Monday, October 02, 2006

Things I hate most on a bus ride

1) Drivers who didn't realised that they are in the year 2006 and are driving air-con buses. 'Eh uncle! Switch on the air-con lah!!'

2) Noisy kids who play and scream around on the bus. Infants are forgivable. I am thus thankful for my MP3 player, and my ear phone that blocks out extenal noises. But I can still hear them in between tracks!

3) Smell of food after a long day at work and hungry. It just makes my stomach growl. GGRRRROOOWWWWLLLL....

4) Passengers who want to stand up and walk to the exit when there's still a long way to go before the bus reach the stop. What's the big deal you may ask. It's not alright when they are sitting so damn near the exit and the bus is bloody crowded!!! 'Can relac or not?!? I will let you pass wan!!'

5) People who fart on a bus. Esp the 'got sound & got smell kind'. You can smell what they had for breakfast and lunch.

6) The person sitting beside you fell asleep and his head somehow found a place on my shoulder. Damn. No girl has fallen asleep and rest her head on my shoulder before.

7) Drivers who think that they are Formula One racers. I don't mind that when I'm in a rush. But they still want to race in a crowded bus? Beating red lights, drifting at bends doing a Jay Chou, and jamming the brakes like stamping a cockroach to death. I know the bus is a Merc but uncle I'm old already cannot take the thrill lah.

8) Cockroaches. The small babies who think that they are cute and like to appear out of nowhere to play peek-a-boo. I can play peek-a-boo with you but just don't crawl into my bag thank you very much.

9) Bells that don't work. You have to shout 'Ding dong!' to alert the driver that you want to alight next.

10) Contrary to the 1st point, drivers who think that they are cool and set the temperature to -180 degree Fahrenheit. A certain bus no 16 can attest to that. 'Ah chooo!'

11) People who refused to get down because their EZ Link cards have a problem and they could not tap to exit. They will just stand at the exit, despite stares from everyone on the bus, and frantically tapping the card reader hoping that it will beep and show the yellow light and the right fare deducted. But no, it's not going to work cos your big butt has sat on the card and crushed it. So please accept that the card is spoilt. JUST GET DOWN AND DON'T WASTE OUR TIME WATCHING YOU TAP THE BLOODY THING! ARGH!

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