Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005 Review!

What's Hot?
1) Exams! I passed all my papers this year! When I thought that I might fail Maths and Circuits, I got B- for both instead! There can be miracles when you believe..

2) Ritz Carlton. I must say that I am very impressed with the staff there during my 2 months stint. Thumbs and big toes up!

3) Liverpool crowned European Champions. How can any I ever forget a night like that?

4) A01. My 1st year 1st sem class, still got together every month to celebrate birthdays despite being in different courses. We even got our own class jersey!

5) The 'rockk' msn emoticon. Enough said.

What's Not So Hot?
1) Ibanez guitar. My wife! She's sitting in a corner of my room now. I will love her deeply when I got the time again.

2) ICT. I've been told that we might go to Australia during the December break in my 4th year. That means I'll have to start my FYP earlier.

What's Cool?
1) Greenday. Great new album!

2) Settler's Cafe. I didn't knew that board games can be so fun before.

3) Lego. My nephews got tons of lego blocks in my house and it's quite fun whenever I join them to play. Haha.

4) Crazy Taxi, FM06 are my games of the year.

5) Children's Camp 05. It's funny when a bunch of adults start pullin their hair out when they are dealing with hyper active kids.

What's Not?
1) Blink 182 had disbanded. My favourite band is nothing but a memory now..

2) End of the year weather. Isn't the weather supposed to be cool, not scorching hot?

Happy New Year Everyone!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Finally got time to blog bout my past weeks.. Ok let's see what I did..

There's the Hall Charity Children's camp, which took up the whole week planning and buying stuff, for a 3 days 2 nights camp from Monday to Wednesday. Then I went to watch the kids perform at Toa Payoh on that Sunday. Its some publicity thing on the home's organisation part, where the kids will perform around the island and to try and pull volunteers (I think). But I'm impressed by their performance, break dance and drums. Naughty but talented!

Then went for ICT the following Monday. It last till Saturday morning, Christmas eve. On the very 1st day, when I was unpacking stuff from my bag, I forgot that I left my shaver somewhere deep inside it. And when I reach my hand in and try to pull out my pack of clothes, the shaver sliced some flesh from my right index finger away. Yes, SLICED. When I look at my finger, the part was white(not my bone though, the cut is not that deep). Then a few seconds later blood ooze through my finger and drip on the floor. It took me an hour or so to completely stop the bleeding. To me it seems like a small cut but when I showed my friends they were like, 'Wah! So big ah!' So you can imagine me enduring when I was bathing. Haha. My finger is fine now though. And btw, I use Gillete Mach 3 Turbo. It's been 3 months since I last change the blades and they are still damn bloody sharp (pun intended)!

Nothing much happen on the other days during ICT, except at the shooting range. I shot 8/8 at 100m and the system recorded me as fail!! Bloody hell.. I represented my Divison last time to shoot in a national wide shooting competition against snipers from commandoes and guards, and say I missed from 100m?? Haiz. I'm not the only innocent guy, many people shot more than 4/8 and they were told that they fail in the range computer system. Maybe the system cocked up on that day. That's why I said SAF still haven changed after 2 years.

After out process from ICT, I went back home and sleep for most of the day. Ya it's Christmas Eve and I was sleeping. Had dinner with my family on Christmas day to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary, then went to watch midnight movie, Narnia with my nephew and his parents. I got a last minute 'gig' from my band mate today. His NTU Taekwando club has a Christmas Function and he wan me to play guitar while he sing.. Haha. So I went, and after 2 hours of short practise, we were still not ready but nvm, the show went on and I think our performance was boring. We played Christmas songs like Last Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock etc on accoustic guitar, and therefore it can't get very exciting anyway.

So for the rest of the week, I've got bbq, post xmas presents exchanges, and then school reopens! Too bad mambo's cancelled.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm back from reservist. SAF are still the same, but the food somehow tastes a lot a lot better. I had a good time this week, we even sacrifice our book out on Friday night to play soccer. 2 years ago we would have probably been out at this time for our long weekend. Haha. I think we missed each other too much.

I've broken my 'A-less' duck! I've scored my 1st A in university! It's a A- actually but who cares, I'm happy. And I got mostly B- for the rest of my subjects! I was expecting to fail or at best, get a D for Maths and Circuits but I got B- for both! That's a very pleasant surprise. I hope I can get more pleasant surprise next sem..

Have a Happy Holidays everyone!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tml is my 1st ICT, surprisingly I'm not feeling excited or sian. Gonna be in Pasir Laba Camp for a week, out process on the 24th, Xmas eve. The thing that's worrying me is that my results and subject registration dates are on that week! Last sem I got a lousy timetable as I was working in Ritz Carlton and was a few mins late to register, and I missed out on my 'perfect' timetable. I hope that whoever is helping me to register can get what I want.

Results and timetables aside, this ICT is a good time to meet up with the rest of my army buddies. I met those who are in NTU some of the time, the rest of them are practically 'lost' in NUS, except that once in a while we will meet up to celebrate someone's bday. And I remember that last time in NS, I was the unofficial soccer IC. Haha, cos during any free time in the afternoon you will find me walking from bunk to bunk trying to jio ppl to play soccer. But after we shifted camp, I was not as enthusiatic bout football as before as the new bed in the new bunk is very comfortable. Haha you get what I mean.. And that's how the 'Shiu Shiu Shiu!!' phrase came about.

Christmas! My favourite time of the year! No matter what's going on, nothing can spoil my mood for it. I've got presents for my nephews and niece, and for some of my friends, I'm broke now. Anyone interested to invest in 'Save Weiyuan's Fund'??

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Due to popular demand, this is what I am if I become a dog..

German Shepherd
No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you — they know they can count on you to get any job done, and done well. That focus and attention to detail spans from your personal to your professional life, too. Although you can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to the projects you tackle, you still manage to keep cool and laid-back in social situations. You get a kick out of the little things and thrive when you're constantly busy and on-the-go. Easygoing and unpretentious, you don't need constant pampering and reassurance. A genuine, carefree pup, you're a true-blue friend, employee, and partner. Woof!

Btw, here's the link
What's Hot?
December Weather (Where the hell is the cool December weather??? I don't want to wake up and see the hot blazing sun.)
Scotty Doesnt Know

What's Not So Hot?

What's Luke Warm?
Rusty guitar strings

What's Cool?
World Club Championship (Liverpool are in the Finals!)

What's Sucky?
Essien's tackle on Hamann

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The 2nd day of the camp was not as hectic as expected, maybe cos we more or less knew how to deal with the kids already. Science Centre now has 1 area for kids to play football, and when they saw it, they ran inside and spent quite some time playing, while we happily watched them and relax. Haha. The last day of the camp got nothing much for them, except prize giving and photo taking. A few of them cried while leaving. For us, I think we were more glad that finally the camp's over and it's time for some well deserved rest.

I'm sure many of us scolded the kids when they were naughty or misbehaviour throughout the camp. For me, there's one instance when I blew my top. They were playing a fool around their sleeping area, making a lot of noise and none of us can make them quiet. I shouted at them at the top of my voice and they were stunned and finally shut up. The last time I was so angry was when I was still in NPCC I think, when 1 squad made me so pissed of that I really takan them and made them do change parade. After that they told my OC somemore, but he also never do anything. Haha

Feel like doing the volunteer work at this "Beyond social service" centre, but then I like to procastinate. Haha

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Children's camp children's camp... Last year the children's camp that my hall did, the kids were from a child care centre where their parents are well to do, and they were a happy bunch, easy to take care of and play with. In other words, they were cute. This year we got a home where the kids are from under privilage households, they are more streetwise, hardy, rowdy, and naughty. They're not easy to handle, everyone can testify to that. Bullying, fighting, running around, shouting and screaming as if we are invisible. Not that I'm complaining but it's really hard to make a choice between the 2 different bunch of kids. Either you do something for the society by choosing the latter bunch and pull out ur hair, or enjoy a peaceful camp by choosing the former bunch and let the rich get richer and fatter.

Tml is the science centre trip, and then finale night. May the kids show mercy on us...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I can't remember when was the last time I was so busy.. It may sound strange but somehow I'm enjoying it.. It makes me feel alive, cos for the past few months I had been so low, so dead..

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Argh!! I hate this holidays...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Taken from

Today will be the day for long goodbyes, write Connie Levett and Steve Butcher in Singapore.

NGUYEN TUONG VAN has seen his last sunrise - by the time the sun breaks the South China Sea horizon and touches Changi prison tomorrow, the 25-year-old Australian will be dead.

In Singapore they say "hanged at dawn" but Nguyen will go to the gallows at 6am before it's light.

Today will be the long goodbyes, with final visits from his two close friends Kelly Ng and Bronwyn Lew and painful farewells with mother Kim and twin brother Khoa.

Who Nguyen sees on his last day is very much in his own hands. "Van is making the calls in terms of the visits, as to the timing and who is coming," a family friend told the Herald. He will be allowed at least four hours of outside visits.

There are other matters Nguyen must face. He will receive a visit from the hangman, expected to be Darshan Singh.

The executioner will weigh him to calculate the precise length of rope needed to break his neck when the trapdoor drops from under him.

Visiting hours close at 5pm. What to do in the remaining time? Pray and write, say those closest to him.

When Nguyen's appeal was dismissed last October, his mother said outside the court: "He is good, he is always praying."

Today Nguyen, a Catholic and prolific letter writer, is expected to pray and keep penning words of comfort and farewell to his many friends in Australia. Prison officials will prepare a special evening meal for him.

"They find out details of the person's tastes," said M. Ravi, a human rights lawyer who has defended other men on death row. "They will find out if you like extra garam masala in your curry, that sort of detail."

At 4am, a prison guard will knock on Nguyen's door to rouse him if he is sleeping.

"They will offer him breakfast but whether he can eat is another question." Then he will bathe before he is handcuffed and takes the short walk from his cell to the gallows inside the prison.

Those who will attend the hanging include the coroner, the prison superintendent, a medical officer, as well as chaplain Father Gregoire Van Giang.

An autopsy will be performed to establish cause of death and then Mrs Nguyen must collect her son's body by 1pm on Friday or the Singaporean authorities will cremate him. The Australian high commission, which has cared for the family since their arrival in Singapore a week ago, is expected to arrange the return of his body to Melbourne.

At lunchtime, the family plan to attend a formal church service at Mary Mount Convent to commemorate Nguyen's life before flying out of Singapore, probably on Friday evening.

There will be no more reason for them to stay.

This feeling sucks...