Saturday, October 29, 2005

A song by Mourinho.. Haha

I closed my eyes,
And stand there grinning (Woooh oh)
We cant stop winning, (Woooh oh)
you'll be grinning too.
When I first came, (When he first came)
I was delighted. (Woooh oh)
Could've managed United, (Woooh oh)
But anything will do..
I wore my coat, (He wears his coat)
The world is merry. (Woooh oh)
I've got John Terry, (Woooh oh)
And Drogba too.
I switched them round, (He switched his rounds)
they all are hating. (Woooh oh)
I like rotating, (Wooh oh)
Anything will do

A corner kick is just enough
A little flick, from Damien Duff
The ball flies right into the net
And we are one nil up. (One nil one nil one nil!!)

May I return, (May we return)
to the beginning. (Woooh oh)
So easy winning, (Woooh oh)
When your team is blue.
You cant go wrong, (We can't go wrong)
We are in heaven. (Woooh oh)
Bring whatever eleven, (Woooh oh)
Anything will do.

//Haha Chelsea sucks

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

As I am eating my filet-o-fish burger at 2.30am, I shall blog bout my friends' toilet mate from hell... Oh well, not really from hell, but from Nepal or somewhere around THAT area.. You can get my point. THAT area. Anyway it's too gross to continue while eating, I guess I finish up my burger 1st...

Ok.. As I was saying, if ppl thought that my toilet mates last year was bad, wait till you hear bout this.. Apparently, this toilet mate of my friends', let's call him 'S' (you'll noe why I called him 'S'), is a frequent shitter.. Yes. So what's wrong with a guy who shits frequently?? No, nothing's wrong, but when he shits outside the bowl, that's the problem. Now, how the hell can 1 person shit outside the bowl? FYI, my hall's toilet bowl are seats, not the squating type, and so, Theory 1: he squats on the seat, shits and miss.. Theory 2: he stands up and shits and miss (Impossible??) Theory 3: he shits before his ass touch the toilet seat, ans miss.

Have I spoilt your appetite yet?? Cos there's more! He don't clear up his shit at all! He don't flush, and he leave his shit lying all over the place. Phew. I didn't believe it until I was forced into the toilet, and the smell was overwhelming. I could nv forget that sight. I swear that I got nightmare during the night..

This 2 friends really got strong endurance for this.. S's roommate is NTU Student Union Vice President, and he came back only once a week, or even less than that. And sometimes he clears the mess.. So why didn't they confront S?? They said that they are just waiting for the right moment to catch him red handed and give him a scolding.. Haha no need lah. Got evidence liao still need to catch him red-handed??

And last weekend S brought some friends over.. I don't know if they shit all over the place or not, but they borrowed my friend's toothbrush, toothpaste, shaver to use. My friend noted that his toothbrush was wet, and shaver got hair on it when it is normally clean when he came back. Haha. And he kept kb-ing since dinner.

I thought my toilet mates last year was bad.. This is worse!! Now I love my current toilet mates more le..

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oh Gosh.. Liverpool, please wake up your ideas and don't kill your fans..
Dearly beloved, are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying,
Are we demented? Or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure

Oh therapy can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused,
For the lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse

Land of make believe,
And it don't believe in me,
Land of make believe,
And I don't believe,
And I don't care!

And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time
Forgetting you, but not the time

Friday, October 21, 2005

Argh now I'm falling sick.. Shit..
Another late night mugging, and I am not tired even after a mad staircase run and some weight lifting.. Yes, I do weight lifting once in a while, I've got a dumb bell under my desk and most of the time I'm lazy to lift it. That explains for the skinny arms. Haha. Life's so boring, and I count catching Lizzy as one of the more interesting stuff to do around here in hall, supper, Google Earth.. Die.. I think it'll more interesting to watch paint dry. At least you can go, 'Hey! This part has dried up!'

Roommate Jus fell asleep quite late today. He's got a routine and he sticks to it, sleeps early and wake up early; unlike me, who used to sleep at dawn and wake up at will (READ:3pm). I'll need to learn from him next sem.

Its 5.30am now.. Wooohooo!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I had a weird dream this morning.. I dreamt that I was with Avril Lavigne, and we were like a couple, holding hands while walking... Before anything happens, my alarm went off.. Sheesh.... Normally I would have went back to sleep to try and find Avril back but I woke up and went for lesson today.. And it's time for me to meet her again! (What the crap am I talking...)

Anyway it was not a wet dream.. haha

Monday, October 17, 2005

Here are the photos of the recent Indo Chine gig!

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Trying to act rock star-ish..

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Our 1st song, Holiday..

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I dunno what is my lead singer trying to do.. Haha

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Notice that we wore black, and even our guitars are black.. We always planned to wear black tops for performances, but our guitars just happen to be black too...

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The start of American Idiot!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Finally, a week in this semester that's very productive.. Did 1 fluids tutorial, 1 circuits tutorial, and 3 maths tutorials! Feeling much better now.. Haha some weight has been taken off my shoulders!

Can sleep more peacefully now, even though I sleep very peacefully everynight already..

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The reason y I choose to do Mechanical Engineering is because I hate to do circuits... Those Kirchoff's Laws, currents, capacitance, diodes etc make me sick everytime, and now I have to take this stupid module in my course! ARGH!!

Sometimes its good to know that kind people do exist. I'm quite a lucky guy, I've just known my lab group mates for only a few weeks, and after I've missed 1 lab 2 days ago, one by one asked me why I didnt go and told me to go and do make up lab cos it's important. This might not sound anything impressive, but I do appreciate it a lot.

Its time for What's Hot, What's Not!

What's Hot
Google Earth

What's Warm

What's Cool

What's Lukewarm
Study Rooms
Nokia Alarm Tone

What's NOT
Electrical and Electronics : Circuits and Devices i.e MP2008!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Google Earth is cool!! I've just d/l it and have spent 1 hr finding places like my previous schools, camps, friends' and relatives' houses.. Haha.. For some reasons it bring back some memories, esp when I looked at my army training areas.. Didnt know that I managed to 'topo' 1 big area in 1 night. It looks damn big to me.. I'm able to look at Liverpool's stadium, look down the crater of a volcano, pin point where's some of the world's seven wonders etc..

But its dangerous, after the Bali bombings, only time will tell if terrorists will use it to target sensitive places......

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Interesting quiz :

Your distinct personality, The White Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Don Quixote was a White Knight as was Joan of Arc, the Lone Ranger and Crusader Rabbit. As a White Knight you expect nothing in return for your good deeds. You are one of the true "Givers" of the world. You are the anonymous philanthropist who shares your wealth, your time and your life with others. To give, is its own reward and as a White Knight you seek no other. On the positive side you are merciful, sympathetic, helpful, giving and heroic. On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Indochine was good! And I dun understand why the girls from nus and smu look so much better than ntu girls.. I'm in the wrong school.. haha...

A friend asked, 'Eh, how come NTU dun have this kind of bash???'
Then another friend commented, 'Cos NTU students are studying now mah, exams coming!'

Haha.. How true.. And what the hell was I doing there??!?! I should be studying! Nerds are the 'IN-THING' now! Sorry wifey, u'll have to be kept under my bed till exams are over.

Friday, October 07, 2005

1 more gig! Tonite at indochimes at wisma, for smu's bash there.. shack out after football just now, hope tat i still got the strength to stand on the stage...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

If you are in a dark place, you look around and can see no rays of light anywhere.. What will you do?? Just plain darkness creeping all around you. What will you do??

It's time to change my Feng Shui, and get my ass off to a brighter area..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It is turning into a nightmare!!!!!! What happen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? When did 1 dream became so true???????


Sunday, October 02, 2005

I had a good weekend, the last enjoyable weekend that I'm going to have before I shut myself from the outside world to study for my exams.

I was susposed to meet Melz and her friend at 12pm but instead I woke up at 2+ and only managed to meet her at 4.. Haha so sorry.. But I've treated to her TCC's Hot Chocolate Lava Cake, which was damn good.. After that I met ah lian for dinner, and I die also insist on watching movie, so I jio-ed the bookworm gang, and none of them can make it.. So we ended up watching 'The Myth' in Toa Payoh.. Not a bad show afterall, they even got a striping fighting scene with the Bollywood actress.. =P~~~ haha

Went for my usual sunday football match, and oddly enough, 28 of us turned up.. We jio friends, friends jio friends, friends' friends jio friends... Since so there're so many of us, we even waited for 30 mins for the rain to stop then we can start to play, as we did not want to go home without kicking a ball... Had a good game, and we won 1-0! Good sign for Liverpool tonite!

On my way back, a cute baby boy, slightly younger than my niece, played peek-a-boo with me on the bus.. After a few mins, his mum gave him the 'nai zhui' to suck, and almost immediately he fell asleep.. haha!

A Liverpool victory tonite will complete my good weekend.. Pls win!!!
TCC Hot chocolate Lava Cake Rocks!! It's been more than 8 hours since I've last tasted it, and it's taste still lingers in my mouth.......
