Sunday, August 17, 2008

it's a pity that we didnt get to hear 'Mari kita' in the Olympics Table Tennis team semis just now. That would be nice.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First day at work tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear Blog,

It has been moons since I've updated you. I know i had neglected you, please dont be sad. I promise I will blog more often.

After my graduation trip, I had been busy looking for jobs, and.. er.. playing games. Jobs are not easy to find nowadays, all thanks to the bad economy (thanks bush!). Companies are scared to hire people, fearing that they are unable to meet the pay requirements. Things were so much better last year, with companies lining up to snap up fresh graduates the moment they stepped out of convocation.

Speaking of convocation, I had mine a few weeks ago. My parents, my sis, my bro in law and HY came. It's the usual photo taking, throwing of motars, and more photo taking. It's my mum's dream to see her son wearing the graduation gown, and she finally got her wish!

Meanwhile, still no job offers, and worse of all, not even an interview. Finally I decided to sign up for a job agency, the same agency that got me the jap bank job during holidays last year. And within 2 days, I got an interview, and in less than a week, I got a job! It's quite a big company, and it's also one of the last place that I thought I will be working at, as the number of electrical engineers outnumbered the number of mechanical engineers by like.. 50 to 1? Nevertheless, I'm happy, and I'll be going down to the3 agency to sign the offer letter tomorrow, and will be reporting to work on Wed.

No more late nights, no more money woes (hopefully), and no more student discount!

Your blogger