Thursday, July 13, 2006

I;ve started my attachment, and on the first day, I happily reported to their office in Kallang. I woke up at 745, and reach there at 815, just a short 5 mins bus ride. After I met my supervisor, he happily said, 'Come! Let's go to the site!'
'Huh? What site?'
'Oh we got a project in Republic Poly in Woodlands. You will be reporting there from tomorrow onwards. Don't have to come to Kallang.'

And so, my joy was shortlived. Argh. It will take me 40 mins to reach there by train or bus. But I still have to walk 10 mins to the site. Therefore I've been sleeping at 10pm nowadays, and wake up at 645!! Phew.

The temporary office I located is in the construction site in the Poly. And I always feel left out cos most of the time I dunno what the hell are they talking about.

'The pressure valve ah, must close if not the pipe will blah blah blah...'
'The gateway valve is at the Chiller room, then the pressure tank blah blah blah...'

So many terms and new places to remember. Haiz. 'Huh?? Simi valve? What room??'

And so many drawings. I am used to reading technical drawings of objects or tools, but now I am looking at the technical drawings of seven storey buildings. I should be a civil engineer instead!

But on the bright side, I got a pay raise on my 1st day! As I am attached to the site, I have a $60 extra every month to pay for my handphone bills. And every 5 mins I can help someone's hand phone ring.

Oh, and everyday I follow the whole gang of students to walk to school from the station, and it seems like a fashion parade! The RP girls can dress up better than the girls in NTU!! Haha. Sorry but that's the truth. But ya, NTU guys wear shabbily to school too. But at least I still can blend in with them. A bit. For instance, when I was slacking around in RP during lunch time, many students like to approach me for autograph. Urm, I mean surveys. Haha. And when I replied that I am not a student there but doing attachment, they went, 'Wah...'. What's the 'wah' for anyway? Haha. Wait till I get my safety shoes and helmet for the construction site. Then I think they wont be approaching me already.

One more piece of good news is that I will not be there for the whole of my attachment. But.. They are susposed to complete everything by Sep. And it seems like there's a delay and I think I will be stuck there till Oct or Nov. All because of the lousy main contractor!!

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