Sunday, December 31, 2006

I have been busy, or rather, lazy lately to update my blog. Anyway it's New Year's Eve! Contrary to previous years, I will not make any New Year's resolution, since I would have forgotten all about it by March. Hence I will just wish all my family and friends a very Happy New Year! Those working please continue to work hard so that you are able to treat me; those studying please study harder, and let me copy tutorials; and those graduating in mid '07, GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas! HY met my family for the first time on Christmas Eve, over at my sis' new place. Glad that it went well and I think my family warmed up to her. That's good already! And Yvette says she likes her!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Its Christmas! Wishing everyone a very Happy Merry and Fun Filled Christmas!

I've always liked Christmas. It has always been the No. 1 holiday to me. Maybe it's because of the amount of cartoons on TV when I was young. I will be glued to the telly for the whole day! And of course, the cool weather, Chirstmas lights, and the excitement just add to the festive joy. Oh and the Christmas presents!

When I was young, around 8-9 yrs old, I wanted to experience the joy of getting presents from santa. So, I got myself a Christmas stocking, and then got my mum to buy a toy for me so that I can put the toy in the stocking and hung it up so that on Christmas day when I woke up I would have a 'gift from santa', whom I imagined had dropped the present in my stocking while I was asleep! Haha how innocent. I think I got the idea from Mr Bean. Haha.

Wells, I will still hang up a Christmas Stocking outside my room and leave my living room window open. So feel free to break into my house and drop me a present k? Don't disappoint me!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My dad was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He's so much better already, able to walk and do things by himself, unlike last week before he got admitted he was so weak. My sis bought him a walking cane, which looks like those canes in the movies whereby u can press a button somewhere and the cane will turn into a machine gun or a sword. Haha.

Christmas is coming!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My dad got admitted into hospital this morning. He was very weak and his Arthritis was making his limbs painful and immovable. My family doc saw him and suggested to ward him in hospital, and he gave a referral letter that cost $130! Then I called for an ambulance to bring him to TTSH. He's still feeling weak but he's better and more cheerful already. He still has to be warded for a few more days for them to run some test. Luckily I took the day off from work today, if not I dunno how my mum is able to cope with my dad and 3 little kids @ home. Don't worry everything's fine already. =)