Friday, May 06, 2005

Eventful day

Unbelievable day yesterday, right from the moment I woke up. I woke up at 10+ and was going to meet my friends for a jamming session in novena area at 12, and just when I was about to leave, I realised that I can't find my wallet. I turned my room upside down, searched my drawers, my desk, and even the toilet, and still could not find it. I tried to recalled when was the last time I still had it and I can only remember the Hall 1 bus stop. Panicked, I went to the Hall Office to ask if anyone had found any wallet. They said nope and told me to try the Campus Security Office in school. So bo bian I went there and at the same time informed my friends what happened and said most likely I wont be joining them unless I find my wallet. The security ppl told me no one returned any wallets to them and told me to come back at 2pm to ask their clerk who might know if there is any. So disappointedly, I decided to make my way back then my friend told me maybe I can check the Lost and Found folder in the NTU Website. With some hope I went to the library (read: air con) to use the computer terminal to check. No success but I left a message there so that anyone can contact me if they found it. And I walked back to my room. THEN I DECIDED TO CHECK MY GUITAR BAG. Low and behold my wallet is inside!!!! WTF! I put in a few guitar picks in my wallet last night and threw my whole wallet in the bag together with guitar tabs and cable, and I've completely forgotten about it. Shit. All the trouble for nothing. It was 12.30pm and I had to spend $12.30 to take cab down to Novena to meet my friends for the jamming session. LESSON LEARNT : BUY A GUITAR PICK CASE!!

Ok the wallet saga is over, now to the jamming session. It was fun as this time round we finally found a pro drummer. Played some songs like 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' (expected), 'Stand By Me' (Oasis version, my all time fav), 'In my place', 'Yellow' etc. I brought my lap top along to record the songs. And then I realised today, 'In my place' became 'Yellow'. Shuacks I donno what happened but somehow 'In My Place' was gone!! ARGH.

After the jamming session, Jus and Stella came and picked me up from Novena back to NTU to help Grace moved her stuff back home. We packed, and then drove back to my hall to play some mahjong while waiting for yy to finish tuition so that we can have supper together and it was quite a mahjong session. Went to Boon Lay market for nasi lemak (Grace's treat) and then drove to Grace's house to bring her stuff back up. After everything finished, Jus happily drove me back home, when I was expecting to go back hall as I have a War Craft appointment with friends. I told Jus as we were leaving Boon Lay Market, 'Eh later you need to send my back to hall leh.' And he replied, 'Ya loh bo bian.' BTW Grace's house is in Woodlands and we lived around Serangoon-Toa Payoh area. And in the car I said again, 'Uncle ah, NTU hor thank you.' (He tot I was joking haha). I didn't realised until he reached SA Pri (All the while I was thinking y he take CTE instead of BKE and I didn't sound out). And unexpectedly, I was back home. Can't play WC with friends cos my house comp dun have it installed, and cant convert the songs to mp3 as my lap top is in hall. So LPPL I went to sleep.

Eventful day ah.. And I was so 'cock'.....

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