Sunday, April 09, 2006

26 more days to partial freedom!

I realised that I won't be having a good holiday break for some time. Let me see, from last year Jan to May I was in school, then I had 2-3 weeks of short break and I went to Ritz Carlton to work till school started in August. Then followed by a period of 'intense studying' till Nov. And then there was children's camp and ICT. Right after that school reopened and after my exmas this sem, there's some innovative project which all engineering students have to do for 1 month. Following that, World Cup will start and I'll be busy watching and analysising and betting. Lol. Then my industrial attachment will begin in 11th July till 10th Dec. One week after that, just before Christmas, I think I will most probably have a week of ICT, and then school starts again in 2007. Then after 5 months of school, I want to take 1 GE module in the special semester in May/June period to clear my GE requirements. Phew.
No long statisfying break for 2.5 years! Scary, esp after seeing how some of my friends become so busy working, I think I better enjoy myself more now.

I want to aim for a good break after that special sem in July 2007. By then Jus would have grad already, and I will have 1 more year to go! Can't wait till I graduate. But I think 3 yrs later I will be saying 'I miss school'. But then again, judging from the frequency of my truancy from lectures, most ppl would have thought that I went on a holiday or drop out of school liao. Haha.

Happy mugging!

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