Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2nd day of school, walked past a girl mugging over a set of lecture notes... 2nd DAY OF SCHOOL ONLY!! AND I SEE THIS!?!? And Linda also said the same thing,' wah lao 2nd day of school only leh...'

I've chosen a subject call Mind Over Stress, and its quite interesting.. The lecturer is a psychologist, and he was teaching us how to relax by breathing in and out, and how to cure insomia, by breathing in and then let out a sigh repeatedly for 10 times or so guarantee you'll become sleepy if not fall asleep... My friend tried it and she told me it worked! She fell asleep after around 15 times of sighing... Cool, I'll try it when I got the chance, but normally the moment my head touches my pillow I will sleep le...

I've got my ERS $$ hohoho~~~

Speaking of $$ I won Mahjong last nite, $17 bucks, and b4 the game we said the winnings will be donated to the tsunami victims... So after the game instead of donating the $$, we went to eat supper and spend $10, so left $7.. haha a bit bo xim lah but its the thought that counts... Maybe I should go around winning mahjong then donate all the winnings? Sounds good but I noe it's just an excuse for me to play more mahjong... But its damn heart breaking when u turn on the news and see the reports of the tsunami.. I think if Singapore win the Tiger Cup they will donate the prize money away... Ok no link there... Time to sleep......

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