Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The reason y I choose to do Mechanical Engineering is because I hate to do circuits... Those Kirchoff's Laws, currents, capacitance, diodes etc make me sick everytime, and now I have to take this stupid module in my course! ARGH!!

Sometimes its good to know that kind people do exist. I'm quite a lucky guy, I've just known my lab group mates for only a few weeks, and after I've missed 1 lab 2 days ago, one by one asked me why I didnt go and told me to go and do make up lab cos it's important. This might not sound anything impressive, but I do appreciate it a lot.

Its time for What's Hot, What's Not!

What's Hot
Google Earth

What's Warm

What's Cool

What's Lukewarm
Study Rooms
Nokia Alarm Tone

What's NOT
Electrical and Electronics : Circuits and Devices i.e MP2008!!!!

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