Thursday, December 01, 2005

Taken from

Today will be the day for long goodbyes, write Connie Levett and Steve Butcher in Singapore.

NGUYEN TUONG VAN has seen his last sunrise - by the time the sun breaks the South China Sea horizon and touches Changi prison tomorrow, the 25-year-old Australian will be dead.

In Singapore they say "hanged at dawn" but Nguyen will go to the gallows at 6am before it's light.

Today will be the long goodbyes, with final visits from his two close friends Kelly Ng and Bronwyn Lew and painful farewells with mother Kim and twin brother Khoa.

Who Nguyen sees on his last day is very much in his own hands. "Van is making the calls in terms of the visits, as to the timing and who is coming," a family friend told the Herald. He will be allowed at least four hours of outside visits.

There are other matters Nguyen must face. He will receive a visit from the hangman, expected to be Darshan Singh.

The executioner will weigh him to calculate the precise length of rope needed to break his neck when the trapdoor drops from under him.

Visiting hours close at 5pm. What to do in the remaining time? Pray and write, say those closest to him.

When Nguyen's appeal was dismissed last October, his mother said outside the court: "He is good, he is always praying."

Today Nguyen, a Catholic and prolific letter writer, is expected to pray and keep penning words of comfort and farewell to his many friends in Australia. Prison officials will prepare a special evening meal for him.

"They find out details of the person's tastes," said M. Ravi, a human rights lawyer who has defended other men on death row. "They will find out if you like extra garam masala in your curry, that sort of detail."

At 4am, a prison guard will knock on Nguyen's door to rouse him if he is sleeping.

"They will offer him breakfast but whether he can eat is another question." Then he will bathe before he is handcuffed and takes the short walk from his cell to the gallows inside the prison.

Those who will attend the hanging include the coroner, the prison superintendent, a medical officer, as well as chaplain Father Gregoire Van Giang.

An autopsy will be performed to establish cause of death and then Mrs Nguyen must collect her son's body by 1pm on Friday or the Singaporean authorities will cremate him. The Australian high commission, which has cared for the family since their arrival in Singapore a week ago, is expected to arrange the return of his body to Melbourne.

At lunchtime, the family plan to attend a formal church service at Mary Mount Convent to commemorate Nguyen's life before flying out of Singapore, probably on Friday evening.

There will be no more reason for them to stay.

This feeling sucks...

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