Sunday, January 28, 2007

A packed stadium last night! The crowd was fantastic! All thanks to Ah Lian's friends, we managed to get seats opp the grandstand, which is the most happening area where the fans will cheer the loudest, curse and swear the fiercest, and taunt the opposition fans most. Haha. Its damn funny that we stood in unision to taunt the Malaysian players, as well as to scold the referee's and linesmen's past and future family generations for any decisions that went against us. Even the ball boys weren't spared! We were silenced for a short while when they scored, and the Malaysian fans were dancing around, which made every Singaporean fans in the stadium felt irritated. Then the jeers aimed at the Malaysians amplified! Ahaha. And the whole stadium erupted when Singapore scored. Shiok.

'Eh why just now dance so much now cannot dance?!?!' One fan shouted to the Malaysian fans.
'Balek Kumpung!' (Spelling?)
'F*** *** ***** *** ** ** ** * *!!!!'

Penalty shootout is damn exciting. And pity the last Malaysian taker, who faced the full wrath of Kallang. Haha. No wonder he missed. Whose balls wont shrink when there are more than 50,000 people jeering and cursing at you?

Haha. Damn it was fun. I shouted till my voice is hoarse. This Wednesday is the 1st leg final at 8pm. And I got German class till 730pm! Damn.

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