Saturday, July 30, 2005

Early in the morning my mum woke me up, she said my cousin called and ask me and my dad to rush to my aunt's house as my uncle suffered a stroke. So in double quick time, my dad and I went over to my uncle's house, which is only 2 blocks away. My dad followed the ambulance to the hospital while I stayed behind to accompany my aunt till her daughters or son-in-laws came. She was worried and red-eyed, and I dunno how to comfort her. Luckily, one of her son-in-laws came and when everything is under control, I went home. A few hours later we found out that my uncle is alright. Not a serious stroke, phew... So I went back to sleep. (Sleeping machine mah.. Under what circumstances also can sleep wan)

Then I was woken up by by little niece who shouted 'jiu jiu!!!' when she saw me. Haha so cute. She's starting to speak, and I love it when she says, 'Hello!' and with her hands waving. My 2 nephews like stories all of a sudden, and keep bugging me to tell them the Fantastic 4 movie and any animal stories since last nite. At least that's better than them running around my house playing catching, and knocking over vase, fans, TV etc. Ok the TV is a bit kua zhang.

A friend asked me to join him to perform in NTU's Union Day's celebration, participating in the band competition, and also perform in the opening act for the celebration, afterwhich the local band Electrico, will take over. Cool! And we will be paid for our opening performance, and as for the band competition, no one will walk away empty handed. Woohoo! Another gig for me! But the stumbling block is, I need an electric guitar and amps to practise. Qy agreed to lend me his guitar, but I got no amps. And the songs tat my friend wanted to play are fast songs, need practice. A lot. But nevertheless I'm looking forward to it.

Lunch time loh. I miss the lunch at Ritz. Haha.

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