Monday, December 31, 2007

Best songs of 2007
Lips of an Angel - Hinder
Jenny - The Click 5
Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance
Before it's too Late - Goo Goo Dolls
Truly Scrumptious - (From Chitty Chitty Bang Bang soundtrack)
What I've Done - Linkin Park

Best Movies of 2007
Spiderman 3

Best TV Series of 2007
Prison Break

Best Goal of 2007
Gerrard's freekick vs Newcastle this season.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Online Shopping? For newest and trendiest fashion visit this site!

And Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm sorry that I sucked.

Even IE hangs on me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

8-0!! Super scoreline! But I would rather they save some goals to win the matches that they had drawn in the league previously, like against Chelsea, Arsenal, Blackburn, Spurs etc. If 4 of the goals scored last night can be transferred to each of these matches, Liverpool will be tops already. If only...

If only I can score As without studying...

Friday, November 02, 2007

I don't blog much when I was busy with reports. But now that I've finished all of them, and am studying for examas now, I blogged more. No logic at all.

I should stop watching Lost in case I get lost in my revision. Anyway left 1 more episode in season 3 only.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stop being a pushover and show them what you can do!

The run will start tonight.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I've been watching too much Lost and Heroes. After I finish Lost season 3, I'll be watching Prison Break season 3 already. How to study like that???

Luckily I am not a fan of animes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's been so long since I last blogged, and I've almost forgotten my log in email and password.

Liverpool lost.

Facebook is fun.

Exams are coming.

I am so dead.

Friday, September 07, 2007

There are many jokes about how parents teach their children about the birds and the bees, but this is the most original one I've ever seen.

Boy: "Daddy? How did I come into this world?"

Dad: "Well, my child, some day I'll have to tell you any way.

Boy:"So why not today? Please!"

Dad: "OK, but listen carefully.""Mom and Dad met each other in a cyber cafe. In the restrooms of that cyber cafe, dad connected to mom. Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick. When dad finished uploading we discovered we used no firewall. Since it was too late to cancel or delete, nine months later we ended up with a virus."

Friday, August 31, 2007

No offence, but this is damn funny.

One fine day, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong visited India to meet their PM to negotiate trade terms. During the lunch break the Prime Minister of India suggested taking PM Goh for a spin in his helicopter and view India's city lifestyle.

As PMGoh was enjoying the bird's eye view from above, he noticed an over populated village with unhygienic living conditions. A man was even****ting in his backyard. PM Goh was fast to comment how unsightly it is and that India's people are so uncivilised. India's PM was so humiliated and vowed to himself that he'll humiliate PM Goh when he gets to visit S'pore.

When he really did visit S'pore the following month, PM Goh too offered him a ride in his helicopter to see the Singaporean lifestyle. For a whole hour, India's PM was trying to spot a fault. Finally he saw a place where people literally littered the streets, and as he had a closer look, he even noticed a man ****ting on the grass verge. He quickly pointed out to PM Goh about it and said, "You said Singapore was nothing like India. How do you account for this?"

PM Goh looked closer, smiled and replied"Aaahhh.. we called that place - Little India".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Crowds. Is it just me? Or somehow I just feel that it is more crowded around places nowadays. Take NTU for example. Super long queue at the bus interchange in the morning (even at 1030am!), super crowded canteens, and in the evenings the people queue from the Canteen A bus stop to along the overhead bridge! Even the 199 stop is like this also. Is it because of the bumper crop of 'dragon' ladies? I am shy around crowds you know..

Still on the topic on crowds, during my stint at the Jap Bank in Raffles Place, I hate the journey to and from work. Because I feel stress. Stressed that I can't get on the bus/train and will be late. I'm sure other people will feel that too! Not to mention the HIGH risk of getting stepped on by a fat lady in high heels. The rush hour crowd is madness! Lunch time also rush to get seats and rush to queue up. So the Government still want more babies. Come on lah, even going to work is stressed already, how to make babies? Studies show that stress results in poor sexual performances, and generate that 'no mood' feeling.

I think I will enjoy doing my FYP. My Prof didn't give me any deadlines or what, just tell me to learn the 3D program, and set up the 6 PCs (yes, I got 6 comps just to do my FYP!) assigned to me in the lab. To think that I was still quite disappointed initailly when I got this project, cos it's my 3rd choice, and I am doing something that I've never done before, which is graphical design. Believe it or not, I enjoyed doing my FYP. Haha. Hopefully I wont hit any walls!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Here are some pics taken from NDP!




Zhao Pian


For some reasons I cant upload the images to blogger. But anyway, seriously speaking, the only thing worth mentioning is the fireworks. So don't bother about the rest. BUT, the artillery guns at the bay were damn cool. Because they were so loud when firing the 21-gun salute, a little girl sitting near us cried! For really long! Poor thing.

I'll be watching fireworks later today. I hope I can film the whole fireworks display down cos I need it for my FYP. I'll be doing a fireworks simulation in a VR environment for it. Sounds cool right? But I have no idea on how to start! So I guess I should film the fireworks for some inspiration first. And then try and master that program. 3D Studio Max anyone?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ok some real updates..

I found a temp job for 2 months at a jap bank. It was boring work but I enjoyed my stay there cos I had good company around. One head of department even asked me to work for him after I grad. He kept on saying, 'Engineers make good bankers!' But I think I'll stick to my engineering field for the moment. My last day of work was last friday, and my colleagues gave me a little Thank-you card and a delicious looking box of chocolates. That was nice of them!

I took 1/2 day off on my last day of work so that I could go to the airport to fetch hy back. Finally I don't have to do any more countdowns! =)

Alrights, then school started today. All the rush for notes and long queues during lunch hours suck. But this is my last year of school. Have to endure no matter what.

Side track abit. I saw a butch who took 179 with me this morning and she never shave her leg hair! Argh! Not that I purposely go and look at her legs, but she was standing in front of me when we were boarding the bus. And when I looked down to see the step on the bus entrance so that I can put my foot there, I saw the leg hair! Argh. Damn. What a great way to start my final year. And this is not the first time. Argh. I think I better don't mention it. Why can't they be normal girls? They tried so hard to be guys for what? Even want to grow leg hair! Go and serve NS lah!

Ok back to topic. What's the topic anyway? Oh ya updates.. I am going to watch NDP! My first ever NDP and it's not going to be in the National Stadium.

My legs itch to play soccer...

I will be joining 'Stand-Chart' marathon this Dec. Most prob 21km. Wooo. Hope the unfit me can last the distance.

Alrights till the next time!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Finally I am going to blog something!


Done. =)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

She's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 24, 2007

The reason why everyone in a crowded train or bus fell asleep when a pregnant woman or an elderly person board the train.

Sam : I hate to see a girl standing in a bus when I comfortable seated.
Lily : So what do you do?
Sam : I close my eyes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I found a temp job in a Japanese Bank as Admin Clerk. I am not good in clerical work and I hope I can survive! Too bad I am not working in a German bank if not I can hao lian my German a bit. I got a B+ for German! Haha!

What FYP should I choose?

Aeronautical or Design Specialization?

I want to run and play football...

11 more days!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

There is a medical distinction. We've all heard about people having guts or balls, but do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definitions are listed below:

GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"

BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the balls to say: "You're next."

I hope this clears up any confusion on the definitions. Medically speaking, there is no difference in the outcome, since both ultimately result in death. Hahaha.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Well, these 2 new pics summed up the season. Hopefully I can put up happy pics next year.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Liverpool lost to Milan and Fowler wasnt even on the bench for this game. Both my dreams were dashed!

Although Liverpool lost I wasnt that sad as Milan were the worthy winners. Ya Liverpool dominated the match but it was their lousy finishing that caused them to lose. As well as a lucky deflected free kick by Inzaghi. That goal was undeserving.

Anyway a few positives to take from this match,
1) Mascherano! Others can buy Sidwell or Hargreaves all they want. But Mascherano will come out tops. Look at how he shackled Kaka till he was replaced by Crouch. And not long after he went off Kaka was allowed all the time and space in the world to pass to Inzahgi to score his 2nd. That's how important the role Mascherano played in that game.

2) Dirk Kuyt finally scored his first Champions League goal for Liverpool.

3) Pennant! He was impressive in the first half and I think he can improved to challenge Lennon and Wright-Phillips for the right winger position in the England team.

4) This match was miles more entertaining than the FA Cup dull final between Chelsea and Man U. Whoever that said Liverpool is the most boring team amongst the 3 please shut up.

Ok enough about Liverpool. I watched the match with my friends at Chijmes. And after the game I was quite sian so I decided to walk home. Ya it took me 1 hour to get home but anyway, when I was walking at the industrial estate around my area, something dropped from the trees and landed a few feet away from me on the road. I thought it was a branch but it was a freaking bat!! It was struggling and dying after falling from such a height.
'Should I pick up a branch and poke it to see if it's still alive?'
'Should I drag it to the side of the pavement so that cars will not crush it?'
'What if the bat suddenly bites me and I turn into Batman, or vampire?'
'What if it's an ambush and there are lost of bats on that tree waiting to attack me?'
Since that bat was not moving already, I decided to ignore it and continue my walk home. On the way I passed by a cat and I guessed it will find it's breakfast very soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have many many Liverpool videos, goals and compilations but this, this is the best ever!

"Don't let your heads drop.
All the players who go on
the pitch after half-time
have to keep their heads held high.
We are Liverpool.
You are playing for Liverpool.
Do not forget that.
You have to hold your heads
high for the supporters.
You have to do it for them.
You cannot call yourselves
Liverpool players if you have your heads down.
If we create a few chances
we have the possibility of getting back into this.
Believe you can do it and you will.
Give yourself the chance to be heroes."

(Rafa Benitez – Half time. Ataturk Stadium. Istanbul. 25th May 2005)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.
You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.
You are not a romantic person by nature. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.
Let's draw a house!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Liverpool will never be the same again with out this guy...

Robbie Fowler. He is the player I adore most in the world, and he's the reason why I like Liverpool 12 years ago. He was the icon for Liverpool then just like how Steven Gerrard is the icon for Liverpool now. And I am sad that this is his last season for Liverpool. Good things must come to an end no matter what. Even when he is called 'God' by his adoring fans.

In my opinion he is the best Liverpool player I've ever seen. When he was going through a bad patch during the Houllier Era, I've emailed him through the Liverpool site saying some encouraging words and he (or rather his representative?) replied! It's a pity that I didnt keep the email cos I was using my old Pacnet email.

He inspired me to play football using my left foot as he is a left footer himself but I'm a right footer. Hence I had to train and learn to kick using my weaker left foot in Sec Sch. I'm pretty good shooting with my left foot now, but sometimes I confused myself in situations whereby I dunno which foot should I use to pass or shoot. Haha. I still take pride in my shooting using my left foot, which is more accurate but not as powerful when I shoot with my right.

I was devastated the day Fowler was sold to Leeds by the then manager Houllier. He wasn't at his best of form then and people said it was a good deal to offload him. Nevertheless, Liverpool fans still didn't forget him, and even after emergence of Michael Owen and Steven Gerrard, Fowler is still THE ONE that remained in our hearts. And Anfield will always be grateful to Benitez for bringing him back.

Now that he has played his last game for Liverpool at Anfield, I have a little wish: that he will score the winning goal in the Champions League Final next week. And let me see his goal celebration one last time in a Liverpool shirt.

All those who have a red heart can rejoice, for they have seen 'GOD'.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Give this man a Carlsberg...

And this man too!

And of course not forgetting this man!

And these... They can clean up the mess afterwards.. They should be used to that already, right?

For the majority of this year so far I've wished that I am in Shanghai. But, only last night, I wished that I was in Anfield watching this game.

Its Liverpool vs Ac Milan once again. Come May 23rd, I wish that I'm in Athens... And I can only wish, and dream. Cos they had made this dream possible.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I laughed till I almost cried when I saw this...

Dont worry if you dont understand this. It just means that you are not nerdy enough. Haha.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I am taking my first paper tomorrow, not something that worries me though. It's an elective and furthermore the exam format is open book. What worries me is the core paper on Friday.

I really hope that I wont end up writing like that on my exam scripts.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles today. I didnt skipped my way to the cinema as I had predicted, but I was trying to catch up with my 2 nephews who were a lot more excited and running ahead of me.

After I had managed to catch them and calm them down, we bought pop corns and drinks and went in to the cinema. I had to keep on reminding them not to talk loudly, and to sit down and watch the show quietly. Well they did. Except Chinghong who kept asking whats the name of the blue turtle, then the red one, then purple and the orange. And of course the name of the mouse. 'Jiu Jiu, what's the name of the bad guy?'
'Aiya I dunno lah keep quiet and watch.'
'Wah!! Leonardo is so stong. I know he sure win wan!' (He really shouted this out. Haha.)
'Tsk. Shhhhhhh!'
'Jiu Jiu, what is the name of the purple colour turtle?'
'Donatello! Tell you how many times already.'
'Then why they call him Donnie?'
'..... His name is too long already so they give him a shorter name.'

Yups. Show wise I think it was disappointing. I miss Shredder, and the original April O'Neil. Haha.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I have a very cute and sweet girlfriend. Not long after we started going out, during my birthday month, I sent her home after one of our dates. When we reached her house, she asked me to wait at the gate and then disappeared into the house. She appeared a few minutes later holding a tiramisu cake that she made herself wrapped in aluminum foil. 'Happy birthday!' she said as she passed the cake to me. Wow. Nobody has made any birthday cakes for me before, and this was real thoughtful of her to give me such a gift. It's simple but very sweet (pun intended, hahaha)! Honestly, I like it a lot.

A few months later, she flew to Shanghai for her GIP attachment. She made me something before she left, but as she couldn't finish it on time, she asked me whether will I accept a gift that is 70% ready. Well I said of course, but I still didnt recieve anything because she couldn't finish up to 70% yet. Therefore, she had to bring the whole gift to China to continue making it, and then find ways to sent it back. Luckily a friend of ours who was there for attachment came back to SG for Chinese New Year celebration, and she was able to pass it to him to bring it back. That's not the end of the story though. The gift wasnt complete when I recieved it and it was sealed in such a way that I couldnt open it. I had to pass my gift to her friend who will bring it to a shop to add the finishing touches on it. And then I finally recieved the present about 2 weeks ago.

This cushion went from AMK to East Coast to China and back to Singapore, then to Boon Lay to my hands temporarily, then to City Hall to Pasir Ris to Bugis and finally back to my hands! She had to went through all the trouble of making it (this was her 1st time sewing), and also to coordinate the 'gift passing' process and at the same time keep me from guessing what is it! Needless to say, I like it alot!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's quite interesting to look at your eyelid twitch in the mirror. But then its not funny if it has been twitching for a month already. Irritates the hell out of me.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I like this Wally character in Dilbert. He's super slack and dun give a damn about anything. haha

Friday, March 09, 2007

One fine day in 1990, I was jumping up and down like a little kid (urm.. hey I was still a little kid then) when I was going to watch this film.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

One year later I was beaming and grinning on the way to watch this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then as cartoons took a backstage in my life and studies (yeah right) took over, I only managed to catch this on video, but still I was excited!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Now, a good 14 years later, I will be still grinning and skipping my way to the cinema to watch this.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My fav childhood heros are back!! After 14 years!!! Look at how much they've slimmed down!!!

Splinter taught them to be ninja teens (He's a radical rat!)
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines (That's a fact, Jack!)
Raphael is cool but crude (Gimme a break!)
Michaelangelo is a party dude (Party!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half shell
Turtle power!


Monday, March 05, 2007

The arrogance are back. And I dun have to say which group. I've recieved plenty of smses and msns since last night and every single one of them pissed me off to the bone. They are messages of pity and arrogance. Hey, I don't need any pity. And I thought they have become more modest but I was god damn wrong. It's not the team that I dislike. It's the way their fans show totally no respect or whatsoever.

Just F*** off and stop bragging about that. You guys know you don't deserve that victory.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

That goal has made man u the champions in a game that they don't even deserved a draw.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shocked and saddened. This was how I felt when I recieved a message from my sis this morning about the passing of my Grandfather. I visited him in the hospital yesterday and he was not in a good shape. He had difficulty breathing and was really weak. My aunt told me that the doctor told us to brace ourselves for the worst, but somehow we were quietly confident that he will live pass the festive period as he was able to respond to our questions by shaking or nodding his head. Then when the news came this morning I was sad, but I wasn't affected so much as I was already more or less mentally prepared. Now I am worried for my Grandmother who's old and sickly, I hope she's able to accept it. Felt helpless that I cant even do anything to help or make her feel better. Sigh..

Rest in peace Ah Gong. We miss you already.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

According to reports, this year is the year of the Fire Pig. You know, from the 5 elements : Earth, Metal, Fire, Water, Wood. I am a Water pig (don't ask me why, think it has to do with my birthday). And Water clashes with Fire! I better drink more water and place more 'watery stuff' around me. Haha. K lah I'm joking, I'm not that pang dang anymore ok!

Happy New Year everyone! May everyone grow fatter and richer in the year of the pig!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Everyone has heard this song before - the song from the Nokia advert. Not many people know what's the title of this song. And here it is!

"Digital Love" - Daft Punk

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling I've waited so long

Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the rythm gets stronger
There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun
We were dancing all night long

The time is right to put my arms around you
You're feeling right
You wrap your arms around too
But suddenly I feel the shining sun
Before I knew it this dream was all gone

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I wish this dream comes true

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
We'll make this dream come true

Why don't you play the game ?
Why don't you play the game ?

Nice song.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Shanghai fund needs MORE donations.. Interested parties pls leave a tag! Haha. The free pirated T shirt still stands!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A packed stadium last night! The crowd was fantastic! All thanks to Ah Lian's friends, we managed to get seats opp the grandstand, which is the most happening area where the fans will cheer the loudest, curse and swear the fiercest, and taunt the opposition fans most. Haha. Its damn funny that we stood in unision to taunt the Malaysian players, as well as to scold the referee's and linesmen's past and future family generations for any decisions that went against us. Even the ball boys weren't spared! We were silenced for a short while when they scored, and the Malaysian fans were dancing around, which made every Singaporean fans in the stadium felt irritated. Then the jeers aimed at the Malaysians amplified! Ahaha. And the whole stadium erupted when Singapore scored. Shiok.

'Eh why just now dance so much now cannot dance?!?!' One fan shouted to the Malaysian fans.
'Balek Kumpung!' (Spelling?)
'F*** *** ***** *** ** ** ** * *!!!!'

Penalty shootout is damn exciting. And pity the last Malaysian taker, who faced the full wrath of Kallang. Haha. No wonder he missed. Whose balls wont shrink when there are more than 50,000 people jeering and cursing at you?

Haha. Damn it was fun. I shouted till my voice is hoarse. This Wednesday is the 1st leg final at 8pm. And I got German class till 730pm! Damn.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Singapore vs Malaysia

Let's help our country to save some construction $$ by tearing the stadium down tomorrow!

The 4-0 thrashing by Malaysia 2 years ago really irks me. Hope the team wont let us down tomorrow. Plus the debate bout the oddly shaped causeway. Argh. Okay I'm mixing politics with football. Just hope that the Malaysian players wont be playing with footrot due to the recent floods. Cause that will be painful playing in that conditon and then they will have excuses for losing.

M: 'Ah ku cannot kick the bola cos footrot!!'
S: 'Come come try our SAF powder! Very effective! Neighbours must take care of each other right? Give special discount for u! Sell u $10 per bottle!'

Heck I am really so confident for a Singapore victory tomorrow. Even though they played like shit in the 1st leg.

And I really wonder why is the jersey blue in colour now. They only reason I will accept is that they consult some fengshui master and he said that Singapore team must wear blue to win BIG honours. Hopefully they wont say things like 'Cos Chelsea is blue what!' I think 99% of the football fans in Singapore will rip the designer into pieces.

Come on Singapore! Bring back the Kallang roar! The Kallang wave! And the good o' Malaysian Cup days!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Any one has lobangs for making namecards? Cos I want to print a set of namecards for myself that says 'Chua Wei Guan - Professional Calafare'. Haha. I went for a commercial shoot yesterday for a new local mandarin radio station. Yupz. Don't worry, I was just the calafare. No scripts for me, and the world wont see my famous mole. Haha. Just stood behind the DJs in a BBQ scene and act like I'm chatting with my friend. All that for $80! But I had to reach there at 2pm, and then I waited till 7+pm for my 'role'. Luckily I brought 2 friends along and we played 'dai-dee'. Hope I get more such good lobangs next time. For my Shanghai fund!

I went to Jus' place for BBQ and games after that. And played pictionary. Damn I've lost my 'All-play Master' title! AHHH...

On the other hand, Liverpool beat Chelsea 2-0! Did anyone see how Paulo Ferreria fell on his butt after Kuyt went passed him and score the 1st goal? Did anyone see how Petr Cech grasp the empty air after he failed to save Pennant's shot? Did anyone see Drogba's face when his little freekick act with Ballack backfired miserably? Haha! Joke of the Year! Nutmeg of the season!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I was happily waiting for my bus yesterday. As I was about to get on the bus, 'piak'! Bird shit dropped from the sky and right onto my hand. Damn! I can feel the warmth of the bird shit even! Argh.. Luckily I brought tissue paper and managed to wipe it clean before getting on the bus. Gross. Damn that bird. I want to roast it for dinner! If I had stood 1 step to my right, I would have gotten the first prize of having a bird shit dropped on my head. On the hindsight, I could have won 1st prize in 4D if that happens. Haha. Since it hit my hand, maybe I will win Starters prize instead. Hmmm... Maybe I will win mahjong!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Guten Morgen/Tag/Abend!

Ich bin Wei Guan. Mein Familienname ist Chua. Ich lieben Deutsch!

Danke schon!

Nope I am not typing rubbish.. I am learning German!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am starting a 'Fly to Shanghai Fund'. Donations are welcome!! I accept all major credit cards, Nets, cash, cheques or money order. GENEROUS donors will be given a pirated tee shirt from Shanghai! If you are shy to donate, feel free to treat me lunch/dinner/supper (note: breakfast not counted!), or you can top up my EZ link card, or help me pay my bills! =)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Webcam - Checked
Headphones with Microphone - Checked
Spare Microphone - Checked
Skype - Checked
Msn - Checked
Envelopes - Checked
Address - Checked
Stamps - Buy tomorrow
Calling Card - Buy tomorrow

I'm all ready for Shanghai! I hoped..

Monday, January 01, 2007

There's the Oscar's and the Emmy's. Here we have... The Chua's Award 2006!

Chua's Award for Song of the Year 2006
The infectious hit 'I Don't Feel Like Dancing' by the Scissors Sisters, the World Cup song 'Time of your Life', and 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by The Chemical Romance, and the cute 'Schappi song' are nice songs but the award goes to...
'Blind' by Lifehouse!!
Song of the Year, hands down.

Chua's Award for Team of the Year 2006
Don't think that I will say it's Liverpool. They did well to win the FA Cup but my team of the year goes to...
They won my heart from being a boring team to a exciting attacking team in the recent World Cup. That's enough to make me want to learn German! Haha.

Chua's Award for Game of the Year 2006
Italy vs France? No.. It's Liverpool vs West Ham in the FA Cup final!

Chua's Award for Goal of the Year 2006
This is easy. Crouch's bicycle kick goal? No... Joe Cole's volley in the World CUp? No.. Gerrard's long range equaliser against West Ham? No.. How bout Matt Taylor's Super long range volley? NO!!
And the award goes to....
Chua Wei Guan! For his goal against a very good team at Hall 2 court which left everyone applauding and kissing my toes. OK lah the 'kissing my toes' part is too much, but ya everyone applauded cos I squeezed through 2 defenders and dummied another before placing my shot into the bottom corner. BRILLIANT.

Chua's Club of the Year 2006
There's only 1 club to rule them all... The Chao Hee Nang Club! Founded by Grace CHong and currently headed by Mr Chua! Whoever says 'Huh?' will recieve an instant HI-5 from me and auto entry into this prestigious club!

Chua's Movie of the Year 2006
So many movies, but the award goes to.. Pirates of the Carribean! I like the part where they are trying to escape form the cannibals. Haha I laughed my ass off. And to make it extra specail, it's the first show I watched with HY!

Alrights thats all for 2006! Have a great 2007 to look forward to everyone!