Saturday, August 28, 2004

Doom 3

Played Doom 3 4 1/2 an hour just now... and for 90% of the time my hair on my arms and back are standing... The game play is superb!! Super thrilling and frightening... Monsters will come out of nowhere and attack you, and the place is quite dark 4 most of the time so u dunno when will the monsters come out and where they are hiding... They can sneak up behind you somemore... wah lao play 4 a while only can get heart attack sia.... whew... A game tat cant be played at nite, moreover its seventh month now..... wooooo

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Typical Entry

Just when i was going to type my knees hit justin's comp... ouch.... and the keyboard went 'offline' for a while... opps

Had my 1st comp C.A today... did a simple program to calculate the distance between 2 points but i almost forgot how to write and almost cant make it on time.. hehz... 2 yrs of slogging in the comp lab at sajc still not enuff.. haha..

Trying to organised an outing for my tutorial group but it is hard to decide when to go leh... sianz... i guess lunch at canteen A is the best liao... nearby but super crowded during lunch time.... how how? suggested playing volleyball but the gals are not so enthu... hmm watever lah wat I organised they better go cos i am the class rep haha....

Read the papers this morning and found out tat Arsenal got 43 matches unbeaten run... Broke the previous record of 42 held by Nottingham Forest... Forest's run was borken by Liverpool.. haha maybe Liverpool can stop Arsenal's run? but by the time Liverpool meet Arsenal they would have set a big record liao... Liverpool has signed Alonso and Garcia... Hope they will work wonders 4 Liverpool like how Henry and Pires changed Arsenal...

oh no now this is becoming a bloody football report! haha...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Yeah.. I am officially 21... Got lots of well wishes, surprise cakes and presents from ppl... Had a family celebration on Sat and the best thing is that i recieved quite a lot of ang baos frm my relatives... Had a cake with a picture of a car on it haha funny though i got no license yet and my sis ordered that cake... Oh ya the best thing i got was the hand-made card that my little nephew, Ching Hong, gave me... haha how sweet... I will post a pic of the card here if i got the chance... =P

Went out wif my jc gang on sun... Watched AVP, lame but quite enjoyable show though haha dunno y so many ppl hated it... Then had dinner at cartel and when we were just about to leave I sensed some whisperings around and justin bent down to take something so being the ever-so-observant-guy I act excited and exclaimed, 'Oh is tat a present 4 me???' haha and then the rest went hysterical... Stella, yy and grace were like 'wah lao!! act till so jia!!' haha and justin was dumbfounded by my sudden actions and then gave me my present... Its a very classy wallet and the leather smell is very strong... haha... Some of them went back with me to my hall and we played the card game minimizer.. Loser will have to drink bottles of water depending on the bidding amount... haha hmmm well after everyone's left and when i was going to bed justin suddenly gave me a book and said, 'nah this is your real present....' Apparently he passed the book around to get my jc gang and my hall mates to sign and write, and there are some funny/stupid/act cute photos of me inside which some i dun even know exist!! haha this is really a surprise present and i like it a lot... hehe

Yesterday my army pals gave me a jude nike soccer ball... haha and a card which Zec aka cfc even got some of my tutorial mates to sign... And my Simpsons family had a bbq and after my IBG recreational game they got a cake for me and doreen whose bday falls on this fri... haha well good thing is that they didnt throw me into the pond but i still got wet... bleh...

Alright its time to study..............

Friday, August 20, 2004

3 more days

Yeah... 3 more days to 21 liao... I would be partying if i am not studying now... Piles of tutorials and notes to read are piling up faster than i can finish understanding them... The pace of the Chemistry lessons are so fast that they should put up a speed limit... Anf Physics is starting to get tough le... Dun even mention Econs... So far I've only attended 1 lecture cos i dun understand wat the ah neh lecturer is toking bout... But at least i got 2 econs text books frm yunyi... Hope tat i can find the time to read...

Now 24 hrs a day dun seem enuff for me... I cant finish my tutorials, cant finish revising, need to take part in inter hall games and take photos, need to sleep, I've already skipped breakfast everyday to catch a bit more sleep (sounds pathetic i noe...) There's no time to play mahjong, go jurong pt walk walk, play soccer, play tennis, go 4 a jog (actually jogging got time but i rather sleep =P).. Hehz well but at least I've made some friends in my tutorial class... Since I'm the class rep i should go and organised something if not my class seems quite 'san'...

Everyone I noe has got their laptop.... WHERE IS MINE?????

Bday wish list:
1) turn into Albert Einstein (or turn into someone as clever) so that i can understand his chimilogy theory (lame but bo bian)
2) I want 48 hrs a day
3) I want my laptop!! (quite paiseh ah everytime use justin's comp)
4) I want $$!! (believe it or not, its not to have fun but to buy text books...)


Thursday, August 19, 2004

Dunno wat to write so find quiz to do....

Which South Park character are you?


Hes a really smart kid that gets made fun of because he is jewish and he has a canadian adopted brother.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

9 more days.....

Celebrated my bday wif my sec sch gang last nite.... Wanted to watch the Liverpool match while having dinner but the restuarant outside wisma isnt a good place to do so... They only screen the match at the bar side of the restuarant so i have to strecthed my neck to watch the match which was partially blocked by a tall potted plant -_-'' ... But nevermind, still managed to catch Cisse's 1st goal for Liverpool~! And somehow i was quite 'cock' last nite... I cant see the cake they prepared for me after i came back frm the gents... It was right in front of me and i missed it... Incredible haha but the cake is delicious though...

After dinner we went to catch cat woman... >>>>>ADVISE: DUN WATCH IT!!!<<<< There're 14 ppl who went to watch the show...(Hmm come to think of it, maybe i should buy some 4D) Anyway somehow i forgot to count Lewis' gf and booked 1 ticket short and so 5 of us have to sit on the 1st row... Feel a bit bad cos if i had counted properly they wont have to stretched their neck to watch the show liao...

Went 4 supper at Glutton Sq and saw my hall friends there... Wanted to join them at Mandarin Hotel after that but i was too tired (must be the cat woman movie tat made me so sleepy...) Well i slept and woke up at 3.30pm today... Good ah.. hahaha

Oh ya and they gave me the sling bag that i wanted! Cool!!

Thursday, August 12, 2004


Played 4 my block's soccer team in the IBG soccer tournament... Lost 1-0... sianz... BUT at least we fought hard.... i guess white is not a lucky colour cos the other team who wore white lost too....

Monday, August 09, 2004

My blog is quite blank and plain... Hmmmm need to do something bout it... Right after i finish my tutorials which i think will take forever................................................................................................................................................................

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Du Lan Day....

Went 4 my weekly Sunday football @ bishan park today... Felt tat i played so-so despite missing 3 sitters... YES 3 GOOD CHANCES fall on my feet... and I MISSED!! Bloody hell... Twice was blocked and once I blasted into nobody's land...

But tats not wat made me du lan... After the game, 4 of us went to the amk S11 (beside jubilee) to eat lunch.. Its was crowded and we found a table somewhere in the middle.. Good location got fan blowing somemore but no stools... So we grabbed stools and a few seconds after we sat down, 1 auntie from the drink stall came and said loudly,'BU YAO ZHUO ZHE LI!! JING TIAN SHI SUNDAY YOU HENG DOU REN NA RE TANG ZHOU LAI ZHOU QU!!! NI MEN ZHAI TING LU!!!!' (basically she just dun wan us to sit there..) I wouldnt mind to change seats if she told us properly... But the fact tat she exclaimed to us loudly made me du lan... (Friends would noe its quite hard to make me du lan) Come on lah if we sit there wont block so many ppl wat, and they dunno how to use another path meh? Wat for they put a table there and dun let us sit??? So we kao peh wif her 4 a while, and ppl were looking at us.. I really wanted to stand up and walked away but then my friend suggested change table... Ok loh change change lah... Cos the commotion had attracted staring eyes frm others.. then we sat down at a table not far away, wandering still wan to eat there or not adn wat to eat (Was hungry and super thirsty..) then that same auntie came and asked wan to buy drinks.. Siao will we buy from her? Of course not lah! Kaoz then went elsewhere to eat.. Should have walked away after the commotion liao, like tat more seh... haha... SHU NANG MAI SHU SEH~!!!

Wants to bang you??

Would anyone want to bang you? by phobia
Favorite Food:
Wants to Bang you:
This many times:170
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Friday, August 06, 2004

Huan Dao Chi Chi Chi

Wow.. went for this Huan Dao Chi Chi Chi (Eating round the island) event oragnised by my hall last nite, where there were chartered buses to bring us from NTU to various places in SG to eat the good food (actually went to 3 places only: Bedok, Geylang and Beauty World, and they call it Huan Dao...) The 'Ba Chuo Mee' at bedok taste so so only leh and dunno why everyone says it's nice... After tat went to Geylang (Wooo..) and we went to the famous soya bean stall and i ate a lot of 'shao bing'.. But the 'main' event was that we went to the 'forbidden' parts of Geyalng.. Quite scary though where ppl will try to pull u to the gals standing there.. argh... Pity the gals there... Coa they have to service those old chee koh pehs... The final stop is the roti prata stall opp Beauty World where according to Justin, their cheese egg prata rules(so so lah.. to me a prata is a prata)

After eating so much i dun think i will get fat though... I'm naturally slim.. hahhahahahaha...

Thursday, August 05, 2004


Why must my lecturer be an indian??? He kept mumbling to himslef and i fell asleep 4 the whole of the 2 hrs lecture.... Although he noes his stuff well, there's no point if he cant present it.... Therefore i have decided to skip the make-up lecture today becos i would rather sleep in my room than drifting between unconciousness and conciousness in the lecture theatre........ ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Life is like a box of chocolates.... You'll never know what you're gonna get... So dont take loh...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

See what cartoon character are you...

You are Tweety!
You are cute, and everyone loves you.
You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.
Wow... Singapore Pools has finally revamped their website... Now the webby doesn't hang anymore... Just when i THOUGHT that i can stop buying Strike, SG Pools revamped their webby which is now more user friendly and it's more tempting 4 me to shade their OAS... hahahaha...

Went with my parents, bro-in-law and my nephew Ryan to school for the engineering family day yesterday... It was a boring event and Ryan just couldn't stop figeting during the Q & A session.... Then went for a tour of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Labs which didn't impress me at all... The China students there were trying hard to explain their works in English and their chinese accent is more interesting than their projects... But even so i think i have made up my mind to take up Environmental Engineering next year... SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT~! SAVE THE TREES~! SAVE ME~!