Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Saw this frm a friend's blog, and since it's been a long time since I did a survey like this, so here goes....

1. 1st primary school: Bendemeer Primary

2. 1st time u tried smoking: Ya. 1 puff when I was in the army, and it sux..

3. 1st alcoholic drink u had: Tiger beer or ABC stout. Kope from my dad when I was young haha...

4. 1st time u entered a bar: Can't remember...

5. 1st award u received: Wah.. Hard.. Bursary award? Or some drawing compeition trophy ba in pri school. (I dunno where I put the trophy liao.. sian)

6. 1st hero: Ninja turtles!!! Transformer counted??

7. 1st time u were sent to the principal for disciplinary?: Wah.. In JC 1, I did really bad for my mid year exams, so the principal see me and my dad.. sad manz, but come to think of it I really improved a lot after that..

8. 1st big crush: In primary school. She is in my friendster now also haha.

9. 1st kiss: Er... Paiseh lah dun wan to say

10.1st record u bought: Some compilation cd I think..

11.1st musical instrument u learned to play: Recorder... Then guitar!

12. 1st concert you attended: still waiting for blink 182 to come.. greenday also can

13.1st gf/bf: 19 i think, had 1 in pri sch but not counted lah haha...

14.1st TV show u really liked: Gao Siao Xing Dong..

15. 1st book you read: Haha pri 1 text book?? bout bala and gang?

16.1st sport u played: I dunno.. Running around consider a sport or not

18.1st terrible fight: Had many in pri school. Always fight with my best friend then. We will trade punches and kicks, but we still got along well after the fights.

19. 1st best friend: All friends who shared toys/food/money with me were my best friends.. haha

20. 1st friend's wedding u attended: Not yet

21. 1st person who greeted u on your last birthday: Wah.. cant remember..

21.1st collection: Stamps, money(in bank), phonecards

22. 1st time u saw a ghost: never see b4 leh.... My MOLE is blocking me..

23. 1st roller coaster ride: wah can't remember.. Pri school??

24. 1st ambition: Scientist... Y? Because my science in pri school was my fav subject.

25. 1st job: Underwater World ba... PINKY!

26. 1st thing u bought with your 1st salary: 4D or Stike! ticket. haha

27. 1st thing u wanna get right now: RAM!!! To upgrade my laptop

28. 1st thing u wanna do at this time? Watch movie but haven d/l finish

29. 1st person u hated: Teacher? For giving homeworks

30. 1st person u wanna slap right now? I wanted to write Mourinho, but nvm lah he so poor thing lose to Liverpool.

1) Who's at home now?
Parents, younger nephew, maid and me

2) Did u go out yesterday?
ya must they ask this qn?

3) Do u prefer durian or guava?

4) What time did u wake up today?

5) Did u go anywhere today?

6) What did u do there?
Went Kbox to play mahjong...........

7) How old are u now?

8) What do u call your mother?

9) Are u and your mom on good terms?

10) Are u the only child in ur family?

11) What perfume/cologne are u using now?
Never use...

12) Who do u last talk to?
Nephew tell him to sleep.

13) Are u spoilt?
I dun think so...

14) Do u want to get married?
ya lah....

15) With who?
If I know the future I will say here...

16) Where do u think your friends are now?

17) Do u think your friends need u now?
Ya. SOmeone msg me just now asking if I am free to play mahjong. They short of 1 leg... haha

18) Where do u wish to be?
In Istanbul, waiting for the champions league final

19) When will u be buying a car?
When I got the $$$$$$$$

20) What type of car do u wanna buy?
BMW Z4 (by then maybe Z10 come out liao)

21) If u were to be a car, what type will u be?
Car loh.. you noe.. 4 wheels + 1 steering wheel etc..

22) Who do u wish to meet now?
Liverpool players..

23) Do u wanna meet ronaldinho?
Er OK only lah.. I wan to meet Gerrald and Fowler.

24) Who do u approach when u have a prob?
Depends on who I think can help me..

25) What do u want for your birthday?
$$ to buy car haha...

26) What do u wish for xmas?
More $$.. This is getting boring and if u are still reading I salute u...

27) Any piercings on u?
No.. Wanted to get 1 but scared infection lah after wat happened to 1 of my friend.

28) Would u like to have a tattoo?
Ya~! But dunno wat design to put..

30) How many kids do u want?
11.. to form a soccer team.. haha

31) Any homework?

32) Are you listening to any music right now?

33) Do u believe in miracles?
Yes!!! My exam results will need a miracle..

34) Do u believe in fate?

35)When did u last cry?
If Liverpool win the Champions League, I will cry..

36) When did u last smile?
I dunno.. I smile when I feel like it..

37) When did u last receive a gift?
Haha.. I cant remember leh... Xmas ba I think..

38) Who has the cutest smile u ever seen?
ME! And my niece!

39) What do u want to tell your crush?

40) Why are u answering this bulletin?
Yea I was wondering y am I doing this also.. Guess I am bo liao...

41) Do u kiss your parents good night?
No.. I think I never kiss them good nite b4 leh...

42) Your hair colour?

43) Hairstyle?

44) Are u being loved by someone?
I dunno...

45) Any wishes?
Liverpool to win Champs league, I wan to find a good job now, and to find something nice to eat now...

Survey is siong... And anyone who managed to read finish deserves a *BURP*.. Excuse me..

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