Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Woooo.. Home computer was down so I can't blog till I've returned to my hall.. All my windows cds are not at home so I can't reformat till later this week.. Here's the events from the past few days...

Fri : Played my weekly fri soccer in sch in the rain.. We were wandering around looking for courts and when we finally got 1, it started to rain.. But still, we continued playing and it's fun trying not to fall.. haha
Went for my hall's night cycling almost immediately after soccer.. We took bus to east coast and frm there at around 10 we cycled 1 big round to get to marine parade then to bedok where we had our 1st stop point.. After that cycled 1 big round to get to punggol to eat nasi lemak... Then cycled 1 big round (again!) passed my house and to bugis area to eat.. And then off to city hall, clark quay, and reached east coast at 6am.. the tiring part is not the cycling, but cos of lack of sleep.. My butt hurts from the bicycle seat.. argh..

Sat : Went to sajc carnival.. It's special this yr as this will be the last time that the carnival is held in this school building in Malan Rd.. So after the nite cycling yy picked us up and drove us there.. Its a damn hot day and basically we didnt do much there also.. Spent most of our coupons playing at this soccer penalty kick station, where you are playing against a very good goalkeeper.. Jus, Jr and I all tried and failed to score.. They both had shots that hit the post while I had a very good shot saved(really good shot tot can score and that gk managed to saved it!)... haha then we went to one of the blocks to nua.. And since all of us were tired we didnt want to go out and buy drinks so we we waited for quite sometime for someone to come over and sell the drinks to us.. haha.. And finally at 1pm or so we were bored stiff and went back.... Oh and b4 we went some of us went to try their skills in the candy floss machine... haha and they sucked at making candy floss.. haha no no pattern at all..

Sun : VERTICAL MARATHON!! WOOHOOO! The event that I've been waiting for.. Its fun! Its cool! Its enjoyable! Its 1325 steps high! The goodie bag is good, and ph 'kob' 3 goodie bags -_-||.. I think we took bout 11-12 mins per person (except that ph who took 7-8) to climb 51 storeys.. Friends were complaining bout the thin air but I got no problems breathing, except that my knee is creaking (like old machine without lubricating oil) when I walk... Must be due to the night cycling.. The sight is magnificent from the top, and the organisers had to chased us down cos all of us dun want to leave and wanted to take more pictures... Hehe definately one of the most memorable days.. GOOD JOB SHOELACE!

Mon : Went to bai nian wif my tutorial mates frm ntu... Haha we were all saying that ppl must be thinking to themselves : 'these siao kias.. Now when liao still went to bai nian..' haha anyway the main purpose is to gamble.. And one of them lost 100 while playing 'in between'... madness.. haha then played mahjong overnight.. Not bad for me, I won a bit.. heng...

Tue : Slept the whole day and came back to hall to study and start on my lab report.. And my mum still ask me to go back home to eat dinner on Wed nite as it's the 15th of the lunar new year..

alright... Liverpool is leading 2-0 at the moment! GO GO GO!!

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