Sunday, May 22, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of C3-PO

Warning!! Crappyness ahead!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the following character either living or dead is pure coincidence.

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, an evil Si Lord wanted to rule the Universe with the evil One Ring (heh..). But to be the Emperor he need to first destroy the Madi knights. He tried to finish the Madi knights but failed everytime. Tired of being attacked, the Madi knights sent their most promising Padawan, AhMaKin Skywalker, together with his master, OhBi Sai Kenobi, to destroy the Si Lord and his Ring of Power. On their way, they recruited 2 robots, R2-D2 and C3-PO, to help them in their quest.

AhMaKin: 'Eh Boss ah, are we there yet??'
OhBi Sai: 'Soon lah soon. Patience, my young Padawan, and listen to the Force.'
AhMaKin(after a while): 'The Force told me that we are lost!! What the Hell!!'
R2-D2: 'Beep beep...'
C3-PO: 'Oh no we're going to die!!'
AhMaKin (drawing his light sabre): 'You OhBi Sai!! Waste my time! You know that my Queen AhMadala is waiting for me at home!'
OhBiSai (drawing his light sabre too): 'Guess this fight is inevitable. Bring it on!'
R2-D2: 'Beep!!!'
'Waaannngggg.. Sheesh!! Clank!!!! Woonnngggg waaannngggg...'

After a long fight, both of them killed each other, and now the fate of the galaxy rest on, R2-D2 and C3-PO!!!

C3-P0: 'Oh no what a mess, now we'll have to do the sai kang and clean up the place! Help me leh R2-D2...'
R2-D2 (complaining): 'Beeeepp...'

After finishing up the cleaning, they tried and managed to find their way to the evil Si Loard's Space ship. The Evil Si Lord decided to take them on personally as he thought these 2 robots are useless. But....

Si Lord: 'Haha! So the Madi sent u 2 to fight me?? HAHAHAAH! I will show you my true identity!!'

Si Lord took off his mask, and *gasp* it's the little green Madi Master, Yoyoda!!!

C3-PO: 'Oh no we are going to die!!'

Yoyoda drew his light sabre and started to show off his skills weilding the light sabre. Then accidentally, he cut off his finger with the Ring, and the Ring dropped at C3-PO's feet. He wore it and alas! The new ruler of the Si army!!! Without the Ring and powerless, Yoyoda tried to escape but R2-D2 used his electric shocker thing (i dunno wats tat you'll have to see episode 3 to see it) to shock Yoyoda to death. As the new ruler of the Si army, C3-PO was lost and confused, he was going to be seduced by the Dark side of the Force! Finally given in to the Dark Side, C3-PO became the new Si Lord and called himself, Darth Viagra, and started to move his troops to attack the Madi knights. And R2-D2 became his prisoner as he didn't want to betray the Madi knights.

Meanwhile back at planet Nahbeh, Queen Ahmadala gave birth to 2 children, Loo And Leeah Skywalker.....

(to be continued)

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