Sunday, December 12, 2004

Happily woke up at 830 this morning as I'm meeting friends to go to Sentosa. It was drizzling very lightly outside but I'm still hopeful tat the rain will stop. Then after I left my house and reach Potong Pasir mrt, one of them sms me saying trip cancelled cos raining at harbour front.... AH... was totally sian diao... Wanted to persuade her tat the rain will confirm stop by the time we reach the beach but then xuan le ba... So I went home with a low morale.. Luckily my mum made coffee this morning so I stayed for a while longer before I left my house.. Imagine if I didnt stay for coffee I would have reached harbourfront by the time I recieved the sms. Then perhaps I can go and visit SAJC! ya right............. Well wat to do... Then they decided to go to KTV and swimming but since I'm on my way back home, and I cant(not cant lah is dun really like) to sing chinese songs and left my swimming trunks in school so didnt join them.

But anyway met 2 of my sec sch friends Zhenhui and Benjamin for a coffee (again!) in the afternoon to tok cock. When old male friends meet there's only 2 topics to tok about, NS and Soccer. So we chat bout their NS life, bout my sch life and bout last night disappointing Liverpool match. Haha both of their hair cut until so short. And they said the new intake of recruits will be getting the bullet proof SBO!! Cool! And there is a new type of Gotex(is tat how u spell it?) boots, made of leather. Wah after i ORD then give so many things. Basket.. And yeah I bought the present for my JC friends Christmas present exchange ceremony le..

For the past few days I feel strange, I cant sit still, well even when I am sitting down my mind is restless... Its not the physically unwell, sick type of strange but something else which I cant describe it. Battle of emotions?? Am I stress bout results?? No leh excited bout it but definately not stressed. Izzit bout this coming Charity camp?? Dun think so what's there to worry bout?? Bout Christmas?? Confirm NO I love Christmas. Then I came to a conclusion: MEN TOO HAVE THE TIME OF THE MONTH ONCE IN A WHILE... HAHA.

Busy week up ahead... Luckily I didnt join any Inter hall games if not I'll be even more busy. But if I missed out on the hall's cut off points by a few points, I'll cry. *fingers crossed*

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