Friday, August 31, 2007

No offence, but this is damn funny.

One fine day, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong visited India to meet their PM to negotiate trade terms. During the lunch break the Prime Minister of India suggested taking PM Goh for a spin in his helicopter and view India's city lifestyle.

As PMGoh was enjoying the bird's eye view from above, he noticed an over populated village with unhygienic living conditions. A man was even****ting in his backyard. PM Goh was fast to comment how unsightly it is and that India's people are so uncivilised. India's PM was so humiliated and vowed to himself that he'll humiliate PM Goh when he gets to visit S'pore.

When he really did visit S'pore the following month, PM Goh too offered him a ride in his helicopter to see the Singaporean lifestyle. For a whole hour, India's PM was trying to spot a fault. Finally he saw a place where people literally littered the streets, and as he had a closer look, he even noticed a man ****ting on the grass verge. He quickly pointed out to PM Goh about it and said, "You said Singapore was nothing like India. How do you account for this?"

PM Goh looked closer, smiled and replied"Aaahhh.. we called that place - Little India".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Crowds. Is it just me? Or somehow I just feel that it is more crowded around places nowadays. Take NTU for example. Super long queue at the bus interchange in the morning (even at 1030am!), super crowded canteens, and in the evenings the people queue from the Canteen A bus stop to along the overhead bridge! Even the 199 stop is like this also. Is it because of the bumper crop of 'dragon' ladies? I am shy around crowds you know..

Still on the topic on crowds, during my stint at the Jap Bank in Raffles Place, I hate the journey to and from work. Because I feel stress. Stressed that I can't get on the bus/train and will be late. I'm sure other people will feel that too! Not to mention the HIGH risk of getting stepped on by a fat lady in high heels. The rush hour crowd is madness! Lunch time also rush to get seats and rush to queue up. So the Government still want more babies. Come on lah, even going to work is stressed already, how to make babies? Studies show that stress results in poor sexual performances, and generate that 'no mood' feeling.

I think I will enjoy doing my FYP. My Prof didn't give me any deadlines or what, just tell me to learn the 3D program, and set up the 6 PCs (yes, I got 6 comps just to do my FYP!) assigned to me in the lab. To think that I was still quite disappointed initailly when I got this project, cos it's my 3rd choice, and I am doing something that I've never done before, which is graphical design. Believe it or not, I enjoyed doing my FYP. Haha. Hopefully I wont hit any walls!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Here are some pics taken from NDP!




Zhao Pian


For some reasons I cant upload the images to blogger. But anyway, seriously speaking, the only thing worth mentioning is the fireworks. So don't bother about the rest. BUT, the artillery guns at the bay were damn cool. Because they were so loud when firing the 21-gun salute, a little girl sitting near us cried! For really long! Poor thing.

I'll be watching fireworks later today. I hope I can film the whole fireworks display down cos I need it for my FYP. I'll be doing a fireworks simulation in a VR environment for it. Sounds cool right? But I have no idea on how to start! So I guess I should film the fireworks for some inspiration first. And then try and master that program. 3D Studio Max anyone?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ok some real updates..

I found a temp job for 2 months at a jap bank. It was boring work but I enjoyed my stay there cos I had good company around. One head of department even asked me to work for him after I grad. He kept on saying, 'Engineers make good bankers!' But I think I'll stick to my engineering field for the moment. My last day of work was last friday, and my colleagues gave me a little Thank-you card and a delicious looking box of chocolates. That was nice of them!

I took 1/2 day off on my last day of work so that I could go to the airport to fetch hy back. Finally I don't have to do any more countdowns! =)

Alrights, then school started today. All the rush for notes and long queues during lunch hours suck. But this is my last year of school. Have to endure no matter what.

Side track abit. I saw a butch who took 179 with me this morning and she never shave her leg hair! Argh! Not that I purposely go and look at her legs, but she was standing in front of me when we were boarding the bus. And when I looked down to see the step on the bus entrance so that I can put my foot there, I saw the leg hair! Argh. Damn. What a great way to start my final year. And this is not the first time. Argh. I think I better don't mention it. Why can't they be normal girls? They tried so hard to be guys for what? Even want to grow leg hair! Go and serve NS lah!

Ok back to topic. What's the topic anyway? Oh ya updates.. I am going to watch NDP! My first ever NDP and it's not going to be in the National Stadium.

My legs itch to play soccer...

I will be joining 'Stand-Chart' marathon this Dec. Most prob 21km. Wooo. Hope the unfit me can last the distance.

Alrights till the next time!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Finally I am going to blog something!


Done. =)