Monday, January 23, 2006

Let's say it 1 last time..

1, 2, 3!

'I want to be Zi Muo Tian Wang!'

Haha.. Why I want to be Zi Mou Tian Wang? If you haven guessed it by now, you can go and bang the wall. It's mahjong craze again! I've been playing mahjong for many nights in hall, and luck is not always on my side sadly. That's why I want to be Zi Muo Tian Wang!

The following is written according to my 7 years of Mahjong experience..

Memoirs of A Mahjong-er

Here are the different types of MJ players that I've encountered before..

1) The 'Bang Tang' player
This player believes that luck is everything, and it's from him that the lucky red underwear came about. This player will bring his lucky stuff to the table, like a lucky ring, lucky chip, or die die must sit on his lucky chair. I fall into this category, minus the red underwear.. haha

2) The 'can win happy liao' player
This player will play according to his tiles and luck on that day. If he's not lucky, he will try to win 1 'dai' every game, to prevent others from winning big, thus minising his losses, or could maybe even win some $$. And I fall into this category too!

3) The 'die also must play big big' player
Yup, the name said it all. He want to game 5 'dai' for every game. And he will always play full or half colour, and 'pong' big tiles. His worst nightmare is player number (2), cos player (2) will try to play a fast game to win small, whereas player (3) will need more time to build up his 'perfect' tiles. Therefore he usually loses out to player (2) in terms of speed. BUT if luck is on his side, he'll be owning!

4) The serious player
This player is the most boring player of all. He just stares at his tiles and monitor every single movement without battling an eyelid. BUT, yes a big BUT, this player owns! He usually has good tiles and will seldom 'fang pao'.

5) The 'Guard till you die' player
This player sucks. He won't let you 'eat' when he's sitting before you. Cos he wants to guard you till you die! But extreme satisfaction gained if you win!

6) The 'chao heng' player
Everyone wants to be this player. He can win 5 'dai' easily like nobody's business cos his tiles are always damn nice from the beginning! God bless the other 3...

7) The 'chao sway' player
There are 2 sides to a coin, so when there's a chao heng player, there will be a chao sway player!

8) The optimistic player
He is often regarded by the audience as a bad decision maker. Cos he believes that the tiles he needs will come in soon, therefore he will discard away other tiles which other ppl will often kept till it's necessary to throw them away.

So which type of player are u??

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