Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Crowds. Is it just me? Or somehow I just feel that it is more crowded around places nowadays. Take NTU for example. Super long queue at the bus interchange in the morning (even at 1030am!), super crowded canteens, and in the evenings the people queue from the Canteen A bus stop to along the overhead bridge! Even the 199 stop is like this also. Is it because of the bumper crop of 'dragon' ladies? I am shy around crowds you know..

Still on the topic on crowds, during my stint at the Jap Bank in Raffles Place, I hate the journey to and from work. Because I feel stress. Stressed that I can't get on the bus/train and will be late. I'm sure other people will feel that too! Not to mention the HIGH risk of getting stepped on by a fat lady in high heels. The rush hour crowd is madness! Lunch time also rush to get seats and rush to queue up. So the Government still want more babies. Come on lah, even going to work is stressed already, how to make babies? Studies show that stress results in poor sexual performances, and generate that 'no mood' feeling.

I think I will enjoy doing my FYP. My Prof didn't give me any deadlines or what, just tell me to learn the 3D program, and set up the 6 PCs (yes, I got 6 comps just to do my FYP!) assigned to me in the lab. To think that I was still quite disappointed initailly when I got this project, cos it's my 3rd choice, and I am doing something that I've never done before, which is graphical design. Believe it or not, I enjoyed doing my FYP. Haha. Hopefully I wont hit any walls!

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