Monday, May 30, 2005

Ever since Liverpool won the Champion's League, I haven blog much bout my new job. So here goes.. I've got a job lobang from my cousin's neighbour's sister's friend for a temp job in Riltz Carlton as an accounts assistant. Wait a min, I think I blogged before. But anyway, the people there are all in their late 20s to 30s type, and they are mostly mothers! And so left me, and 2 other girls who are 3 and 4 yrs younger than me, and are temp staffs also left. I am suspose to replace the one who is 4 years younger as her poly school term started this week, and the other one is leaving the next week or so as the perm staff she replaced is coming back from maternity leave. Heh.. More mummies. And somehow I got the nick 'Ah Boy' and 'Yuan Yuan' from them. But in their presence I feel so young.

Monday is not good. All the work undone from Sat and Sun piled up and I had to rush to finish my work. And haven finish yet.. Think I'll have to work on Sats also if not there's no way I can finish so many things during the week. But nvm, like that I can earn more $$. It's a Win Win situation!

Things I wan to buy after i get my pay (IN order of preferences):
1) LIVERPOOL JERSEY (I don't think I'll need to explain why)
2) Buy more RAM for my laptop (It is currently running on 256mb FYI)
3) MP3 Player (Apple or Creative?? Any lobangs pls tell me!!)
4) Tennis Racket (Still waiting for someone, who is currently sick, to coach me.. Get well soon!)
5) The rest of the $$ will go into my Liverpool trip fund! (Ya copied from Jus's US FUND haha)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

There's a parade by Liverpool fans in Orchard road just now and I was not there! Argh.. I read about it in the papers but there's no details bout it, so i tot it's not going to be true until my friend just told me that they drove around in an open top double decker bus and went pass Devil's Bar.. haha must be on purpose..

Anyway, I went to the Food Fest and the MPH book sale at Expo in the afternoon. The Food Fes was damn crowded, we had trouble finding seats for my 2 nephews to sit down and eat their food. We finally got a table but we had to share with strangers. Then after they left, 1 auntie in the 50s and her maid came and sat down with us. The maid went to buy food, and the auntie begun to chit chat with my sis. Then there was this couple with their son standing beside her and the father was feeding the kid. As it was quite troublesome feeding the kid standing up,so the mother ask the auntie the seat (which belongs to the maid) was taken. This auntie just ignored her and carried on toking to my sis. I tot that she couldn't hear it but when the mother ask her the 2nd time, she barked back, 'Aiya seat taken lah! Can stop disturbing or not?!?' How Rude!! And so being the ultimately gentleman, I stood up and passed her my seat (I was seating across the table, away from the mother). Well the mother was quite happy and I think she purposely said this within ear shot of that auntie, 'Thank you! You are so kind!'

So happily after eating, we went to the book sale. The books there are cheap! I bought Da Vinci's Code and Digital Fortress by Dan Brown for 10 bucks each, Michael Owen's autobiography for $8, and a pre-prequel (yes pre-prequel.. it's bout what happen even before 'The Hobbit') to the Lord of the Rings for $5!! HAHA! Wanted to buy Angels and Demons by Dan Brown but since I can borrow from Jus or Grace, I bought Digital Fortress instead. They got books selling for $4, and children's colouring books for $2! My nephews were so happy and picked up a few books on The Incredibles, Finding Nemo etc effortlessly. And since the books were so cheap, people just throw the books after they finished browsing it. I find myself doing that too. Gone were the days when I would nicely wrapped the book up in plastic after I bought them. It seems that people treat cheap things for granted. It's always the case, me too. And after seeing so many poor books lying around in the exhibition hall just now, I will make an attempt to treasure the books I got. And I still have not finished the Speed Reading and Increase Memory books by Tony Buzan that I bought 6 months ago! So I will try to finish up all the books before school reopens, what a feat.

Read this from soccernet from the Nike Vice chairman or what bout Man U's under achievement this season. 'Chelsea won the league this year, Arsenal won the FA Cup and Liverpool won the Champions League. So you could argue that Manchester United is only the fourth-best club in England at the moment.'
Haha How true..

Friday, May 27, 2005


It hasn't sunk in yet. An unbelievable night. I was hoping to be able to book a place in Made In Anfield Pub (Liverpool's Fan Club's Pub) but they'll all booked. So with no place to go, I've decided to stay home and watch THE MATCH until friends jioed me to watch in Hotel 81. So chose Hotel 81 in Lavender, and got chased away cos too many ppl as they have a rule, Maximum of 2 ppl in a room. So we went to Hotel 81 in Balestier. Bluffed our way through, and got a room. It was quite troublesome as we had to sneak 4 more ppl in (total 6 ppl), and they found out that we had more ppl, and they called to complain. To cut things short, we managed to watch the match but with silent celebrations. Haha.

So kick off!! In less than a minute, Milan scored. Madini, with 7 Champions League final appearances under his belt, scored with a good shot. SIAN. What a blow. The smiles were all wiped of from our faces (3 of us were Liverpool fans, the other 3 are neutral fans, just wanting to catch the match). And Liverpool were playing badly. Milan had a goal claimed offside and we were slightly relieved. I even said that if they scored a 2nd goal, I will go to sleep. Kewell (of all people) started the match, and he was damn bad. I wonder what happen to the man whom I idolised when he was playing for Leeds United back then. Luckily, he got injured and Benitez got Smicer in. I was hoping for Cisse or Hamann but it's Simcer instead!!! ARGH Die lah. And Milan got their 2nd goal. Of all people, Crespo, Chelsea player on loan at Milan, scored after a good counter attack by Milan. So the 3 neutral friends keep suaning me now. 'Eh 2-0 liao. Go sleep lah tml still got work!' 'Milan win liao lah' 'Tot you say 2-0 you wan to sleep??' Haiz bo bian. blood pressure so high liao that time how to sleep?!?! And so I continue to watch. The 3 Liverpool fans were silent, crying in their hearts. Then came the 3rd goal. Jaws dropped, shoulders hunched, and hearts breaking. 3-0, Crespo (AGAIN!!) scored. The difference between the 2 sides are showing. Liverpool are just not good enough. I could imagine the headlines of the newpaper the next day. 'LOSERS', 'LIVERPOOL SURRENDER TAMELY', 'LIVERPOOL WALK ALONE' etc. Thousands of neagative headlines came to my head. Gerrard is leaving, Liverpool fans are dying. I never felt worse. Until the 2nd half.

I fell asleep at 1/2 time. Y? Too boring, no mood to watch, dun wan to be humilated. Yes. That's the word. Humiliated. Ashamed. I wanted to kill myself but better not, so I fell asleep on the bed, same with the other 2 Liverpool fans. The other 3 were playing game on PS, until 5 mins into the 2nd half then they switched back to ESPN. Then I woke up and saw Liverpool was attacking, and Hamann was on the pitch. And then I watched and hoped. Not hoping that Liverpool will win, but hoping that Milan wont trash us. And then Gerrard scored. Wonderful! Liverpool broke the kosong! Some pride at last. Then Simcer blasted in a shot a few minutes later. We screamed! And the Hotel called us but we did not pick up the phone. I was happy. 3-2 lose also nevermind. At least got some face, and Liverpool wont be disgraced. Then out of nowhere, PENALTY!!! Gerrard was tripped in the box. 3 Liverpool fans didn't want to watch. And so we lay face down and waited. *Pop!!* My heart sank. It's the sound of a goalkeeper save. Then I looked up. The Liverpool players were celebrating!! Alonso's penalty was saved but he was quick and scored from the rebound. 3-3!! We started to believe. Liverpool played a lot better in the 2nd half, and yet still can't find the 4th goal.

Then Extra time. Liverpool changed tactics, and played ultra defensively. At the last 3 mins of extra time, Dudek made 2 incredible saves!!!!! How did he did it??? I dunno but that's enough. The match went into penalties, and Dudek was doing some 'dance' moves to distract the opponents. and indeed they were distracted. They missed 3 penalties, and Liverpool are the CHAMPIONS!!!! We jumped around in the room. The comeback was completed. 5th time we were crowned champions. How on earth can we win? I seriously dunno. But 1 thing is for sure, Liverpool got to keep the cup cos they've win it 5 times! Not even the most Optimistic of Liverpool fans would be thinking of Liverpool winning the match. Of course less those who betted on Liverpool.

If you happen to see any Liverpool fans along on the streets, do get use to the glow in their eyes, cos this glow is staying for a long long time....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

From the moment Steven Gerrard scored the winning goal in the 3-1 win over Olympiakos in the Champions League group stages to send Liverpool into the knockout stage, I knew that this season it'll be a special one for us. But I didn't expect Liverpool be in the final. The more Liverpool progressed into the latter stages of the tournament, the more excited I got.

Very often people associate me with Liverpool, teasing me whenever they lose, and I think it's because of this that made me love them more. They don't play pretty football, no slick attacking moves of Arsenal, no superb passing moves of Man U, and of course don't have the riches of Chelsea. But I knew they will improve someday, become stronger like in the 70s and 80s, which I was unfortunate not to have witnessed them then. Tonight is the chance. The game of the year, and most probably the biggest game for millions of Liverpool fans around the world, and for the 11 players who will be stepping out on the pitch in Istanbul.

Comparing player for player with AC Milan, the Milan players will confirm come out tops. But comparing very single Liverpool fan for Milan fan, Liverpool win hands down. And so the score is 1000,000 - 11. Haha. And so tonight is THE NIGHT. THE NIGHT when a few million Liverpool hearts around the world unite, beat as one, sing as one, cheer as one, and hopefully not break as one. Go REDS! Let this be a night a memorable one for the million hearts. Even if you lose, go down fighting and don't give up. You've all already secured a place in our hearts.

You'll Never Walk Alone
Istanbul 26/05/2005

Monday, May 23, 2005

Warning!! Crappyness ahead!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the following characters either living or dead are pure coincidence.

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, Lord Viagra (aka C3-PO), with the help of his powerful ring, assembled his troops and march them towards the last surviving base of the Madi Knights, some 20 yrs after the death of Orbi Sai Kenobi and AhMaKin Skywalker. The remaining Madi Knights fought valiantly, but were no match for the clone army of Lord Viagra. Leeah Skywalker was captured but her brother Loo managed to escape to a small planet called Baboonine. Over there, he met a pilot named Henpecked Solo and his good friend, Chew-Bah-Kah. Together, they went together to fight Lord Viagra and to revenge for the deaths of the Madi Knights.

With the help of the piloting skills of Henpecked Solo, they managed to breach the defenses and reached Lord Viagra's space station.

Henpecked Solo: 'We're here. It's now or never..'
Chew-Bah-Kah: 'Wooow roarrr grra!!'
Loo Skywalker (Drawing his light sabre): 'I'll take on Lord Viagra myself, you 2 save R2-D2 and my sis.'

And so the friends spilt up, and Loo went one on one with Lord Viagra. After some intense fighting, Lord Viagra gained the upper hand after cutting off Loo Skywalker's right hand.

Loo Skywalker: 'AHhHH! Lim Peh's Hand!!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Haha! Surrender!!'
Loo Skywalker: 'Over my dead body you golden talkative good for nothing droid!!'
Lord Viagra: 'Well if you insist..' And Lord Vigra killed Loo Skywalker with a swing of his pink (!!) light sabre.

Henpecked Solo and the gang came too late, and were all killed by Lord Viagra anyway, except for R2-D2. After some fighting and chasing around, somehow R2-D2 almost killed Lord Viagra, and just before R2-D2 was going to deal the final blow,

Lord Viagra: 'Wait you can't kill me!! I am your father.'
R2-D2 (shocked): 'Beep beep!!'
Lord Viagra : 'NOOO!!!'

Apparently R2-D2 knew that droids can't reproduce, and killed Lord Viagra with his electric shocker thingy. And so peace was restored to the galaxy, and the Ring was destroyed as R2-D2 couldn't wear it (he got no arms, much less fingers).

-The End-

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of C3-PO

Warning!! Crappyness ahead!
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to the following character either living or dead is pure coincidence.

Long ago, in a galaxy far far away, an evil Si Lord wanted to rule the Universe with the evil One Ring (heh..). But to be the Emperor he need to first destroy the Madi knights. He tried to finish the Madi knights but failed everytime. Tired of being attacked, the Madi knights sent their most promising Padawan, AhMaKin Skywalker, together with his master, OhBi Sai Kenobi, to destroy the Si Lord and his Ring of Power. On their way, they recruited 2 robots, R2-D2 and C3-PO, to help them in their quest.

AhMaKin: 'Eh Boss ah, are we there yet??'
OhBi Sai: 'Soon lah soon. Patience, my young Padawan, and listen to the Force.'
AhMaKin(after a while): 'The Force told me that we are lost!! What the Hell!!'
R2-D2: 'Beep beep...'
C3-PO: 'Oh no we're going to die!!'
AhMaKin (drawing his light sabre): 'You OhBi Sai!! Waste my time! You know that my Queen AhMadala is waiting for me at home!'
OhBiSai (drawing his light sabre too): 'Guess this fight is inevitable. Bring it on!'
R2-D2: 'Beep!!!'
'Waaannngggg.. Sheesh!! Clank!!!! Woonnngggg waaannngggg...'

After a long fight, both of them killed each other, and now the fate of the galaxy rest on, R2-D2 and C3-PO!!!

C3-P0: 'Oh no what a mess, now we'll have to do the sai kang and clean up the place! Help me leh R2-D2...'
R2-D2 (complaining): 'Beeeepp...'

After finishing up the cleaning, they tried and managed to find their way to the evil Si Loard's Space ship. The Evil Si Lord decided to take them on personally as he thought these 2 robots are useless. But....

Si Lord: 'Haha! So the Madi sent u 2 to fight me?? HAHAHAAH! I will show you my true identity!!'

Si Lord took off his mask, and *gasp* it's the little green Madi Master, Yoyoda!!!

C3-PO: 'Oh no we are going to die!!'

Yoyoda drew his light sabre and started to show off his skills weilding the light sabre. Then accidentally, he cut off his finger with the Ring, and the Ring dropped at C3-PO's feet. He wore it and alas! The new ruler of the Si army!!! Without the Ring and powerless, Yoyoda tried to escape but R2-D2 used his electric shocker thing (i dunno wats tat you'll have to see episode 3 to see it) to shock Yoyoda to death. As the new ruler of the Si army, C3-PO was lost and confused, he was going to be seduced by the Dark side of the Force! Finally given in to the Dark Side, C3-PO became the new Si Lord and called himself, Darth Viagra, and started to move his troops to attack the Madi knights. And R2-D2 became his prisoner as he didn't want to betray the Madi knights.

Meanwhile back at planet Nahbeh, Queen Ahmadala gave birth to 2 children, Loo And Leeah Skywalker.....

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Check out my 'ABOUT' on my blog! Cool right?
I've finally completed watching the Star Wars Saga. Episode 3 was not bad, better graphics and sound, and Yoda looks better. Not bad for an old man, Yoda could jump around effortlessly when fighting but when he walks he needs a walking stick. R2-D2 (the same robot who can only make the beep beep sounds) is able to make some other funny noises this time, like 'Whee!!'. Some of the droids can even say 'Ouch!' when they are hit by the light sabre. Haha. The light sabre fights are better than the old episodes 4, 5, and 6, where the opponents were too easily killed.

Watched the show at 2am last night, and only managed to sleep for 2-3 hrs, and I'm going to help my cousin shift some computers in my temp temp job, where they'll only call you when your help is needed. With me the Force may (trying to sound like Yoda).

Friday, May 20, 2005

All pass! No Ta Bao!! YESH!!! But got no A also....

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ritz Carlton!

Yeah! Went for an interview at Ritz Carlton hotel to apply for a temp job. It was recommended to me by my cousin's neighbour's sister's friend (I think). And Somehow I got it. And the postion? Accounting Assistant. Woah. I don't even know what's accounting about, and they still hire me. Guess they are really desperate for ppl. $6 per hr, lunch provided. Not bad lah. Can't complain much as I've got some work to do now. Just that I don't think I can go for orientations in July. Shuacks.

Release of results tml!!
Last night at at around 2am I was about to switch off my comp and go to sleep when suddenly I heard a loud bang in my room! I was thinking what could have caused the noise, maybe my niece fall from her baby cot which is impossible. I ran in to check and saw my sis hugging my nephew, Ryan. THE BLOODY AIR CON DROPPED AND ALMOST HIT RYAN! WTH.. My air con is the type that you fixed onto a window, not those conventional ones. My sis stayed over cos her husband went overseas, and she slept with Ryan near the air con. So my younger nephew, Chinghong, had to sleep on another mattress. And somehow Ryan was quick enough to avoid the air con crashing on his head. He got a little scratch on his forhead and he dunno how he got it. But we were thankful that it's just a small wound, not something serious. This air con is quite heavy, I had trouble shifting it after it dropped. Phew. Imagine if my sis didnt stay over, then Chinghong would be sleeping at Ryan's position instead. And Chinghong is a deep sleeper, so I dun think he would have gotten up in time.

My sis called the company to complain the next day and hopefully they'll get it fixed. They even admit that this is not the first time that ppl complaining about ai con dropping. So I guess it'll be bye bye air con, hello fan for now.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ouch Ouch Ouch

Ouch. My shoulder blade is still painful. Must be my posture, cos whenever I use my comp I will tend to lean towards the right, and I will put my stretched out legs on a support on my comp table more to the left. It's like a slanted position when u see me from the top, so this must be the root of the problem. Argh..

Oh ya, my toe nail is out! Haha I pulled it off 1 nite, as it's getter grosser. Now it looks slightly better, at least it's not white. Now it looks so vulnerable. Anyone who step on it will gonna get it from me. TSK..

Results will be out this FRIDAY!! Argh. I feel so sian. The fruits of my labour is going to pay off right? I hope so, provided that there is any labour in the first place.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Wow the DVD venders in JB are efficient. In less than 24 hrs after I made my orders, they delivered them. I was awaken by their call this morning and I recieved them at 1+. Haha so many movies, so little time to watch. I only bought the 5 Star Wars movies (so that I can watch part 3) and Constantine, the rest belongs to my friends. So far I watched 3 shows, I find Bridget Jone's Dairy 2 boring, Sahara and The Pacifier so so only. The rest of the shows don't interest me so much, so I'll catch up with the Star Wars saga later.

Ate at some seafood hawker in JB yesterday, and the clay fish were good!! They were damn big, bout twice the size of the normal clayfish I had eaten. Just thinking of it made me drool again. WOOHOO...

Anyway food aside I've got a painful ache on my right shoulder blade. The pain comes when I tried to lift my right hand up. Argh. I dunno how I got this injury and it's damn irritating. Maybe I should sit and stand up straight more often.

May the Force be with my shoulder blade.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Found my passport today, and it expired more than 4 yrs ago. Stunned and disappointed, perhaps I can't go to JB with the fellowship this Sat, unless I am able to extend the passport on the spot. If I have to make a new one I will have to wait for 3 days. Argh..

I need a job! Must I wear this sign 'Will scrub toilet for food' and walk around Orchard so that people will employ me?? Going for an interview tml, hope it goes well.

Just a random quote, taken from the movie, Hollow Man:
'A Genius can get from A to D without going through B and C. I need to go through B and C.' Same thing applies to me.
Watched Kingdom of Heaven, and it's so religious... For most of the show they are toking bout fighting for God, or for the ppl etc etc.. Its like The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise, and Last Samurai is better.. It's not so complicated in Last Samurai compared to Kingdom of Heaven.. I nearly fell asleep 1/2 way..

body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard body guard

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Saw this frm a friend's blog, and since it's been a long time since I did a survey like this, so here goes....

1. 1st primary school: Bendemeer Primary

2. 1st time u tried smoking: Ya. 1 puff when I was in the army, and it sux..

3. 1st alcoholic drink u had: Tiger beer or ABC stout. Kope from my dad when I was young haha...

4. 1st time u entered a bar: Can't remember...

5. 1st award u received: Wah.. Hard.. Bursary award? Or some drawing compeition trophy ba in pri school. (I dunno where I put the trophy liao.. sian)

6. 1st hero: Ninja turtles!!! Transformer counted??

7. 1st time u were sent to the principal for disciplinary?: Wah.. In JC 1, I did really bad for my mid year exams, so the principal see me and my dad.. sad manz, but come to think of it I really improved a lot after that..

8. 1st big crush: In primary school. She is in my friendster now also haha.

9. 1st kiss: Er... Paiseh lah dun wan to say

10.1st record u bought: Some compilation cd I think..

11.1st musical instrument u learned to play: Recorder... Then guitar!

12. 1st concert you attended: still waiting for blink 182 to come.. greenday also can

13.1st gf/bf: 19 i think, had 1 in pri sch but not counted lah haha...

14.1st TV show u really liked: Gao Siao Xing Dong..

15. 1st book you read: Haha pri 1 text book?? bout bala and gang?

16.1st sport u played: I dunno.. Running around consider a sport or not

18.1st terrible fight: Had many in pri school. Always fight with my best friend then. We will trade punches and kicks, but we still got along well after the fights.

19. 1st best friend: All friends who shared toys/food/money with me were my best friends.. haha

20. 1st friend's wedding u attended: Not yet

21. 1st person who greeted u on your last birthday: Wah.. cant remember..

21.1st collection: Stamps, money(in bank), phonecards

22. 1st time u saw a ghost: never see b4 leh.... My MOLE is blocking me..

23. 1st roller coaster ride: wah can't remember.. Pri school??

24. 1st ambition: Scientist... Y? Because my science in pri school was my fav subject.

25. 1st job: Underwater World ba... PINKY!

26. 1st thing u bought with your 1st salary: 4D or Stike! ticket. haha

27. 1st thing u wanna get right now: RAM!!! To upgrade my laptop

28. 1st thing u wanna do at this time? Watch movie but haven d/l finish

29. 1st person u hated: Teacher? For giving homeworks

30. 1st person u wanna slap right now? I wanted to write Mourinho, but nvm lah he so poor thing lose to Liverpool.

1) Who's at home now?
Parents, younger nephew, maid and me

2) Did u go out yesterday?
ya must they ask this qn?

3) Do u prefer durian or guava?

4) What time did u wake up today?

5) Did u go anywhere today?

6) What did u do there?
Went Kbox to play mahjong...........

7) How old are u now?

8) What do u call your mother?

9) Are u and your mom on good terms?

10) Are u the only child in ur family?

11) What perfume/cologne are u using now?
Never use...

12) Who do u last talk to?
Nephew tell him to sleep.

13) Are u spoilt?
I dun think so...

14) Do u want to get married?
ya lah....

15) With who?
If I know the future I will say here...

16) Where do u think your friends are now?

17) Do u think your friends need u now?
Ya. SOmeone msg me just now asking if I am free to play mahjong. They short of 1 leg... haha

18) Where do u wish to be?
In Istanbul, waiting for the champions league final

19) When will u be buying a car?
When I got the $$$$$$$$

20) What type of car do u wanna buy?
BMW Z4 (by then maybe Z10 come out liao)

21) If u were to be a car, what type will u be?
Car loh.. you noe.. 4 wheels + 1 steering wheel etc..

22) Who do u wish to meet now?
Liverpool players..

23) Do u wanna meet ronaldinho?
Er OK only lah.. I wan to meet Gerrald and Fowler.

24) Who do u approach when u have a prob?
Depends on who I think can help me..

25) What do u want for your birthday?
$$ to buy car haha...

26) What do u wish for xmas?
More $$.. This is getting boring and if u are still reading I salute u...

27) Any piercings on u?
No.. Wanted to get 1 but scared infection lah after wat happened to 1 of my friend.

28) Would u like to have a tattoo?
Ya~! But dunno wat design to put..

30) How many kids do u want?
11.. to form a soccer team.. haha

31) Any homework?

32) Are you listening to any music right now?

33) Do u believe in miracles?
Yes!!! My exam results will need a miracle..

34) Do u believe in fate?

35)When did u last cry?
If Liverpool win the Champions League, I will cry..

36) When did u last smile?
I dunno.. I smile when I feel like it..

37) When did u last receive a gift?
Haha.. I cant remember leh... Xmas ba I think..

38) Who has the cutest smile u ever seen?
ME! And my niece!

39) What do u want to tell your crush?

40) Why are u answering this bulletin?
Yea I was wondering y am I doing this also.. Guess I am bo liao...

41) Do u kiss your parents good night?
No.. I think I never kiss them good nite b4 leh...

42) Your hair colour?

43) Hairstyle?

44) Are u being loved by someone?
I dunno...

45) Any wishes?
Liverpool to win Champs league, I wan to find a good job now, and to find something nice to eat now...

Survey is siong... And anyone who managed to read finish deserves a *BURP*.. Excuse me..

Monday, May 09, 2005

Went to my sis's place to watch football match last nite. My bro-in-law was driving me there, and as we passed by Bendemeer road towards Upper Serangoon Road, saw 1 guy lying on the road, and a small crowd was gathering around him. Think there was as accident, maybe he was hit by a bus as there was a bus behind. Saw all these in a matter of seconds as the car was going fast. Hope he is alright.

Liverpool can't get 4th place anymore. Haiz.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Woke up at 7.30am(SEE TAT JUS I CAN WAKE UP EARLY IF I WAN TO) to drag my ass down to Sentosa for an event call Beach Out organised my NTU EEE and MAE clubs. I joined Kel and his 3 friends (I only knew them just now) for the beach soccer competition. 6 teams, 2 groups, top 2 from each group will be drawn into the semi finals. 10 mins per half, and we played bare footed (beach soccer wat). And my team is call Mao Mao (Hairy). Why this name? Cos the captain is quite hairy haha. There's one team call Lao Mao (Old Hair) also. Haha. Ok anyway we were drawn in Group A to face Vietnam Lions United and 1 more local team (cant remember their team name).

Anyway. 1st match against the Vietnamese was a rough match. We were trashed upside down inside out by 9-2. Somehow they can shoot very well bare footed (yes i really mean very well). Kel says its because they got no money at home to buy shoes so they always play barefooted, that's why they are so good at it. OK crap aside, we got rough. Sliding tackles aimed at the legs of the Vietnamese players (sometimes aim ball), pushing, shoving around all the time. It got quite bad and by half time (it's 10 mins per half), 2 of my team mates' knees had to be wrapped up cos they're bleeding. And I was quite tu lan at 1st but heck lah, just a game, no point get worked up by some bare footed ppl who dunno how to count in English. So 2nd match we needed to win to get to the semis and hope that the Vietnamese win them also. And we won it in style by winning 6-1. I managed to get a goal, a crisp left footed shot after beating a defender. After that I spent the time defending haha. And the Vietnamese beat this local team also and we are thru to the semis.

In the semi final we were up against Lao Mao. They got a girl inside their team and they can progress to the semis!!! This shows that the 4 guys inside are good. But we were better, beating them 3-2, and I got my 2nd goal, a header from a corner. Haha Kel got a chio goal, shooting from a kick-in at the top corner. And WE DIDNT PLAY ROUGH, cos they got a girl inside, and too bad lah not my type if not I get her number liao. Expectedly, the Vietnamese won their semis too and we met in the final.

Think it's fate lah. Played against them in the very 1st game, and the very last game too. But this time, we were not rough at all. That's because every one was totally shacked out, legs bleeding and bruised. We've no energy, no will power. So you know the result, 8-0. Sianz. Sia suay. Humilation. But wat the heck, they got so many subsititues (we got no subs as it's supposed to be a 5 on 5!!!!). So they won $120, we got 80 bucks. Haha $16 per person. But after looking at my injuries, $16 is not worth it. But the trip is not wasted! THERE'S LOTS OF GIRLS ON THE BEACH! Hope to go there again soon. Muahaha....

OK time to make my way home from hall. Still need to come here next week to bring my clothes back. Raining for the past few days, and my clothes can't dry. SIANZ.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Eventful day

Unbelievable day yesterday, right from the moment I woke up. I woke up at 10+ and was going to meet my friends for a jamming session in novena area at 12, and just when I was about to leave, I realised that I can't find my wallet. I turned my room upside down, searched my drawers, my desk, and even the toilet, and still could not find it. I tried to recalled when was the last time I still had it and I can only remember the Hall 1 bus stop. Panicked, I went to the Hall Office to ask if anyone had found any wallet. They said nope and told me to try the Campus Security Office in school. So bo bian I went there and at the same time informed my friends what happened and said most likely I wont be joining them unless I find my wallet. The security ppl told me no one returned any wallets to them and told me to come back at 2pm to ask their clerk who might know if there is any. So disappointedly, I decided to make my way back then my friend told me maybe I can check the Lost and Found folder in the NTU Website. With some hope I went to the library (read: air con) to use the computer terminal to check. No success but I left a message there so that anyone can contact me if they found it. And I walked back to my room. THEN I DECIDED TO CHECK MY GUITAR BAG. Low and behold my wallet is inside!!!! WTF! I put in a few guitar picks in my wallet last night and threw my whole wallet in the bag together with guitar tabs and cable, and I've completely forgotten about it. Shit. All the trouble for nothing. It was 12.30pm and I had to spend $12.30 to take cab down to Novena to meet my friends for the jamming session. LESSON LEARNT : BUY A GUITAR PICK CASE!!

Ok the wallet saga is over, now to the jamming session. It was fun as this time round we finally found a pro drummer. Played some songs like 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' (expected), 'Stand By Me' (Oasis version, my all time fav), 'In my place', 'Yellow' etc. I brought my lap top along to record the songs. And then I realised today, 'In my place' became 'Yellow'. Shuacks I donno what happened but somehow 'In My Place' was gone!! ARGH.

After the jamming session, Jus and Stella came and picked me up from Novena back to NTU to help Grace moved her stuff back home. We packed, and then drove back to my hall to play some mahjong while waiting for yy to finish tuition so that we can have supper together and it was quite a mahjong session. Went to Boon Lay market for nasi lemak (Grace's treat) and then drove to Grace's house to bring her stuff back up. After everything finished, Jus happily drove me back home, when I was expecting to go back hall as I have a War Craft appointment with friends. I told Jus as we were leaving Boon Lay Market, 'Eh later you need to send my back to hall leh.' And he replied, 'Ya loh bo bian.' BTW Grace's house is in Woodlands and we lived around Serangoon-Toa Payoh area. And in the car I said again, 'Uncle ah, NTU hor thank you.' (He tot I was joking haha). I didn't realised until he reached SA Pri (All the while I was thinking y he take CTE instead of BKE and I didn't sound out). And unexpectedly, I was back home. Can't play WC with friends cos my house comp dun have it installed, and cant convert the songs to mp3 as my lap top is in hall. So LPPL I went to sleep.

Eventful day ah.. And I was so 'cock'.....

Thursday, May 05, 2005


You all should know the result by now.. 1-0~!! Liverpool go thru! YESH!!! Incredible!! haha Bring on AC Milan!!

Paiseh ah once a while Liverpool can get into Champions League Final, so let me rejoice longer.. Anyway did everyone slept well last nite?? Cos I am afraid that it's too noisy due to Liverpool Fans around the world singing!! haha!!

We Are Going to IS-TAN-BUL!!! How about YOU(Chelsea) YOU(Man U) YOU(Arsenal)?!?! (I wanted to add Everton inside, but heck, they are not even worth a mention)

PS: Istanbul is the capital of Turkey, the place where this season's Champion's League FInal is held

Play soccer just now, scored a goal, its an easy goal lah, open goal and I was less than a metre out, cannot miss wan. Sort of 'steal' it from my friend cos I stretched my leg to whack the ball in, whereas he could have just tap it in. Even though it's an easy goal, but somehow I am very happy with it. Haha perhaps its post Liverpool winning symdrome. And the team we were playing against was quite good too. And I was kana 'rammed' by one guy (he not in this team now so too bad) just now so a bit buay song.. haha

1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0 1-0

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Yup Its confirm!! I am old, yet charming!! hahaha =P

This certifies that I, WY,

Have Become Cooler
Than I was Before

You too can
Become Cooler at

Nothing interesting happened to me lately.. Just that I was at home playing Football manager, and I've signed lots of top class players for my Liverpool team.. How I wish the Liverpool team now can be like the one in my game.. Unbeaten, top class, always trash opponents, and breath taking. Early Wed morning is their match against Chelsea, hope they'll win, and wipe the smirk off Chelsea players' faces. And I prefer Liverpool winning the Champs League to qualify for it next season, you can't see (it's not impossible but it's still very hard) Liverpool in the semis again so soon.. So please win it for for yourself, for the manager, for the fans....

You'll Never Walk Alone

Sunday, May 01, 2005

SO HOT!! I am topless, and the fan is blowing straight at me at full speed, and I am still sweating!!! Its the time of the year again.. When ice cream are in high demand, air con sales go up, and electricity bills tripled. I've got a bbq at my sis place tomorrow, and I think I will melt right in front of her (I've got a low melting point).. Get it?? Haha its so funny! DUH. Trying to say some cold jokes to lower my temperature. It's not working.