Friday, November 18, 2005

One of the few ppl that I seldom see them get stressed out is Justin, my room mate. Before a paper he still can play games, and sleep at midnight (a good 8 hrs before he wakes up for his paper), while others will be probably be mugging till 3-4am and wake up at 7am to continue revising.

I remember a few years back, while on my way to school to collect my 'A' levels result, I met yy on the bus. She went to a temple at racecourse road to pray for good results. And along the way she was damn restless and couldn't stop biting her nails, and she remarked, 'Hey WY! Later get results leh! Why you are are still so cool??'

A few days ago, another friend told me, 'Hey now exam period, why are you still so relax? Everytime see you, you are smiling and enjoying yourself..'

While I may not have the stress coping ability of Jus, but normally ppl wont see me in a stressful, tense up state.

SO what's the point of this entry? If you want to see me in that state, you should look at me NOW!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE THE NOTES TALKING ABOUT! And tml's paper is at 930am. Eh no.. Make it in 9 hours. Crap.. Maybe a round of Crazy Taxi will relax me a little.

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