Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Had a fun filled weekend! 3 birthday celebrations in a row, 1st was Jr's on fri. We were nua-ing around in Orchard till we decided to go to Jus' house for Champions League Mahjong! We had 7 ppl, so we played 2 tables of 3-kah mj as ah lian and yy shared 1 kah. Mahjong aside, we had a hell of a time joking around with plastic bags and alarm pads and on the mystery of the missing nuggets.. hahaha

Went to Ken's chalet at Downtown East, and played drinking game. It was not as fun as the drinking game that I had with the Bookworms, as nobody really got high cos we ran out of liquor and we dun wan to open the bottles of red wine. And we spent the rest of the night toking crap.

On Sunday we went over to Jiexi's chalet at Aloha Loyang. This place quite far from Downtown East but it's big! There're many tables of Mahjong, countless decks of cards, and many many bottles of red wine in her chalet. So much to crap around there, taking photos, bbq-ing and 'sianing' girls. We still went to buy more vodkas and I drank till my face was damn red to play mahjong so that I get be more lucky. It worked and I won! haha!!

I'm seriously deprived of sleep that weekend. And there's still Champions League Football to watch tonight!!! Oh and on a side note, even though I'm over the moon on Liverpool's victory over Man U, I'm quite sad to find out that Alan Smith got a very serious injury. He's one of the few players I admire and to have his leg broken and ankle dislocated that's quite a bad combo. Yet he take it like a man and wasn't crying out like a certain Cisse who broke his leg last year. Hope he recover soon.

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