Friday, March 04, 2005

Ta da. My new blog design. Cool ah? The author of this template got

inspiration from this kick ass song, Boulevard of Broken Dreams by

Greenday. Never heard of it? Ask me. I've got their mp3, mtv and one of

their live performance.

Hosted by

No. Your eyes are not cheating you. The above photo shows 45 set of

extra value meal from Mac. With 200 Mcnuggets, 90 Mcdippers, 20 Mcwings

and 3 tubs of ice cream (not shown in picture). Of course, this table

is not big enough so all the drinks are on the floor. Shiok. First time

in my whole life that I see so much MacDonald's food lay out in front

of me. Haha. I'm loving it! However, less than 20 people showed up for

this block supper so we threw away quite a number of 'nua' fries. Guess

no more MacDonald's for me this month.

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