Friday, December 31, 2004

Went for supper last nite with the gang.. Tot it's just a short supper and we ended up playing frisbee at west coast after that, at 1am!!! It was fun and we left at 3 plus... Haha

Tomorrow is New Year loh... Time to reflect on 2004... I used to look forward to 2004 because it's the year when I closed a chapter of my life(ORD loh!) and open a new one(STUDY!)... haha... Still in the army during early 2004, and most of the time complaining, cussing, cursing, kao-peh-ing about my new OC and CSM cos they realy suck... They don't know how to do things and then shift the blame on us when it cocked up... So being the ORD-ing personnels we only have to bite out lips and carry on... Ord in May, found some temp jobs like Underwater World Road show on weekends, some survey thingy job, and counting cars passed by.... The Underwater World road show was fun! I dressed up as the mascot dolphin Pinky and walked around in various NEL mrt stations... Then in the blink as an eye school started le... Got into Hall 1 and went to my hall's orientation camp... It was fun and my family got the best group! Learnt lots of stupid but fun games like 'how many meh mehs jump over the wall?' and 'Guess the MRT station'.. Then the real schooling starts, engineering courses are hectic compared to business so for Sep to early Oct I was the HARDWORKING me, doing tutorials, attending all the lectures etc... Come late Oct to Nov, I switched mode to the LAZY me, and tao bao Chemistry in the end... Then Dec hols is here and for the 1st time in tmy life I played so much mahjong in a week... Also had a unforgettable children's camp in my hall... And in 2004, all my friends turned 21, so went to countless bday parties, celebration etc, and burnt a hole in my pocket.. heehee

2004 is also the year when I re-met a special somebody b4 school starts... Couldnt find the chance to tell her tat and friends are telling me to jia you... haha

My New Year's Resolution for 2004 were:
1) Play more soccer (Did that, joined my cousin for Sunday football everyweek)
2) Play more mahjong (Done this too, esp at the end of the year)
3) Study hard (Sort of... But I know that I can do better)
4) Spend more time with my family (After I stayed in Hall it's like when I was in NS, only went home once a week...)
5) Get fitter (This is the resolution that I did not do haha)

So here's my New Year's resolution for 2005:
3) Get at least a silver for IPPT
4) Tell her that I like her (Dunno what's so hard bout this but somehow I just cant master the courage)
5) Improve on my 'guitaring'

Happy New Year guys! Hope that 2005 will be a better year for all of us!!

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