Thursday, December 15, 2005

The 2nd day of the camp was not as hectic as expected, maybe cos we more or less knew how to deal with the kids already. Science Centre now has 1 area for kids to play football, and when they saw it, they ran inside and spent quite some time playing, while we happily watched them and relax. Haha. The last day of the camp got nothing much for them, except prize giving and photo taking. A few of them cried while leaving. For us, I think we were more glad that finally the camp's over and it's time for some well deserved rest.

I'm sure many of us scolded the kids when they were naughty or misbehaviour throughout the camp. For me, there's one instance when I blew my top. They were playing a fool around their sleeping area, making a lot of noise and none of us can make them quiet. I shouted at them at the top of my voice and they were stunned and finally shut up. The last time I was so angry was when I was still in NPCC I think, when 1 squad made me so pissed of that I really takan them and made them do change parade. After that they told my OC somemore, but he also never do anything. Haha

Feel like doing the volunteer work at this "Beyond social service" centre, but then I like to procastinate. Haha

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