Thursday, March 31, 2005

Why do I always feel hungry when it's raining??

Tough week is ending. Last quiz tml, and 1 more phy quiz next week before exams. Hope can make it. I already feel shack liao. 3 papers back to back for my exams. Sianz.

I want to watch movies. The Eye 10, Robots, Be Cool and a lot more...

No more weekly soccer liaoz. Haiz.

Hmm this is one unhappy entry.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Now I know how it feels like to be in a real life Ocean's 11, or Mission Impossible, where you can't let the others know who you are and why you are there. Not that I'm a thief, but I was that close to being 'caught', like how a thief should feel. Pheew.

Win Lose or Draw

Just this morning, I've finally felt the stress of the exams. And my maths tutor is damn slow, he gotta complete 4 tutorials in his next tutorial class. Let's see how he can make it. And I have 3 more quizzes to go this week. May the GODS bless me. Amen. Oh-Me-Tou-Fuo. Its the time of the year again!

Had a win lose or draw session with some of my friends on msn just now. Haha it was fun. There's this drawing funtion in msn and we used that to draw and let the others guess what are we drawing. The genre was movies, and somehow I can always guess correctly Justin's drawing. There were a few really nice drawings, like Mark's The Incredibles, Jus's Mission Impossible. On the contrary I drew a lousy drawing of Croughing Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Haha but to be fair, it's not an easy title to draw out. Grace's Dude, Where's My Car cannot make it also. Too bad I forgot to save the pics. Nvm shall play again next time.

Perhentian! (Spelling right?) Anyway should be going there in May if nothing goes wrong. Yeah baby its a beach resort in Malaysia. Gonna get really burnt. I just hope that I wont miss out on any important football matches then. Wooo.

Time for bed.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Shack and disappointed

Went for a run just now. Alone. All my running khakis went home. Clocked 30 mins 36 secs in 6km. Was aiming for less than 30 mins but I didnt make it. There was an improvement though, my last timing was 33+ mins, wait till I am able to clock below 30 mins then I shall try out my 2.4 on the track. I wonder where I get my motivation to run nowadays. Izzit the 400 bucks for IPPT gold? Or stress from school? I dunno leh. I wasnt so 'onz' about runing when I was in the army. The 9.46 mins timing for 2.4 still huant me now and then. Like the miss in front of goal in that football match. But well let the past be the past. Be more professional!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just feel like writing something. So here goes...

Suddenly feel like listening to boy band songs. So I went to d/l (er.. ya d/l.. shhh) some songs by backstreet boys and 2 from westlife. Its been quite some time since I last listen to their songs, and among all the boy bands, I can only stand BSB, cos their songs are slightly nicer. No Boyzone nor N'SYNC cos there're gay members inside. Haha. The 2 songs by Westlife, If I Let You Go and Swear It again, 'followed' me thru one of my more stressful period, during O levels. And that time my 1st nephew was born not long ago, so I sort of have a soft spot for these songs.

After Sec 4, I was slowly switching over from pop to rock songs. After I bought the Sugar Ray album, I felt that the members are more talented in the sense that they can play instruments and sing, instead of their boy band counterparts who can only sing. And then Justin lent me Blink 182's new album (Take of your pants and jacket), and coincidentally it was their best album and thus I got hooked. Somehow I realised that listening to rock songs before coming to school will pump adrenaline into your blood, making you more alert, instead of becoming a sleepy head in class. Soon other rock bands found their way into my discman, like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Offsprings, Oasis etc.

Although I am not 'kan tang', but I still prefer to listen to ang moh songs to mandarin songs. My eldest sis influenced me as she always tuned in to ang moh radio channels, while my 2nd sis always listen to 93.3fm. I find that 93.3 DJs were quite boring so I started to follow my eldest sis and like ang moh songs more.

Its funny how some songs can be associated with a period with your life. Like what I said above, whenever I heard that 2 Westlife songs, I would be reminded of how I slog thru O levels and taking care of my nephew at the same time. Blink 182's The Rock Show and Stay Together WIth The Kids remind me of my JC days, Oasis's Stand By Me reminds me of my NS days when I was learning to play this song on the guitar, Puddle of Mud's Blurry will bring me back to my outfield days in NS during the sian recce course. Hero by Chad Kroeger will remind me of my past love life. Accidentally In Love - of my year 1 Uni days. Of course there are many many more.

Music, makes the people, come together... Haha therefore sharing mp3s is the thing to do.
I've got lots of instant noodles in my room, due to the left overs from the exam goodie bag given out by my hall. Shiok. No need to be afraid of getting hungry in the wee hours while studying.


Sunday, March 20, 2005

My baby niece is 1 year old! And she loves the bear that I gave her. She kept kissing it. Wahaha. And she's a little 'star' now. Keep a look out when you're watching tv commercials. There is one new milk powder commercial starring Zoe Tay, and my niece is in it. For a short 2 seconds or so, you can see Zoe Tay carrying her, but only her back view lah. The main baby is too cute already so they only shoot the back view of my niece. But in less than a year old she has already starred along side Zoe Tay! Maybe when I was a baby I starred along side ... urm.. Xiang Yun(??) for a commercial too. Haha. Can anyone with tv card help me to record it down and send to me?? Thanks thanks. I can help u get my niece autograph.. er I mean thumb print.. in exchange.

Bronze medal or Armour plate. If you see this codes on tv, do me a favour and call me. Cos this week I am on moblisation exercise. I'm afraid that I might slept through the whole thing, after the award given to me, you noe how powerful I am in bed. Urm well literally, in bed sleeping.

Liverpool just closed the gap on Everton to 4 points. Never seen a match like this b4. Liverpool got 4 players injured in the 1st half and they had to make all of their 3 subsitutions, leaving the injured Garcia limping for the rest of the half. And of all players, Milan Baros, the top scorer of Euro 04, missed 2 one on one chances. ARGH!! And to make things worse, he got himself sent off!!!!!! That almost cost Liverpool the match. Pheeew..

I'm paranoid bout the people I meet
Why are they talking to me
Why can't anyone see

I just wanna live
Don't really care bout the things that they say
Don't really care what life does to me
I just wanna live...

Friday, March 18, 2005

Image hosted by

An award presented to me by Justin. Haha.Firstly, I would like to thank

my parents for giving me this ultimate mind and body that can

resist/ignore any alarms, sirens, wails, cries, noise, explosion etc,

and continue to sleep.. And my adorable nephews and niece for their

cries every night in the wee hours, training me to continue sleeping

without waking up. Last but not least to my roommate Justin who failed

to wake me up at 730am almost everytime. Hahahaha.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Call me Mr ESPN. I would like to thank my father, my mother, my sisters, my nephews Ryan and Ching Hong, my niece Yvette who is turning 1 years old this coming Saturday, and myself for doing the hard work. Ya right. I dunno how come I can get this best subcommer thing also. I didnt go for most of the IH games that I am susposed to cover and I have to ask around to get the scores so that I can submit my report. Well the only thing I can think of is that at least I submitted on time. Haha. Punctuality rules.

Wearing contact lens for a week is killing my eyes. ARGH. I am Mr Cyclops ESPN!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

New found distraction

Ok.. So much bout NO DISTRACTIONS. My friend told me bout this website : the hardest riddle in the world. And being the puzzle loving person, I started to play and now I cant stop! I am at level 8 now but should be able to get past this level once I've finish downloading the file. There are 91 levels, and from the rate I am going I cant finish solving all!! This is damn freaking hard. But I enjoyed it. Haha. Anyone who has completed it can tell me, I'll definately need your help. And anyone stuck at level 1-8 can tell me also, then I can suan you. Haha.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Back at hall at last. And believe it or not, I studied at home for the whole weekend. Urm, well except today cos I went to play soccer at Farrer Park field. Friendly match against a team of malays, and the referee is a malay too, so you can guess how many offsides he gave to my team. I played left midfield this time, and the both times when I was blown for offsides were wrong! I timed my run to perfection and he just happily blew the whistle. Argh. And to make things worse for me, I missed a very very good chance to score in the 1st minute of the game. One of my teammate threaded a through ball and with the goal keeper at my mercy, I blast the ball high into the sky with my left foot. ARGH. The ball was bouncing in front of me and I decided to use my left foot to struck a sweet volley but it turned out to be a bitter miss. This miss is going to haunt me for the rest of the year. I can feel it. Going to have nightmares tonite, and I will wake up in cold sweat and a pale face, with lightning flashes and thunder, not to mention strong winds blowing outside. Ok too drama liao. But to console myself, at least my team won 3-2.

From now till 22nd April, it's only STUDIES and SOCCER in my mind. Not even Mahjong or Maple can distract me. Wahaha.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

This is my new look desk top. Cool ah? I've just bought a new Mac. Ya right.. Just spent a few hours to customize my windows desktop to look like a Mac. But I cant get rid of the recycle bin icon. It's at the top left of the screenshot, behind the calender. Anyone noes how to get rid of it??


3-1 twice. Enough said. Wooohooo~~~~
Went for supper just now at fong seng. I ordered 2 kosongs and after a while the stall helper came with the pratas and said, '1 plain 1 kosong.' All of us were stunned and I told him it's not our order. Then he said, '1 plain 1 kosong correct mah.' Then we realised, 1 plain and 1 kosong = 2 kosongs. Good trick. Kana bluffed. Haha. Next time I shall order 1 plain and 1 kosong also.

This is one of the conversations that we had during the supper.
Jr said, 'I heard this story. In the army, there was 1 guy who sweats a lot until his head got rashes when he wear his helmet. Wat do u think he did to solve this problem.'
Us: 'What???'
Jr: 'He put sanitary pad in his helmet so that it can soak up his sweat and prevent him from getting rashes.'
Us: '!!!'
But seriously, that's a cool idea. Who would have thought of that. Maybe next time there'll be no more common tissue paper. Just all new tissue paper made of sanitary pad to wipe sweat etc. In fact, just 1 will do cos can pass around let other's use also. Gross. Haha. Just need to cross the psychological barrier.

Anyway, I changed my tag board. The old one sux, always got error. So I've changed to the one Linda suggested. Hopefully it'll be a better one.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

6 goals in he match of the season so far, Chelsea beat Barcelona 4-2. Can't remember when was the last time I've watched such an exciting match, full of controvesy and egos and goals. Maybe the UEFA cup final between Liverpool and Alaves in 2001 came close with the goals but certainly not the 'off the pitch' drama. All thanks to Mourinho. His arrival has kept former EPL biggest 'kao peh-ers' Ferguson (of Man U) and Wenger (of Arsenal) busy. Ok. Should stop toking bout soccer. You guys can read up on soccernet yourself. But Ronaldhino's 2nd goal was damn chio~!!

Anyway, I woke up at 1630 just now. Yup. Just yesterday I was damn hao lian bout waking up at 0730. Haha can't blame me though. Slept at 6am in the morning after watching the match. Luckily I didn't miss much today, 1 lecture and 1 tutorial only.

Ok.. Cannot laze around liao. Slept too much le. It's time for my books. Chaoz...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Wah.. I managed to wake up at 730am today. Surprising. Normally I would have turned off the alarm and go back to sleep again. But not this time.. Haha.

I seem to have a knack of finding and playing puzzle/silly games during exam time, or rather, when I am about to study to be exact. Yup I've foound a new game. It's like the previous cow game where you have to place arrows to move the cow back into the farm, but this time you'll have to destroy an alien. Dunno how to explain it better here but it's worth the download and it's free! But my all time favourite is 'The Lost Vikings'. Heard of that before? You control 3 vikings, each with their own special and unique skills, and you'll have to bring all 3 of them out of a spaceship. Not easy eh, but damn fun. Alright lecture time cya..

Sunday, March 06, 2005

CLICK HERE, YES HERE NOT ANY WHERE ELSE take a look. It's cool. Someone 'wrote' a song using lines from various chinese songs and merge them into this song. Hmm Interesting. Maybe after exams I will do one english version. And sing it myself. Woohoo.

Speaking of singing, SOMEONE nominated me as my hall's worst singer. Haiyo. I wont win this award lah cos I know my singing can make it (I hope so). Anyway speaking of SOMEONE, he bought a loaf of bread last week and didnt even eat 1 bite. And the loaf expires tml!! He threw away so many packets of fries after the block supper and now he wants to waste bread also. Yup no prize for guessing who is this SOMEONE. That's my roomie. Still declare himself as the ultimate bread lover....

Pretty shack now.. Played soccer match against other team at Sembawang, 11 on 11. It's those kind they pay referee to come and officiate the match. I played left back today. Haha it's been almost 5 yrs since I've played left back during my sec sch days. So far performance wise still alright but stamina wise cannot make it. I ran till I can feel the numbness in my thighs and the last time I got this feeling was during army when I climbed Mt Biang in Brunei. Siong ah. I even got a bruise on my left thigh. We lost this match 2-1 btw. After the match, 1 of my team mate said,'F*** up lah.. How can you all lose to a lousy team!' And yes, they are not as good as what we thought. We controlled the match in 2nd half but cant score. Before the match, they even take team photo! They got their own jerseys, shorts and socks, and got girls come and support them even! For my team, we just wore any red shirt, we dun have pong pong girls, and we didnt even bring a ball! Dun even mention a camera. Its like the underdog team in the movies. But the underdog team always wins in the movies leh. Did I mention this is the 1st time I play with them? Haha I dun even noe their names.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Ta da. My new blog design. Cool ah? The author of this template got

inspiration from this kick ass song, Boulevard of Broken Dreams by

Greenday. Never heard of it? Ask me. I've got their mp3, mtv and one of

their live performance.

Hosted by

No. Your eyes are not cheating you. The above photo shows 45 set of

extra value meal from Mac. With 200 Mcnuggets, 90 Mcdippers, 20 Mcwings

and 3 tubs of ice cream (not shown in picture). Of course, this table

is not big enough so all the drinks are on the floor. Shiok. First time

in my whole life that I see so much MacDonald's food lay out in front

of me. Haha. I'm loving it! However, less than 20 people showed up for

this block supper so we threw away quite a number of 'nua' fries. Guess

no more MacDonald's for me this month.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sian sian sian.. Just when I wanted to leave for lecture, it rained heavily. So I've decided not to go for lecture, but study for my quiz later on instead. Darn. Should sleep earlier from now on, and get a good alarm clock that snoozes every minute.

My 2 swollen fingers are still not doing well. My left hand dun even have the strength to crush paper! I feel so handicapped.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

More kids getting As

They are good! But my sec sch (PHS) still haven produce a 7 straight 'A's student I think..

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Now I cant play the guitar as my swollen fingers dun have the strength to press some chords.. Especially D cos I'll have to bend my middle finger most as well as all the bar chords.. And the injured fingers are slightly blue black in colour.. Not as gross as you think and they are recovering. The colour on Sunday was a lot darker and scarier...