Sunday, July 30, 2006

I appeared in I-Weekly! It's just a small pic in some article bout campus food, and a bunch of interns from some poly came to Canteen 2 and I happened to be having lunch there. Actually I was quite pissed off that time, cos I just finished 1 paper and wanted to have a nice lunch then take a nice nap but instead these ppl keep asking and taking pics and preventing me from eating my chicken chop!! Think can tell from the pic that I am trying very hard to smile.

So have u bought a copy yet?

Speaking of interns, I worked till 8pm on yesterday, on a Sat night! I almost had to go to work today also! Argh! They have to rush cos the deadline is approaching very soon, and there are many things uncompleted and many many cock ups! Some thing is very wrong somewhere in the management and organisation of the whole project, and now everybody is suffering. And everyone is in this shit due to a few irresponsible idiots, who take MC on crucial days. Some even left the company and passed their shit work to other ppl who are already so busy. Damn the bloody idiots! Hope they fall into some shit holes and nv get up!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I wanted to rant about my company, but changed my mind. Here's an advice, try not to work for any construction firm or contractor.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm downloading some World Cup video highlights now. Looks cool. Now that the World Cup is over, some regularity has been restored. Haha. Like for example, I don't keep checking soccer odds every 1 hour already.

Crap. And why am I downloading these World Cup videos? Because I cant go out! I am hoping that my ankle will stop swelling by today and don't wish to walk around. The few chinese sin seh I know are all closed on Sundays. Damnit. Wondering whether should I take mc tmr, or brave the pain and go to work and then see a doc after that. But by then my ankle could be broken already. Maybe I should take mc tmr. Nvm shall see how.
I played soccer @ NTU field today. It was good, I scored a goal in 15 mins and then after a while got tackled and sprained my ankle. Damn sad lah. This was my 1st time playing 11-a-side soccer with my A01 gang and I had to come off after only playing for slightly less than 30 mins.

Stupid ankle. Stupid guy who tripped me. May you fall inside a long kang! A very deep one! ARGHH! Now I cant play for 2 weeks minimum. Damn.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mambo was boring last night. It's been almost a year since I last went there, and I was a bit disappointed by the music. I could have slept there if there's a place for me loh. But I still managed to wake up and go to work on time, and finished the day in one piece. But that's because I left early. I think I will drop into some pit in the construction site if I've stayed on later. Haha.

I've got my construction helmet and safety boots already! Promotion again!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I;ve started my attachment, and on the first day, I happily reported to their office in Kallang. I woke up at 745, and reach there at 815, just a short 5 mins bus ride. After I met my supervisor, he happily said, 'Come! Let's go to the site!'
'Huh? What site?'
'Oh we got a project in Republic Poly in Woodlands. You will be reporting there from tomorrow onwards. Don't have to come to Kallang.'

And so, my joy was shortlived. Argh. It will take me 40 mins to reach there by train or bus. But I still have to walk 10 mins to the site. Therefore I've been sleeping at 10pm nowadays, and wake up at 645!! Phew.

The temporary office I located is in the construction site in the Poly. And I always feel left out cos most of the time I dunno what the hell are they talking about.

'The pressure valve ah, must close if not the pipe will blah blah blah...'
'The gateway valve is at the Chiller room, then the pressure tank blah blah blah...'

So many terms and new places to remember. Haiz. 'Huh?? Simi valve? What room??'

And so many drawings. I am used to reading technical drawings of objects or tools, but now I am looking at the technical drawings of seven storey buildings. I should be a civil engineer instead!

But on the bright side, I got a pay raise on my 1st day! As I am attached to the site, I have a $60 extra every month to pay for my handphone bills. And every 5 mins I can help someone's hand phone ring.

Oh, and everyday I follow the whole gang of students to walk to school from the station, and it seems like a fashion parade! The RP girls can dress up better than the girls in NTU!! Haha. Sorry but that's the truth. But ya, NTU guys wear shabbily to school too. But at least I still can blend in with them. A bit. For instance, when I was slacking around in RP during lunch time, many students like to approach me for autograph. Urm, I mean surveys. Haha. And when I replied that I am not a student there but doing attachment, they went, 'Wah...'. What's the 'wah' for anyway? Haha. Wait till I get my safety shoes and helmet for the construction site. Then I think they wont be approaching me already.

One more piece of good news is that I will not be there for the whole of my attachment. But.. They are susposed to complete everything by Sep. And it seems like there's a delay and I think I will be stuck there till Oct or Nov. All because of the lousy main contractor!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Haha! This is damn funny!

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Shaolin Tie Tou Kong!

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

So it's the World Cup Final once again! Besides the burning question of who will win the World Cup, there's also another question that's bugging everyone's mind.. Who will win the Golden Ball award??

This award will be given to the best player of the tournament. Here are the nominees................

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I think it's pretty obvious who will win!! Don't you think so too??

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I had

1 bbq chicken wing,
countless chicken fillet,
sausages and crabmeats,
1/4 packet of Lays' Potatoe chips,
1 slice of cake,
for BBQ last nite.

Then for supper, I shared these with 5 friends -

Sugar cane juice, carrot cake & 'orh-luat' from Chomp Chomp;
Tao huay, you-tiao, shao bing & 3 durians from Geylang;
ice ka-chang from Newton Food Centre;
Ice HK tea from Hong Kong Cafe.

I am still feeling full now.

Friday, July 07, 2006

And so Cristiano 'Crybaby' Ronaldo cried foul on the ref's performance against France. Look who's crying!


Anyway, it's my nephew's birthday tomorrow, and I asked him what does he fancy for his birthday present.

Me: 'Ryan, what would you like to have for your birthday?'
I was expecting him to say Power Ranger Ninja Storm, or Masked Rider 555, or Astroboy, or Pokemon (don't ask me how I know the names), but...
Ryan (without battling an eyelid): 'I want a lot a lot of markers!'
Me: 'Huh? Markers???'
Ryan: 'Ya! Markers are so nice you know.' And he took out a red white board marker that his mum just gave him and drew an 'X' on his small white board.
Ryan: 'See? Wah red colour marker. So nice!'
Me (Dunno whether to laugh or not): 'Urm. Okay..'

And so the next day I asked him the same questions again.
Me: 'Eh Ryan, what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?'
Ryan: 'A lot a lot of markers loh!' And then ran off to play with his toys.

Okay then. I shall fulfill his wish, and save some $$ also!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So Germany was knocked out. I think i better don't jinx any team that I support. Like Argentina in 1998, England in 2002, Spain in 2006.

For the disapointed Spain fans and Germany fans..
Why is the whole world backing Italy?!?!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Henry's offside record in this World Cup would have made Inzaghi proud!

Anyway, attachment starts next week. And to my worst horror, the pay I will be receiving is the bare minimum - $540 a month! Argh! I should not have chosen this company in the 1st place, but because since it's near my house, I put it down as one of my choices. I'll have to work on Sat too! Haiz. Going back to serve NS can get more $$ somemore. But nvm, I like the company's name though. HART sounds like HUAT!!

HUAT AH! Germany you better win the World Cup!! Haha!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mystery. How did the French not score a goal in 2002 and yet streamed past Brazil and Spain so easily? Why is Zidane still so zhai? Why England wasn't awarded 2 clear penalties? Why was Rooney red carded? Why was Jamie Carragher one of the penalty takers for England when I don't even recall him taking 1 penalty in a Liverpool Jersey?? How did Lampard miss chances after chances where he would have scored in Chelsea colours? After his miss in the Portugal match (don't ask me which one), Kel msged me saying that even he can score that one! But seriously, I wonder if England will progress if Fowler was playing. Haha. It's just a dream.

2 of the tournament favourites are out. Sent packing. Going home. For the English players, I think they are quite used to it already, getting knocked out in the quarter finals. Frankly, I think it'll be hard to point the finger at anyone, since all the players performed below par. Rooney, with all the focus on his broken toe, didn't perform. And Stupid Hub still considered him as a 'Lengend of the Day'. Come on, he has not prove himself in the international stage yet. Owen was a mere passenger before he got injured. Beckham didn't really contribute except for his freekicks. Lampard, urm, I think he had about 30 chances in this World Cup and he just couldn't score. For the Brazilians, it's just plain bad luck that Zidane decided to play football that day.

So, Germany vs Italy, Portugal vs France. Ballack vs Totti, Figo vs Zidane.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I can't remember what I want to type in here..

Nevertheless, GERMANY!!