Saturday, April 02, 2005

The week's quizzes are finally over. Yeah and I scored 34/40 on life science quiz yesterday. I have quite a high ti kum rate.

It was April Fool yesterday. Used to had much fun on this day during my pri and sec school days. Playing pranks around ppl, kana tricked by ppl, planning pranks with friends on victims. Haha. Send 1 April Fool's sms to quite a no. of ppl yesterday and most of the ppl got tricked. Those who didnt are mostly guys. This shows that girls dunno how to scroll down a msg, or can't find the button to scroll, or they are guilty of passing my number around?? Haha bhb.

It just stop raining ouside, and now it's my nose turn to rain. Maybe I'll take a nap now since the weather is cool. Suspose to go home but.. nvm sleep 1st then say.

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