Monday, May 23, 2005

Warning!! Crappyness ahead!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the following characters either living or dead are pure coincidence.

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, Lord Viagra (aka C3-PO), with the help of his powerful ring, assembled his troops and march them towards the last surviving base of the Madi Knights, some 20 yrs after the death of Orbi Sai Kenobi and AhMaKin Skywalker. The remaining Madi Knights fought valiantly, but were no match for the clone army of Lord Viagra. Leeah Skywalker was captured but her brother Loo managed to escape to a small planet called Baboonine. Over there, he met a pilot named Henpecked Solo and his good friend, Chew-Bah-Kah. Together, they went together to fight Lord Viagra and to revenge for the deaths of the Madi Knights.

With the help of the piloting skills of Henpecked Solo, they managed to breach the defenses and reached Lord Viagra's space station.

Henpecked Solo: 'We're here. It's now or never..'
Chew-Bah-Kah: 'Wooow roarrr grra!!'
Loo Skywalker (Drawing his light sabre): 'I'll take on Lord Viagra myself, you 2 save R2-D2 and my sis.'

And so the friends spilt up, and Loo went one on one with Lord Viagra. After some intense fighting, Lord Viagra gained the upper hand after cutting off Loo Skywalker's right hand.

Loo Skywalker: 'AHhHH! Lim Peh's Hand!!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Haha! Surrender!!'
Loo Skywalker: 'Over my dead body you golden talkative good for nothing droid!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Well if you insist..' And Lord Vigra killed Loo Skywalker with a swing of his pink (!!) light sabre.

Henpecked Solo and the gang came too late, and were all killed by Lord Viagra anyway, except for R2-D2. After some fighting and chasing around, somehow R2-D2 almost killed Lord Viagra, and just before R2-D2 was going to deal the final blow,

Lord Viagra: 'Wait you can't kill me!! I am your father.'
R2-D2 (shocked): 'Beep beep!!'
Lord Viagra : 'NOOO!!!'

Apparently R2-D2 knew that droids can't reproduce, and killed Lord Viagra with his electric shocker thingy. And so peace was restored to the galaxy, and the Ring was destroyed as R2-D2 couldn't wear it (he got no arms, much less fingers).

-The End-

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