Friday, December 31, 2004

Went for supper last nite with the gang.. Tot it's just a short supper and we ended up playing frisbee at west coast after that, at 1am!!! It was fun and we left at 3 plus... Haha

Tomorrow is New Year loh... Time to reflect on 2004... I used to look forward to 2004 because it's the year when I closed a chapter of my life(ORD loh!) and open a new one(STUDY!)... haha... Still in the army during early 2004, and most of the time complaining, cussing, cursing, kao-peh-ing about my new OC and CSM cos they realy suck... They don't know how to do things and then shift the blame on us when it cocked up... So being the ORD-ing personnels we only have to bite out lips and carry on... Ord in May, found some temp jobs like Underwater World Road show on weekends, some survey thingy job, and counting cars passed by.... The Underwater World road show was fun! I dressed up as the mascot dolphin Pinky and walked around in various NEL mrt stations... Then in the blink as an eye school started le... Got into Hall 1 and went to my hall's orientation camp... It was fun and my family got the best group! Learnt lots of stupid but fun games like 'how many meh mehs jump over the wall?' and 'Guess the MRT station'.. Then the real schooling starts, engineering courses are hectic compared to business so for Sep to early Oct I was the HARDWORKING me, doing tutorials, attending all the lectures etc... Come late Oct to Nov, I switched mode to the LAZY me, and tao bao Chemistry in the end... Then Dec hols is here and for the 1st time in tmy life I played so much mahjong in a week... Also had a unforgettable children's camp in my hall... And in 2004, all my friends turned 21, so went to countless bday parties, celebration etc, and burnt a hole in my pocket.. heehee

2004 is also the year when I re-met a special somebody b4 school starts... Couldnt find the chance to tell her tat and friends are telling me to jia you... haha

My New Year's Resolution for 2004 were:
1) Play more soccer (Did that, joined my cousin for Sunday football everyweek)
2) Play more mahjong (Done this too, esp at the end of the year)
3) Study hard (Sort of... But I know that I can do better)
4) Spend more time with my family (After I stayed in Hall it's like when I was in NS, only went home once a week...)
5) Get fitter (This is the resolution that I did not do haha)

So here's my New Year's resolution for 2005:
3) Get at least a silver for IPPT
4) Tell her that I like her (Dunno what's so hard bout this but somehow I just cant master the courage)
5) Improve on my 'guitaring'

Happy New Year guys! Hope that 2005 will be a better year for all of us!!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

7 in 8 days... wow...

k... Enuff of mahjong... School's starting... Damn sian

As I'm typing this the Channel U news is showing a clip of the tsunami wave... I had always thought tsunamis are kinda cool... Well not anymore... What a bad event to happen at the end of 2004... And early this year I heard fortune tellers saying that this year is good and peaceful blah blah blah...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

6 Mahjong sessions in 7 nights... Haha.... And my friends whom I played with last nite has given me a nick - Ah Wang, cos I always win their money... hehe

going to support our hall takraw team le.. Hope they win!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

5 Mahjong sessions in 6 nites! New record!! haha

I realised I am getting hunch-er(is there such a word?), or rather more hunch back... Maybe I am getting taller? Maybe slack around too much? I am having backaches once in a while... I wan a message!! Anyone kind enuff to message for me? Girls only guys not welcome... hahaha

Kung Fu hustle is not bad... I like the female lead (the lolipop girl, not the lady boss!).. She looks sweet... :)~~~

Monday, December 27, 2004

Had a very 'Mahjongy' Christmas... Played 4 sessions of mahjong in 5 days... haha not bad too this christmas got quite a number of presents but paiseh cos some friends gave me but I never gif back.. (I was surprised... didnt expect them to gif) oh well next year then gif loh... haha

Anyway the accoustic version of Last Christmas by Busted is damn nice! I think its better than the original version sang by George Michael... U guys should hear it..

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Annual Christmas dinner at Jus' house on Sunday. Ate a lot of food(everyone brought their own and I brought AGAR AGAR btw, HARD AGAR AGAR), and cant finish the food, so we played games(as usual), and the loser have to eat 1 chicken wing or wat.. And played pictionary, and I was declared the ALL-PLAY CHAMPION!!! haha.. And we exchanged presents... I've a got nice shirt from Yunyi(cos I intro her to a part time job tats y she gave me a nice present, if not I think I only get a bookmark? haha jk ah)

Played Mahjong last nite with Jus, Grace and Jiarong.. I won 13 bucks BUT the highlight is... Jus got a SHI SAN YAO!! 十三么!!! Unbelievable.... Never seen b4... And I am the one who threw him the winning tile!! I was too preoccupied bout guarding Jiarong and trying to win such that I forgot Jus was waiting to win Shi San Yao.. And yes he told everyone that he's calling for shi san yao(quite stupid though, I woulnt tell ppl what I'm playing), and yet I can still gif him the bloody YI WAN!!! Ah... But nevermind I still win though... Oh ya did I mention that Grace Zha Hu again??

Slacked the whole day today... Woke up at 1330 adn I was susposed to go and support my hall sepak takraw team in the quater finals at 12!!! Haha and they won so ok lah still got chance to go support them in the semis... In the afetrnoon I watched 3 movies, and there are 4 more movies d/l in my laptop that I haven watched... And I hate the law tats gonna start next year that we cant d/l any copyrighted stuff like mp3, movies etc... AHHHHHH What Am I Going To Do?!?!?! Sianz. . .

Tml's my hall's OG family outing to Jurong Swimming Complex, followed by dinner... Can only go to swim with them, evening I've got a friend from army throwing a bday party at his house, then after that have to go and meet my friends from tutorial class to celebrate one of their bday and Christmas.. Wah siong.. Luckily the birthday party and the class gathering are both quite near at east coast that area, so taxi fare wont cost much ba...

Ok End of Long Entry.. Nitez...

Monday, December 20, 2004

I can feel my stomach muscles(if I have any), combining, merging, uniting into one big belly........... *burp*

Friday, December 17, 2004

Yeah children camp's over, results were out, Christmas is coming, and my presents are not ready. Ok anyway children camp was fun. The kids are adorable and they say the darnest things. Haha.

Me: Do you enjoy the Underwater Trip?
Kid: No.
Me: y??
Kid: Cos I dun like to eat fish...
-_-|| (I also dun like wat...)

Haha here's something funnier..

After our skit during 'campfire' night, Tiong tried to explain to the kids tat all movies/cartoons have a morale or meaning behind the story...

Tiong: Kids all movies have a meaning behind it so pay more attention to it next time k?
Kid: How bout Scary Movie?? Got meaning meh??
(Laughter all around...)

Haha there're a few times when I was stunned/shocked/moved/banged by them. And one of them drew a portrait of me!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ol' Chemistry, see Thou again I shall...

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Happily woke up at 830 this morning as I'm meeting friends to go to Sentosa. It was drizzling very lightly outside but I'm still hopeful tat the rain will stop. Then after I left my house and reach Potong Pasir mrt, one of them sms me saying trip cancelled cos raining at harbour front.... AH... was totally sian diao... Wanted to persuade her tat the rain will confirm stop by the time we reach the beach but then xuan le ba... So I went home with a low morale.. Luckily my mum made coffee this morning so I stayed for a while longer before I left my house.. Imagine if I didnt stay for coffee I would have reached harbourfront by the time I recieved the sms. Then perhaps I can go and visit SAJC! ya right............. Well wat to do... Then they decided to go to KTV and swimming but since I'm on my way back home, and I cant(not cant lah is dun really like) to sing chinese songs and left my swimming trunks in school so didnt join them.

But anyway met 2 of my sec sch friends Zhenhui and Benjamin for a coffee (again!) in the afternoon to tok cock. When old male friends meet there's only 2 topics to tok about, NS and Soccer. So we chat bout their NS life, bout my sch life and bout last night disappointing Liverpool match. Haha both of their hair cut until so short. And they said the new intake of recruits will be getting the bullet proof SBO!! Cool! And there is a new type of Gotex(is tat how u spell it?) boots, made of leather. Wah after i ORD then give so many things. Basket.. And yeah I bought the present for my JC friends Christmas present exchange ceremony le..

For the past few days I feel strange, I cant sit still, well even when I am sitting down my mind is restless... Its not the physically unwell, sick type of strange but something else which I cant describe it. Battle of emotions?? Am I stress bout results?? No leh excited bout it but definately not stressed. Izzit bout this coming Charity camp?? Dun think so what's there to worry bout?? Bout Christmas?? Confirm NO I love Christmas. Then I came to a conclusion: MEN TOO HAVE THE TIME OF THE MONTH ONCE IN A WHILE... HAHA.

Busy week up ahead... Luckily I didnt join any Inter hall games if not I'll be even more busy. But if I missed out on the hall's cut off points by a few points, I'll cry. *fingers crossed*

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Long Awaited Return

Announcement: THE GURU IS OFFICIALLY BACK! yes.. Scared bo?? Was slacking in my room then suddenly Jia Lin came and ask wan to play mahjong or not.. So I went and accidentally win 38 bucks(play 20-40 cents).. K lah not so much got win more b4 but the important thing is I can feel my form coming back!! yes like when I'll 'zi mou' the last avaliable tile I'm calling, I'll get many flowers and win, got 'up-flower' somemore, the player on my right keep feeding me the 'ka longs', I can do a 'peng hu' without anyone feeding me (zi mou somemore) etc etc... Haha all these didnt happen at all this year... But now the tide has turned... Opponents you've been warned!

Friday, December 10, 2004

It's 11.57am and the charity camp meeting will start in 3 mins. sianz woke up so early. Anyway played 3-kah mahjong last nite with grace and jus. And the whole session we just keep on laughing cos of grace!! Haha buay tahan. But the important thing is Iwon $12.. Guru Strikes Again! hehe

Meeting time......

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Bronze Medal/ Armour Plate

It rained in the afternoon, and IPPT was canceled!! Well when I have the urge to run, it rained. Too bad. Anyway got the reservist activation code. Its Armour Plate or Bronze Medal. They give you the green sticker with the codes to paste on your tv. COOL! Now I'm a true blue reservist personnel. Hahahaha. And my 1st ICT is in June next year. That's damn fast, 1 year after my ORD is my ICT le. Well I sort of look forward to it now. Ya sort of. This feeling will fade away when the time comes anyway. Haha.

This holidays is damn short. School is starting in 3 weeks!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Air. You think before you act, you look before you
leap. You are very direct, which sometimes can
hurt others. You are always looking for the
truth behind things. Of all the elements,
you're the wisest.

What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla
So didnt get to go to Devil's Bar last nite. Went to dbl o instead. Too bad cant burn down tat place, nvm lah gif them some more time to earn some beer $$ 1st. DBL O was fun! I wanted to dedicate song to 3 of my bday friends but the DJ didnt do so. Either he forgot, or he bo hiewed me. Anyway I should've written it down somewhere and give him. haha nvm next time try again.

Had much fun crapping around with my friends last nite. We didnt buy a present for one of my friend, angie, till the very last min. So a few of us went to Bugis to buy a bikini for her. Well I suggested buying Victoria Secrets and I got stares from my friends. Hmmm isnt it the same? You wear the bikini outside but VS inside. Haha anyway just a suggestion lah not serious bout it. Anyway there's a funny part. Another friend, Ziling, came along to help choose the bikini but she's going to buy another separate present for her later on(even more last min than us) and she doesnt want Angie to noe that we got her present so late. So we'll have to bluff Angie that Ziling's still working tats y she will meet us later. Here wat it is.. I brought along a digicam and started taking individual pics wif them. And so smart of me to take a pic wif Ziling and then after meeting Angie she brorrowed my cam and started browsing the pics that i've taken. And suddenly she asked, 'Eh? You all met Ziling ah??' Wah tio banged. So I unconvincingly convince her tat she went toilet or wat..(Cant remember the lame excuse that I said haha) Oh man FAILED MISSION....

Initially we decided to eat at Crystal Jade. Then we got this queue number, 324, and waited. And waited. And waited. *BEEP* #320! 'Ah going to be our turn soon' *BEEP* #323! 'Yesh! coming coming' *BEEP* #340! 'WTF!! Nvm will jump back wan' *BEEP* #325! and after a few more beeping the gals cant take it anymore and confronted them. They reply, 'Table will be ready soon.' Ya waited for 1+ hr still tell us soon? In the end we went to eat sushi teh. haha oh well if 0324 or 3240 open today I would be jumping but too bad. But my bro-in-law won 1st prize though.. Wahahahahaha got treat liao...


Saturday, December 04, 2004

Devil's Bar... Later I'm going to burn down tat place. Hahaha

ANyways I noe how come my luck recently sux. They cut down the row of trees outside my house!! These tress were there since I was a baby!! Basket... According to feng shui, the once the greenery near your house got destroyed, luck will be down too. However they planted tree saplings recently, which according to feng shui means new life, new beginning etc. That's why I won mahjong. Feng Shui Master in the making...

Friday, December 03, 2004

Football manager 05 is out! That's my game of the year! haha I can spend 1 whole week rooted to my comp playing this game. To a normal person, this game sux, it has low graphics, and basically it revolves around words and numbers (stats to be exact). But to a football fan, this is THE game! YEAH!!! HAHAHAHA!! What a busy holidays I am going to have.

Damn. Talking bout holidays, I should've find a job. Turned down 3 temp jobs offer, and now I am regretting it. BO LUI AH!! Well what to do. Hope I am still able to get some job lobangs in my next hols. But anyway there's FM05 to keep me company, and children's camp, and then there's Christmas! Yeah! My fav period of the year is Christmas period. Somehow during Christmas people's mood are happier and more relaxed unlike other hols. And this year there are 3 different 'present exchanging ceremony'. My jc gang (as usual), my old sec sch friends and my current tut class. And not forgetting my 2 nephews and my niece! Oh man I am going broke. And that does not help when my mahjong form is bad. But then I won $25 last nite frm Glace and that broke my losing streak, so maybe the mahjong guru in me has return?? Hope so. And its been some time since I bet on soccer liao. So proud of myself haha.