Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Dad.. He passed away peacefully on 20 Jan 2011 at 1451hrs, after fighting pneumonia for sometime.

This is how the story goes.. On 18th Nov 2010, he fell while going from his bedroom toilet to his bed. I was on leave at home that day, planned to bring my 2 nephews out for a movie. As my nephews just came home from school, I went to take a short nap because they always take a very long time to eat lunch and shower. But I jumped out of my bed soon after I heard Ryan shouted 'Gong Gong fall down!!' I rushed to the room to find my dad sitting on the floor and couldn't get up. I helped him up onto the bed, and feared that he might have a bad injury, but he said he's ok, not painful.. However, later on he had trouble walking and that's when I know he must had injured his leg.

So the ambulance came and brought him to TTSH. It never occurred to me that that would be the last time my dad is home. Never... About a year ago he fractured his left hip, and he was home after 1 month. I thought it would be the same this time round.

So the doctor found out that he fractured his hip from the x-ray, and this would require surgery if Dad wants to walk again. After some thoughts and discussions we decided to let him go under the knife because Dad was an active guy, and being confined to a wheelchair will be very tough for him. Plus, he also wanted to walk, to be independent.

However, the surgery had to wait because they found that my Dad had pneumonia (that explains why he felt faint and fell). They had to ensure that he had no other problems before they can start the operation. So it took about 1-2 weeks to treat him and the doctors declared that my Dad is fit for surgery. We were cautiously happy, because no operation has a 100% success rate. Everything went well and soon he was back, and even did some light physiotherapy at ward 12C.

The plan was to transfer him to Ren Ci hospital for his physiotherapy, and then bring him home. We estimated that he will make it just in time for CNY celebrations (based on his previous fracture), but complications set in.. He would sometimes have low blood iron, low oxygen levels, high white blood cells etc, and Ren Ci would not accept him because they dont have the facilities to treat Dad if he got some serious problems.

And so started the transfer/cannot transfer period.. TTSH will inform us that Dad and be transferred the next day, and after we took leave and went down on that day, they will then inform us that he can't be transferred due to some reasons (high white blood cells, low oxygen etc).. It was a frustrating period for Dad because he wanted to go home badly, and the longer he stayed in TTSH, the longer he couldn't go home. He was demoralised and actually said he rather die because he felt useless and don't want to be a burden to us. He also told my auntie that he was worried that he had no money for his own funeral. I was devastated because I know my family is not financially sound, and to hear Dad said that I felt useless... As a son, I have no money for that. Man, after working for 2 years, my bank account has never exceed 5k. How sad is that?? So much loans, bills to pay...

Eventually Dad was able to transfer to Ren Ci Ward 13 on 30 Dec 2010. We were glad that finally he can move on to the next phase of his recovery, which is the physiotherapy part. He was doing well, and I even attended one of his physio session. He stood up with the aid of a machine and from the looks of it, everything was encouraging and I even thought that he can be home by mid Jan.

However, he started to cough badly with a lot of phlegm. Antibiotics and cough medicine didn't help and I started to push Ren Ci to send a doc to see him. Then on the 11 Feb 2011, Ren Ci informed me that Dad was sent to TTSH ward 11B because of traces of blood in his stool. A few days later the results for his stool came back and it was not cancerous. We were relieved then, but Dad was still coughing badly which can't make him sleep at night. More antibiotics were given but still no signs of improvement. He was then transferred to Ward 8B because doctors discovered that his heart was getting weaker, and even inform us on how far we want to go to sustain him should there be any life threatening situation.

Then we started to stay by his bedside whenever we can... We will usually stay till midnight before we go home.. In ward 8B, he was given stronger antibiotics and was able to sleep at night. But he looked tired all the time even though he had a lot of rest. He can't speak properly and my heart aches to see him in that situation. How I wished that we can swap places.. I can take the pain for him..

The day before he passed on, I had ippt in the evening and went to visit him after that. He was sleeping most of the time, and we talked very little.. I did the usual things - helped him prepare tissue for his cough, massaged his legs, apply Vicks on his chest etc.. His last words to me was 'What is that?', referring to the Subway sandwich I was eating by his bedside. I replied 'My dinner', he nodded and went back to sleep.. He woke up again when the nurse came and measured his blood pressure, and I think that was the last time he saw me... I left around 11pm because I was tired from the ippt and also because my phone batt was dead.. I should've stayed longer......

On 20 Jan 2011, I asked for half day off from my boss (to take an exam and then see my Dad in hospital). i turned my phone to silent to sit for the paper, and have no idea that he passed on at 2.51pm.. Only after I finished the paper at 430pm, I switched my phone back and my Mum called me.. I was late.. Everyone was late, except for my sister. Luckily she was there by his bedside during his last hour... he told my sis that he's dying, and then breathed his last.. On the bright side, he passed on peacefully without any pain..

It was hard to take.. There are so many things that I have not accomplished for him to be proud of.. Like earn more money so that we can have a comfortable life, get married and let him hear my children call him 'Gong Gong'.. I planned to bring my parents to MBS or RWS for a tour later this year... He also said that he wanted to treat us to Thai food after he discharged..... Ahhhhhh!!

If only......

Dad, I miss you