just need to remember the sequence of the songs, and stop refering to our tabs.

"I fell in love with the girl at the rock show... She said, 'What?!' and I told her I didn't know.. She's so cool gonna sneak in thruough her window..."

Weekend's coming to an end. And I need to manage my time properly!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.. What a unique show, it's a kid's show yet they have the 'Dude, where's my car?' kind of humour in it.. Like when any of the other 4 kids got 'punished', those little people who work for Willy Wonker and have the same old man face, will appear and started singing and dancing! Haha.. Lame but I found it very amusing. Really laughed till peng. Anyway this show is so-so only lah, not as good as what the reviews had written. But it's the company that counts right??

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don't believe it makes me real
I'd thought it'd be easy
But no on believes me
I meant all the things that I said

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don't know how it got so bad
Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing could save me
But it's the only thing that I have

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

Sunday, August 07, 2005

For some reason I cant create a hyperlink here.. Anyway, go listen to the song in this guy's blog! Damn funny!
New blog skin!! I found 1 nicer blog skin than this, but somehow I cant get the alignments right, so I have to use this instead. Nice pics right? On the left it's Dudek saving Shevchenko's penalty that won Liverpool the Champion's League. On the right it's Steven Gerrald lifting the trophy with the rest of the team. Hope they can do it this season again!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's the 7th month. One can smell smoke and ashes almost everywhere. As I went home yesterday, I walked passed this market, and almost got suffocated. The people are burning so much incense paper that the whole area got so smokey that I cant see my stretched out hand!! After much struggle I finally reached home... Air pollution!!

Life's such a drag now.. There's nothing to look forward to except the start of the EPL season next week.

Motivation such an aggravation,
Accusations don’t know how to take them.
Inspiration’s getting hard to fake it.
Concentration’s never hard to break it.
Situation never what you want it to be.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I started this blog a year ago to help me improve my English.. Seemed likes my english still are not improving after all.

Anyway, there's this virus emoticon in my MSN that shows a download bar and will make the user thinks that he/she is d/l a virus from me. And I used that to trick a lot of people. And now, my laptop got infected by a virus.. !@#$#@%@^%$^!!! Orbi good, you say. Yes I noe....... But the ever so resourceful me managed to remove the virus, and my laptop is back to working condition again!

On 19 Aug, it's Union Day in NTU. I'll be performing in a band on that day, for the opening of the Union day in the noon, and well as competiting in the band competition in the evening. Do come and support us!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Early in the morning my mum woke me up, she said my cousin called and ask me and my dad to rush to my aunt's house as my uncle suffered a stroke. So in double quick time, my dad and I went over to my uncle's house, which is only 2 blocks away. My dad followed the ambulance to the hospital while I stayed behind to accompany my aunt till her daughters or son-in-laws came. She was worried and red-eyed, and I dunno how to comfort her. Luckily, one of her son-in-laws came and when everything is under control, I went home. A few hours later we found out that my uncle is alright. Not a serious stroke, phew... So I went back to sleep. (Sleeping machine mah.. Under what circumstances also can sleep wan)

Then I was woken up by by little niece who shouted 'jiu jiu!!!' when she saw me. Haha so cute. She's starting to speak, and I love it when she says, 'Hello!' and with her hands waving. My 2 nephews like stories all of a sudden, and keep bugging me to tell them the Fantastic 4 movie and any animal stories since last nite. At least that's better than them running around my house playing catching, and knocking over vase, fans, TV etc. Ok the TV is a bit kua zhang.

A friend asked me to join him to perform in NTU's Union Day's celebration, participating in the band competition, and also perform in the opening act for the celebration, afterwhich the local band Electrico, will take over. Cool! And we will be paid for our opening performance, and as for the band competition, no one will walk away empty handed. Woohoo! Another gig for me! But the stumbling block is, I need an electric guitar and amps to practise. Qy agreed to lend me his guitar, but I got no amps. And the songs tat my friend wanted to play are fast songs, need practice. A lot. But nevertheless I'm looking forward to it.

Lunch time loh. I miss the lunch at Ritz. Haha.

Friday, July 29, 2005

I need an electirc guitar, with amps and pedal immediately!!!! Can they drop from the sky??? Pls santa, I've been a good boy, can u gif me my Christmas gifts now???

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I find it amazing that I didnt fell asleep during my lectures for the past 2 days.. haha.. I tot tat my time table was sucky, until other friends saw mine and go, 'Wah you timetable very nice leh, Fri so free!' So it's not that bad after all...

It's 2am, and no school tml due to flag day. 2am. I cant remember the last time I slept so late. Nitez peepz.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Kao peh-ing like a small kid : 'I DON'T WANT SCHOOL TO START!'

Friday, July 22, 2005

Ritz Carlton is cool. My colleagues treated me to a farewell lunch at their best restuarant, Greenhouse. I had buffet, and most of the time I ate the sushi and the sashimi. The food's good, the ambience is great, and the service is excellent! I will go back there for the famous seafood buffet on Fri night when I got the cash next time. It's at $48.00+++. Haha.

I asked one of my colleague to bring me up to see the rooms. The rooms are damn cosy and nice. Especially the bath room, the jaccuzzi is big, with a good view of the scenery beside it. Too bad there are construction going on at marina area for the casino, so it spolit the scene a bit lah.

I am going to miss working there.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ah lian has caught up on my 'JUST' Disease.. Lewis had infected me with it and now I've passed it on to her. So what's the 'JUST' Disease? (Nope YK Tan I didnt name a disease after u haha) She accompanied me to Bugis village to get a bag, and along the way she saw shoes, shirts etc and was contemplating to buy or not, so I kept on saying, 'JUST buy lah.. Dun think so much. JUST BUY. Buy liao then say.' And for the rest of the nite I JUST keep saying it until she was quite irritated. And then today it's her turn.
'Hmmm... What should I eat for lunch?'
'JUST eat loh.'
'JUST eat wat?!?!'
'You know, JUST eat lah!!! Dun think so much!'

What's Hot?
Neeon (Yes, I've bought it!)
Vintage Liverpool Jersey

What's Warm?
Sling Bag

What's Luke warm?
Start school loh..

What's Not?
Office wear

What's cool?

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Haiz.. My nephew, Ryan, is worrying me. He's been sick lately, and refused to eat food or drink milk for the past few days. Just now I tried to force/trick/persuade/plead him to drink his milk and he refused. My parents and his mum tried but to no avail too. He seems like he is under a lot of stress, keep on resting his forehead on his hands. What kind of stress can a 6 year old be facing?? He keep on saying that he wants to vomit if he drink or eat anything, and he just wants to sleep. Since that's no point scolding/beating him, we just let him go to bed.. Hope he recover soon.
Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Despite all the saga surrounding NKF, I still went to return my NKF donation card at JP Post Office a few days ago.. haha.. 15 bucks... Will the golden tap be put up in auction?
Tat bugger is the head of NKF for 30+ yrs liao.. How can someone stay as president for so bloody long....

Just as I was typing this, I recieved Mindef's callup.. In Camp Training @ Pasir Leba Camp frm 19 - 24 Dec 2005.. AH! It's Christmas!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mambo is cancelled... So sad, was looking forward to it but got ppl pulled out in the last min...

My biggest fear came true, when I went back to shift room in hall this morning... 4 dead upside down cockraches greeted me in the toilet floor.. Argh it's gross.. But still I managed to shift all my stuff and clean up my room.. Thanks ph for helping!


Monday, July 11, 2005

Time for my What's Hot column!

What's Hot?
New room @ 2-239

What's Still Hot?
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc
Greenday - She's A Rebel

What's Lukewarm?
Expensive electric guitars

What's Not?
Boo flying off

What's Cool?
New Liverpool Away Jersey

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Congrats to Ah Lian, Grace and yy on their graduation! It'll be mine in 3 more yrs!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Gerrald's staying afterall... What a U-turn... The tabloids just love to see him leave but haha! He is staying!

Here's a song to illustrate my deepest concerns now..

Where is my pay

People shoppin', people buyin'
I am broke and you hear me cryin'
Can you practice your policy
And would you sign my deserved check

Father, Father, Father help me
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is my pay? (Pay)

Where is my pay? (My pay)
I want my pay! (My pay)
I need my pay
My pay, my pay...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

2 months ago, he said,'How can I leave after a night like that?'
Now,he is saying that he will not accept Liverpool's offer of an improved and extended contract.
No player is bigger than the club, not Fowler nor Owen, definately not Gerrard. But the manner he is leaving is so unreal. I just hope that he will not join another EPL team. Not Chelsea, not Man U.
So heartbroken...
School's starting~!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

My family has tall genes. Went to celebrate my uncle's 70th bday at some restuarant juast now, and saw my nephew, who is currently in Sec 3. And he is tall! I am only slightly taller than him, but he is bigger built. His brother is quite tall for a primary school kid too.

As I am typing this, Tay Ping Hui looks like he is not going to perform his stun successfully.... Wah I spoke too soon..

Still thinking whether to go KL in early Aug. School term will start by then, but since going on weekend shouldnt be a problem. But then there're not many ppl going. So....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Suddenly tot of this strange incident and just wanna share it. There's a funeral downstairs at my void deck since Monday, and yesterday when I was coming home from work, at around 8pm, I walked on the road outside instead of along the void deck so as to avoid obstructing the ppl. There were 2 cats, sitting near the side of the road and 'meowing' to each other. It dun seem strange when u hear cats meow, but this time, they sound like babies crying. Its so real and loud somemore. They sounded even more like babies when I walked nearer, and the cats bo hiew-ed me when I walked pass them. Normally cats will kind of 'diao' you when you walk past but these 2 cats just carry on 'meowing'. Or maybe they were crying??

Monday, June 27, 2005

Nothing to blog about tonite.. waiting for my dowload of Steven Gerrald's top 10 goals to finish so come and blog something...

It's funny that when you are working, you wish that you are still studying. But when you are back in school, you wish that you are working outside instead of slogging over books.

It's my mobilisation period from tml to 12th july. So if anyone sees the sign, 'Armour PLate or Bronze Medal', blinking on your tv screen, please call me. I'm on alert for 2 weeks, there's a very high chance of recalling. Thanks a million!

Someone won the 2 million TOTO today. And it's not me. My mum forgot to help me buy, but the numbers I am buying cant win me anything anyway. Thanks mum! For helping me save a dollar.

I'm still waiting for a chance to wear my new Liverpool jersey.....

What's Hot?
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon

What's still hot?
Creative Neeon

What's not?

What's lukewarm?
My running attire

What's cool?
Me, if I follow ah lian's theory cos if she says that she's hot, then I must be damn cool.. Ya.. Lame I noe...

Gerrald's Top Ten Goals Are Damn Nice!!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

2 words to describe me now. Tired. Confused. The former is due to work, and I can't describe the latter.

Anyway chocolate exotic cakes taste good! It has the right amount of chocolate for me, and the sweetness is just right.

Toking bout sweetness, I went with 2 friends to do a short coffee survey yesterday after work. We knocked off early and since there's still some time to kill before I meet my friends for a bday celebration, we went to this cosy looking office in Tanjong Pagar to do the survey. What's more, you'll get paid 15 bucks when you complete this 10 min survey. Basically they'll give you 2 cups of coffee to try, and you are to rate them according to how sweet, how thick etc these 2 cups taste. Good lobang, but this 15 bucks soon disappear after buying present and eating sushi.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

*Disclaimer : This entry is not a racist entry. Whatever written is just refering to a colleague of mine who happens to be an Indian. Therefore it cannot be treated as a racist remark or whatsoever...

This female Indian colleague of mine, let's call her Ah In. She's a hardworking girl, and often joins the company's events like trips and sporting events. But she's not skinny or fit in anyway in case u think so. And 'fate had brought us together', as my desk is just beside hers.

Okay. What's so interesting bout her? Apparently at 6.15pm sharp, Ah In will dutifully switched on her Indian songs (I dunno if it's from mp3 or radio) on her computer. Why at 6.30pm? Cos most of my colleagues would have left by then. Sometimes I stayed till 6.30pm during mondays and tuesdays to finish up my work. And she must play her wonderful songs then. Once a colleague ask me, quite loudly and purposely within the ear shot of Ah In, 'WY, you like the songs? Nice right?' I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say. Then I made this famous dance, using my computer monitor as a tree trunk, I shift my head sideways, pretending to play hide and seek that colleague. Then Ah In saw that, and asked, 'WY am I disturbing you?'

Hell you are disturbing me!! This songs give me the creeps!!

'Er.. No lah its okay.. I can dance to the tune also....' -_-|||
Another colleague told me not to stay too late, cos I'll get headache if I stayed. I tot she meant that I will get sick if I worked too hard. Then she added, 'The songs ah, listen liao head pain.' Haha..

And 5 mins later, Ah In will take out her perfume and start spraying all over herself. I have a very sensitive nose to SMELLY or CONCENTRATED perfume. Like my sisters'. When I was young, their perfume always make me choke in my sleep as they will spray a lot a lot b4 they go for work. ARGH. Ah In's perfume is damn thick, and smelly too. I just hate this smell. ARGH. So I would hold my breath (stupid, I noe) and *cough cough* finish up my work in triple quick *cough* time so I could get out of this hell. So I take this as a sign for me to stop my work and leave.

And my colleagues were still wondering y I always go back at 5.30pm nowadays.

Friday, June 24, 2005

'One Night In Beijing~~'

Just as I belted out my opening theme song during the ktv session, my fans went hysterical. Ah lian, the bday girl, shrink to a corner and cried; Justin was pulling his hair out; Grace was screaming in a vain attempt to drown my voice; YY was trying to stuff her socks into her ears; and Kel was wondering wat make his glasses cracked. Nice song mah, this 'One Night In Beijing', I even sang it twice, at the begining and the end of the session. Too bad I got no voice to sing the 'female' part of the song by then. This song rocks!

'MacDonalds' MacDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut~~' This is the Song of the day! Haha. We took this video of us singing and doing the stupid dance for this song, I haven seen it yet, but it should be damn funny and crappy. I never had a ktv session as crazy b4.

Anyway dont really count that as singing, more like screaming instead...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mr ESPN is back to work. My boss (ex boss to be exact) reminded me that

I have not given him the 1 article and pics of some events. And so

being the responsible guy, I've promised to try and give him the stuff

asap. I could have give some excuses like nv recieve his msg; I'm not

free; I'm overseas etc, but I chose to help. And so I am trying hard to

locate the bloody pics and the article, which all seemed to disappear

into thin air. *POOF*

I told my vampire colleague what's my 1st impression of her earlier

today, and immediately her facial expression turned. Suddenly she

looked like she's gonna suck my blood dry, with her eyes becoming

bigger and viens popping out of her neck. CONFIRMED. She's a vampire

after all. I'm in grave danger....

Image hosted by

Here's a pic to make all Jay Chou's fans jealous.. Haha

Monday, June 20, 2005

Leading a boring and sleepy life now.. Who could make it brighter?

Now you're here, in my life
And from here everything will be fine
From now we're, gonna fly
You're my heaven, my dream and my life,
You're my light

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Went to work for Opus in OCBC bank for yesterday and today, help them upgrade their comp from Win NT to Win XP. Was chit chatting wif my friend while waiting for the software to load bout planning a trip to JB for seafood, then he said, 'You are the busy one leh. You are working 7 days a week u noe tat??'
I never realised that. 7 days a week. Wow. And next week I'm working for them too, the pay's good, 6.5/hr on sat, 13/hr on sun. Haha. Not that I'm desperate for $$, but since I got lobang, so just do loh.

It's been a long long time since I last kicked a ball.

What's hot?
'Du the Dudek' by the Trophy Boyz.
LCD monitor.

What's still hot?
Dan Brown's Books.

What's not?

What's lukewarm?
My guitar.

What's cool?
Ice Cream in this weather now.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Ya ya ya ya... Come phunk with my heart...

I feel like a job agency.. Recommended ah lian to a job in Ritz; Kelvin to a week's job in Underwater World; Boon to help me at Opus for the weekend; and the traffic survey to Zhongyi and a few more. Shacked out liao..

Life is pretty monotoned nowadays.. School life was much more colourful, compared to punching the keys of calculators every minute of everyday.

My colleagues were asking whats my opinion of this colleague of mine. 'She pretty?' 'What do you think of her?' etc. Think they're trying to play match making. And my remake almost make them faint.
'She looks like a vampire leh'
'But a pretty vampire lah..'
Anyway she's attached, and even if she's not, I would not make any move.

Cos I'm Mr Brightside

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why my mouth feels numb at the wrong time?? Argh

Monday, June 13, 2005

My timetable sux.. I had to sacrifice my lunch time to finish it as my Plan A and Plan B failed.. Completely. I had to re plan it, thus taken up m lunch time. Mon, Thur and Fri I had to wake up at 8.30am! And Tue and Wed @ 9.30am!!! If wat Jus said is true bout nutella being my 'xian dan', then I'm gonna need a lot of them. ARGH I HATE IT WHEN I AM PROCASTINATE.
The nite b4, 'I am going to wake up tml'
Next morning, 'Let me lay down for a while longer.' ZZZZZzzzzz

Hopefully a change of feng shui (I am moving upstairs) will help..

Sidenote : NTU website is damn confusing, and user-unfriendly.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Too much alcohol can cause irregular heart beat in me.. I've just realised it, and usually I'll sleep like a pig (yes a pig, and a damn loud one) when I drink too much. But surprisingly, I only slept for 3 hours or so, and I can't fall asleep anymore..

1 night of clubbing has caused me to miss my soccer training sessions. Die lah, the Newpaper's headline will be 'Young starlet out drinking and missed training session, coach fuming.' Haha...

This song keeps on playing in my mind:


你说要我 死了这颗心
敲也敲不破 连时间都忘记你
你一直唠叨着 所谓真理
剖开了心 就看到我不是她的记忆
要我节哀 虽然她不该
如果看不开 我怎么活过来 爱

也许我自己太在意 被抛弃
我鼓起 最后的 一分力 撑下去
相信真爱 就在我醒来的新世纪

Saturday, June 11, 2005

2 months ago I was still happily running around NTU without much effort (literally lah..), but just now, I went for a short run around my neighbourhood, and I was panting like siao... And it started to rain when I reached Bendemeer, so I had to U turn back.. And I just calculated the distance I ran.. 2.5km in 14 mins 22 secs.. Oh no.. This dun sound good for my IPPT.. ARGH no stamina = no IPPT $$ = Remedial Training = Weak legs = Trash upside down by opponents in soccer.. NOOOO.. I hate it when ppl 'lobang' or 'ole' me and then run pass me in soccer.. I will be 'lobang-ed' for thw whole of the game.. NOOO... My worst nightmare.. I feel so tired now... 2.5km only leh.. hehz

Friday, June 10, 2005

Finished reading Da Vinci Code, it's nice, but a bit too 'Christian' for me. I wonder such a 'truth' exist.

IPPT! ARGH! Got work = no time to keep fit = EXCUSES!!

My 1 week worth of pay in May is here, and I can finally buy my Liverpool jersey... I got 30% discount from Reebok somemore. I got it from the Big Walk, and Reebok is Liverpool's brand, and of course Carlsberg too ;)

Alright.. Off to bed and wake up to another day of calculator pressing and stapling... Take care

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Rojak Song

Please take me by the hand (Blink 182 - Going Away to College)
I have nobody to call my own (Akon - Mr Lonely)
I took some shots and fell from time to time (Bon Jovi - All About Loving You)
The story of a charmless man (Blur - Charmless man)
I thought it'll be easy but no one believes me (Sum 41 - Pieces)
We're once upon a time in love (Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love)
I lay around and wonder why you're always there for me (Sugar Ray - Someday)
You're the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep at night (Damage - Forever)

Baby, There'something about you that (Five For Fighting - Something About You)
Can't take my eyes off you (Frankie Valli & Four Seasons - Can't take my eyes off you)
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be (Goo Goo Dolls - Iris)
So high above me, You're so lovely (Tal Bachman - She's So High)

Late at night when all the world is sleeping (Selena - Dreaming of You)
Make a wish and send it on a prayer (Firehouse - Love of A Lifetime)
Cos all of the stars are fading away (Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out)
Let's rewrite an ending that fits (Nikelbeck - Someday)
Deep inside the corner of my mind I am attached to you (Ryan Cabrera - True)
You could be my someone you could be my 'cieve (Puddle of Mudd - Blurry)
Even if you don't want to speak tonight, Thats alright with me (Lifehouse - Breathing)
But first I need your hand, then forever can begin (Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone)


how's it? Combined words of different songs together.. Tried to find something that can link it better but this is the best I can do, at least for tonite. Love songs are the easiest to write I find, yet it's also the hardest. Don't you agree?

Sunday, June 05, 2005


I'm not dumb, yet words just can't come out
I'm not deaf, yet words can't get into my head
Can you just hear me out, for a moment
Hear the voices in my mind
Hear my heart beats, and wailings
So hear me say now

I don't know what's going on
Don't know what's left here to scavenge
But I only know what my heart tells me
That you've entrenched yourself in it
Can't seem to go away now.....

Your're in my mind every moment
Hearing you everywhere I go
Confused, afraid I am not
For your voices gave me warmth
You are right there standing
Yet no words can come out

I don't know what's going on
Don't know what's left here to scavenge
But I only know what my heart tells me
That you've entrenched yourself in it
Can't seem to go away now.....

A feeble attempt at song writing. Haha. How's it?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I got into Mechanical Engineering, and couldn't get into my preferred Environmental Engineering. Sad.. I had many dreams when I was young, and 1 of them (don't laugh!) is to mend hole in the ozone layer above the Antartica. Seems like I could only design robots and machines le. Should had work triple hard! Now it's too late to regret, and can only look forward to my 2nd year. On the plus side, many of my friends will be going into the same course. So there's no need to be afraid of eating lunch alone in Canteen A, or walking to Exam Halls alone.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I am just so glad that I am in engineering course. My job in the acc department is driving me a bit nutty. Sit down whole day long and press the calculator. Ah... And my boss still joked, 'Why not you don't study engineering and continue doing your income audit?' 'No way!!'

Monday, May 30, 2005

Ever since Liverpool won the Champion's League, I haven blog much bout my new job. So here goes.. I've got a job lobang from my cousin's neighbour's sister's friend for a temp job in Riltz Carlton as an accounts assistant. Wait a min, I think I blogged before. But anyway, the people there are all in their late 20s to 30s type, and they are mostly mothers! And so left me, and 2 other girls who are 3 and 4 yrs younger than me, and are temp staffs also left. I am suspose to replace the one who is 4 years younger as her poly school term started this week, and the other one is leaving the next week or so as the perm staff she replaced is coming back from maternity leave. Heh.. More mummies. And somehow I got the nick 'Ah Boy' and 'Yuan Yuan' from them. But in their presence I feel so young.

Monday is not good. All the work undone from Sat and Sun piled up and I had to rush to finish my work. And haven finish yet.. Think I'll have to work on Sats also if not there's no way I can finish so many things during the week. But nvm, like that I can earn more $$. It's a Win Win situation!

Things I wan to buy after i get my pay (IN order of preferences):
1) LIVERPOOL JERSEY (I don't think I'll need to explain why)
2) Buy more RAM for my laptop (It is currently running on 256mb FYI)
3) MP3 Player (Apple or Creative?? Any lobangs pls tell me!!)
4) Tennis Racket (Still waiting for someone, who is currently sick, to coach me.. Get well soon!)
5) The rest of the $$ will go into my Liverpool trip fund! (Ya copied from Jus's US FUND haha)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

There's a parade by Liverpool fans in Orchard road just now and I was not there! Argh.. I read about it in the papers but there's no details bout it, so i tot it's not going to be true until my friend just told me that they drove around in an open top double decker bus and went pass Devil's Bar.. haha must be on purpose..

Anyway, I went to the Food Fest and the MPH book sale at Expo in the afternoon. The Food Fes was damn crowded, we had trouble finding seats for my 2 nephews to sit down and eat their food. We finally got a table but we had to share with strangers. Then after they left, 1 auntie in the 50s and her maid came and sat down with us. The maid went to buy food, and the auntie begun to chit chat with my sis. Then there was this couple with their son standing beside her and the father was feeding the kid. As it was quite troublesome feeding the kid standing up,so the mother ask the auntie the seat (which belongs to the maid) was taken. This auntie just ignored her and carried on toking to my sis. I tot that she couldn't hear it but when the mother ask her the 2nd time, she barked back, 'Aiya seat taken lah! Can stop disturbing or not?!?' How Rude!! And so being the ultimately gentleman, I stood up and passed her my seat (I was seating across the table, away from the mother). Well the mother was quite happy and I think she purposely said this within ear shot of that auntie, 'Thank you! You are so kind!'

So happily after eating, we went to the book sale. The books there are cheap! I bought Da Vinci's Code and Digital Fortress by Dan Brown for 10 bucks each, Michael Owen's autobiography for $8, and a pre-prequel (yes pre-prequel.. it's bout what happen even before 'The Hobbit') to the Lord of the Rings for $5!! HAHA! Wanted to buy Angels and Demons by Dan Brown but since I can borrow from Jus or Grace, I bought Digital Fortress instead. They got books selling for $4, and children's colouring books for $2! My nephews were so happy and picked up a few books on The Incredibles, Finding Nemo etc effortlessly. And since the books were so cheap, people just throw the books after they finished browsing it. I find myself doing that too. Gone were the days when I would nicely wrapped the book up in plastic after I bought them. It seems that people treat cheap things for granted. It's always the case, me too. And after seeing so many poor books lying around in the exhibition hall just now, I will make an attempt to treasure the books I got. And I still have not finished the Speed Reading and Increase Memory books by Tony Buzan that I bought 6 months ago! So I will try to finish up all the books before school reopens, what a feat.

Read this from soccernet from the Nike Vice chairman or what bout Man U's under achievement this season. 'Chelsea won the league this year, Arsenal won the FA Cup and Liverpool won the Champions League. So you could argue that Manchester United is only the fourth-best club in England at the moment.'
Haha How true..

Friday, May 27, 2005


It hasn't sunk in yet. An unbelievable night. I was hoping to be able to book a place in Made In Anfield Pub (Liverpool's Fan Club's Pub) but they'll all booked. So with no place to go, I've decided to stay home and watch THE MATCH until friends jioed me to watch in Hotel 81. So chose Hotel 81 in Lavender, and got chased away cos too many ppl as they have a rule, Maximum of 2 ppl in a room. So we went to Hotel 81 in Balestier. Bluffed our way through, and got a room. It was quite troublesome as we had to sneak 4 more ppl in (total 6 ppl), and they found out that we had more ppl, and they called to complain. To cut things short, we managed to watch the match but with silent celebrations. Haha.

So kick off!! In less than a minute, Milan scored. Madini, with 7 Champions League final appearances under his belt, scored with a good shot. SIAN. What a blow. The smiles were all wiped of from our faces (3 of us were Liverpool fans, the other 3 are neutral fans, just wanting to catch the match). And Liverpool were playing badly. Milan had a goal claimed offside and we were slightly relieved. I even said that if they scored a 2nd goal, I will go to sleep. Kewell (of all people) started the match, and he was damn bad. I wonder what happen to the man whom I idolised when he was playing for Leeds United back then. Luckily, he got injured and Benitez got Smicer in. I was hoping for Cisse or Hamann but it's Simcer instead!!! ARGH Die lah. And Milan got their 2nd goal. Of all people, Crespo, Chelsea player on loan at Milan, scored after a good counter attack by Milan. So the 3 neutral friends keep suaning me now. 'Eh 2-0 liao. Go sleep lah tml still got work!' 'Milan win liao lah' 'Tot you say 2-0 you wan to sleep??' Haiz bo bian. blood pressure so high liao that time how to sleep?!?! And so I continue to watch. The 3 Liverpool fans were silent, crying in their hearts. Then came the 3rd goal. Jaws dropped, shoulders hunched, and hearts breaking. 3-0, Crespo (AGAIN!!) scored. The difference between the 2 sides are showing. Liverpool are just not good enough. I could imagine the headlines of the newpaper the next day. 'LOSERS', 'LIVERPOOL SURRENDER TAMELY', 'LIVERPOOL WALK ALONE' etc. Thousands of neagative headlines came to my head. Gerrard is leaving, Liverpool fans are dying. I never felt worse. Until the 2nd half.

I fell asleep at 1/2 time. Y? Too boring, no mood to watch, dun wan to be humilated. Yes. That's the word. Humiliated. Ashamed. I wanted to kill myself but better not, so I fell asleep on the bed, same with the other 2 Liverpool fans. The other 3 were playing game on PS, until 5 mins into the 2nd half then they switched back to ESPN. Then I woke up and saw Liverpool was attacking, and Hamann was on the pitch. And then I watched and hoped. Not hoping that Liverpool will win, but hoping that Milan wont trash us. And then Gerrard scored. Wonderful! Liverpool broke the kosong! Some pride at last. Then Simcer blasted in a shot a few minutes later. We screamed! And the Hotel called us but we did not pick up the phone. I was happy. 3-2 lose also nevermind. At least got some face, and Liverpool wont be disgraced. Then out of nowhere, PENALTY!!! Gerrard was tripped in the box. 3 Liverpool fans didn't want to watch. And so we lay face down and waited. *Pop!!* My heart sank. It's the sound of a goalkeeper save. Then I looked up. The Liverpool players were celebrating!! Alonso's penalty was saved but he was quick and scored from the rebound. 3-3!! We started to believe. Liverpool played a lot better in the 2nd half, and yet still can't find the 4th goal.

Then Extra time. Liverpool changed tactics, and played ultra defensively. At the last 3 mins of extra time, Dudek made 2 incredible saves!!!!! How did he did it??? I dunno but that's enough. The match went into penalties, and Dudek was doing some 'dance' moves to distract the opponents. and indeed they were distracted. They missed 3 penalties, and Liverpool are the CHAMPIONS!!!! We jumped around in the room. The comeback was completed. 5th time we were crowned champions. How on earth can we win? I seriously dunno. But 1 thing is for sure, Liverpool got to keep the cup cos they've win it 5 times! Not even the most Optimistic of Liverpool fans would be thinking of Liverpool winning the match. Of course less those who betted on Liverpool.

If you happen to see any Liverpool fans along on the streets, do get use to the glow in their eyes, cos this glow is staying for a long long time....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

From the moment Steven Gerrard scored the winning goal in the 3-1 win over Olympiakos in the Champions League group stages to send Liverpool into the knockout stage, I knew that this season it'll be a special one for us. But I didn't expect Liverpool be in the final. The more Liverpool progressed into the latter stages of the tournament, the more excited I got.

Very often people associate me with Liverpool, teasing me whenever they lose, and I think it's because of this that made me love them more. They don't play pretty football, no slick attacking moves of Arsenal, no superb passing moves of Man U, and of course don't have the riches of Chelsea. But I knew they will improve someday, become stronger like in the 70s and 80s, which I was unfortunate not to have witnessed them then. Tonight is the chance. The game of the year, and most probably the biggest game for millions of Liverpool fans around the world, and for the 11 players who will be stepping out on the pitch in Istanbul.

Comparing player for player with AC Milan, the Milan players will confirm come out tops. But comparing very single Liverpool fan for Milan fan, Liverpool win hands down. And so the score is 1000,000 - 11. Haha. And so tonight is THE NIGHT. THE NIGHT when a few million Liverpool hearts around the world unite, beat as one, sing as one, cheer as one, and hopefully not break as one. Go REDS! Let this be a night a memorable one for the million hearts. Even if you lose, go down fighting and don't give up. You've all already secured a place in our hearts.

You'll Never Walk Alone
Istanbul 26/05/2005

Monday, May 23, 2005

Warning!! Crappyness ahead!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the following characters either living or dead are pure coincidence.

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, Lord Viagra (aka C3-PO), with the help of his powerful ring, assembled his troops and march them towards the last surviving base of the Madi Knights, some 20 yrs after the death of Orbi Sai Kenobi and AhMaKin Skywalker. The remaining Madi Knights fought valiantly, but were no match for the clone army of Lord Viagra. Leeah Skywalker was captured but her brother Loo managed to escape to a small planet called Baboonine. Over there, he met a pilot named Henpecked Solo and his good friend, Chew-Bah-Kah. Together, they went together to fight Lord Viagra and to revenge for the deaths of the Madi Knights.

With the help of the piloting skills of Henpecked Solo, they managed to breach the defenses and reached Lord Viagra's space station.

Henpecked Solo: 'We're here. It's now or never..'
Chew-Bah-Kah: 'Wooow roarrr grra!!'
Loo Skywalker (Drawing his light sabre): 'I'll take on Lord Viagra myself, you 2 save R2-D2 and my sis.'

And so the friends spilt up, and Loo went one on one with Lord Viagra. After some intense fighting, Lord Viagra gained the upper hand after cutting off Loo Skywalker's right hand.

Loo Skywalker: 'AHhHH! Lim Peh's Hand!!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Haha! Surrender!!'
Loo Skywalker: 'Over my dead body you golden talkative good for nothing droid!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Well if you insist..' And Lord Vigra killed Loo Skywalker with a swing of his pink (!!) light sabre.

Henpecked Solo and the gang came too late, and were all killed by Lord Viagra anyway, except for R2-D2. After some fighting and chasing around, somehow R2-D2 almost killed Lord Viagra, and just before R2-D2 was going to deal the final blow,

Lord Viagra: 'Wait you can't kill me!! I am your father.'
R2-D2 (shocked): 'Beep beep!!'
Lord Viagra : 'NOOO!!!'

Apparently R2-D2 knew that droids can't reproduce, and killed Lord Viagra with his electric shocker thingy. And so peace was restored to the galaxy, and the Ring was destroyed as R2-D2 couldn't wear it (he got no arms, much less fingers).

-The End-