Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Spoliers Ahead!!

I caught X Men last night. It was disappointing. I was looking forward to the fight between Iceman and Pyro since X men 2, and their fight in X Men 3 was like a typical Dragon Ball fight or Street Fighter fight (Arduken!). It was a fight between 2 of the coolest characters in X Men and.. it's just too short and unspectacular. Angel was a mere 'kare-dar-fare' in the show (he was a founding member of the X Men in the comics). And Cyclops died!! He's the poster boy of X Men!! I hope part 4 will be better.. I'm sure those who died will be back.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I had a fun week. Tired but happy. And I've found out that my joints cant keep up. My ankles and knees will be damn sore midway through a soccer game, even though I am still not tired. I'm still able to run and sprint, but my ankles dun allow me to do that. Argh!

Anyway last thursday, I had 6 ppl in my room for a mahjong game. 4 ppl playing, the other 2 share with 2 of the players. I opened my windows for more ventilation. Then at 4+am, some pranksters threw eggs at my window!! And they threw at my neighbour's windows too!! Damn it! Bo tai bo zhi have to clean windows at 4am in the morning, and wipe the floor, scrubbed part of the toilet (cos some of us stepped on the egg and went to the toilet to wash, and the toilet got the smell). We still continued playing after I cleaned up, and the best thing is, I won $2 the whole night.. We played for almost 12 hours. Hehz..

Sentosa was great!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So many games to play, yet so little time... Hahahaha

Monday, May 22, 2006

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.
Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New pictures for a new cup won!! Hahaha. Seriously I never thought Liverpool will win it after West Ham scored to make it 3-2. They were too tired. Kewell and Alonso were subbed out due to injury. As compared to last year in the Champions League Final, after Liverpool scored the 1st goal I can sensed that Liverpool could equalised to make it 3-3. But this time it's different. Everyone can see that more than 1/2 of the Liverpool players were tired after a record breaking 62 games played this season. And West Ham were running the clock down, until the very last minute where Gerrard scored THAT goal. 3-3. Same scoreline as last season, and when it went to penalties, I just knew that Liverpool could win it. And they did!

THAT Goal:

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This jersey with the 2 blue badges below costs $180.. The jersey itself is $95, the 2 badges cost $85! Damn it. It's a bit too ex, so i figured that I buy the jersey 1st, then after I got my IA pay then i print the 2 badges on the jersey. Anyway, as I was paying for it using Nets, the shop assistant keyed in $9 instead of $95. Being the honest and dumb guy, I told him bout his mistake and he changed it back to $95. Argh.. Now I regretted it. I could have just keyed in my PIN and pray that he didnt notice it, and I would have walked away with a $95 jersey for $9!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Feels damn shitty when you have to wake up at 1pm to go to school... Argh.. Guess tmr I have to wake up even earlier! Anyway my IA interview went okay, but the job scope sounds boring.. But $800 bucks per month, I think it's not bad.. Haha so fingers crossed that I will get it..

Played 2 rounds of mahjong last night, from 11pm to 5am.. What happen to the speed man?!?!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Chiam See Tong!!

Low Thia Khiang!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Exams are gone for a year!! Haha!! Finally got back home, bought a new and better mouse cos the old one got spolit due to too much gaming (during exam period). Missed my speakers too. New mouse + good ol' speakers + friends who stayed through the night to play games with you = damn shiok!

Fowler signed a new 1 year contract! I'm gonna get the new Liverpool jersey with his name on it!

OK to the big election..
I was kind of disappointed when I reached home and ask my mum bout the opposition in my area. She said that she couldn't recognised them as they didn't even go house to house visiting. Where's the sincerity man? And the opposition seems to be very very low profile in my area, how to win like that??

Anyway vote for CNP!! Motto: You stay still here, I move ahead.

Friday, May 05, 2006

4 hrs 25 mins more to freedom! Woootz! ORD LOH~~!!! What a draggy exam this is.. I wonder how I survived my 'O' & 'A' levels..

Tmr is voting day! Vote for CHUA WEI GUAN!

Sunday is football day!! Morning @ Bishan Park, evening @ Anfield!!

Monday is my IA interview! Wish me luck man! I really hope to land this IA at Micron. It's just a short walk from my house, and if I got in, I will try for the Micron Scholarship. It's a small scholarship, not a prestigious one. Besides it guranteed me a job right after graduation, and I will be given monthly allowance till I grad! Will be bonded for the number of years they sponsored me. So if I apply now, I will be bonded for 2 yrs, which I feel should be long enough to earn valuable experience then try for other jobs.

Tuesday onwards I will be back in hall! For the project in the day; mahjong, dota, FM, soccer and runs at nite!

4 hrs and 15 mins left!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've finally found the word I am looking for to describe Singapore. We seem to be democratic but we're not; we seem to be under a monarchy, but we're not. No, dictatorship is out, and we are definately non-communist. So what the hell are we?


Authoritarianism describes a form of government characterized by strict obedience to the authority of the state, which often maintains and enforces social control through the use of oppressive measures. The term may also be used to describe the personality or management style of an individual or organization which seeks to dominate those within its sphere of influence and has little regard for building consensus.

In an authoritarian state, citizens are subject to state authority in many aspects of their lives, including many that other political philosophies would see as matters of personal choice. There are various degrees of authoritarianism; even very democratic and liberal states will show authoritarianism to some extent, for example in areas of national security.

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

No mood to study now, so here I am trying to plan my short hols. I guessed I will still be stuck in hall since I've got this irritating project to complete. It's not those OTOT kind of project, where you can arrange with ur friends what to do and when to meet up. For this we'll have to attend lessons! If I'm not wrong it's from early to afternoon, Mon to Fri. Argh. So I guessed I'll be occupied with the occasional street soccer games, daily DOTA & mahjong sessions for the next 5 weeks. How exciting... ZZZ... Oh and it's been quite long since I've met some of my friends. This time it's my turn to jio them out!

World Cup is coming. Spoilt for choices: England, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Germany or Australia? No I'm not talking bout betting on who to win the World Cup, but which country's jersey should I buy. Haha. Oh ya for next season Liverpool will be wearing their new Adiddas jersey already, no more Reebok. The world have seen so many good players donning the Reebok Liverpool jersey. Owen, Redknapp, Baros, Chua Wei Guan etc. I will miss the Reebok jerseys.

I bought the Sunday Times yesteday. Most of the news on election are on PAP, or the James Gomes saga. SDP, SDA and WP? 1-2 pages each, with the majority of the page taken up by advertisments. Level playing field? NO!! And for goodness sake please stop talking bout upgrading of flats. If they got the foresight 20 years ago, they would have built the lifts that stop on all the floors!! Upgrading of flats is not something that appeals to me. I don't care how my neighbourhood looks like, or whether the life stop at my floor, as long as I'm comfortable and happy inside my house I am glad.

Just vote for CNP!! You wont regret!