Sunday, December 31, 2006

I have been busy, or rather, lazy lately to update my blog. Anyway it's New Year's Eve! Contrary to previous years, I will not make any New Year's resolution, since I would have forgotten all about it by March. Hence I will just wish all my family and friends a very Happy New Year! Those working please continue to work hard so that you are able to treat me; those studying please study harder, and let me copy tutorials; and those graduating in mid '07, GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas! HY met my family for the first time on Christmas Eve, over at my sis' new place. Glad that it went well and I think my family warmed up to her. That's good already! And Yvette says she likes her!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Its Christmas! Wishing everyone a very Happy Merry and Fun Filled Christmas!

I've always liked Christmas. It has always been the No. 1 holiday to me. Maybe it's because of the amount of cartoons on TV when I was young. I will be glued to the telly for the whole day! And of course, the cool weather, Chirstmas lights, and the excitement just add to the festive joy. Oh and the Christmas presents!

When I was young, around 8-9 yrs old, I wanted to experience the joy of getting presents from santa. So, I got myself a Christmas stocking, and then got my mum to buy a toy for me so that I can put the toy in the stocking and hung it up so that on Christmas day when I woke up I would have a 'gift from santa', whom I imagined had dropped the present in my stocking while I was asleep! Haha how innocent. I think I got the idea from Mr Bean. Haha.

Wells, I will still hang up a Christmas Stocking outside my room and leave my living room window open. So feel free to break into my house and drop me a present k? Don't disappoint me!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My dad was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He's so much better already, able to walk and do things by himself, unlike last week before he got admitted he was so weak. My sis bought him a walking cane, which looks like those canes in the movies whereby u can press a button somewhere and the cane will turn into a machine gun or a sword. Haha.

Christmas is coming!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My dad got admitted into hospital this morning. He was very weak and his Arthritis was making his limbs painful and immovable. My family doc saw him and suggested to ward him in hospital, and he gave a referral letter that cost $130! Then I called for an ambulance to bring him to TTSH. He's still feeling weak but he's better and more cheerful already. He still has to be warded for a few more days for them to run some test. Luckily I took the day off from work today, if not I dunno how my mum is able to cope with my dad and 3 little kids @ home. Don't worry everything's fine already. =)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Got this in my mailbox and I found it damn funny! haha

This is hilarious!
1- Go to <>
2- Type in "Failure"
3- Look at what comes up as first listing
4- Tell other people before the people at Google fix it.

(It is unfortunately possible for a total failure to >>>reach the>>> >top).

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wow.. It's been some time since I've last logged into Blogger. Blogger got bought over by Google?? I've switched to the Google-Blogger beta thing anyway..

My legs itch for soccer, my hands itch for mahjong, my fingers itch for guitar, my eyes itch to close, my back is itchy.. 'Life's an itch, and then you scratch.' How true! I'm going to scratch my legs for soccer tomorrow!

Anyway, I realised that typing in short forms are not healthy. For example, I'm used to typing 'tmr' for tomorrow so often that I got took a second to think. I almost typed 'tomolo' instead!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Final report for my attachment has already handed in! A huge load was lifted off my shoulders!! Yeah! And less than 3 weeks to the end of my Industrial Attachment!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Less than 4 weeks to the end of my Industrial Attachment! It's time for a well deserved break after that. Been busy with my final report nowadays and I;ve regretted not updating my log book regularly. Now I've to write 7 log book entries! I've finished 2 already, 5 more to go before I show my tutor this thurs. How encouraging.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I've got 2 hours and counting!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I was on my way home from my Sunday soccer game and before I reach my house I saw police cars by the road side. Apparently a Trans-Island bus went up a kerb and hit a pillar of a flyover. The front of the bus, especially the driver seat side, was badly smashed. No bloodstains on the floor as far as I can 'beo-ed' though, so I guessed the bus driver should be alright.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Chua's Law of Laws

Law 1: Reading can make one bankrupt.

Reading is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Power corrupts.
Corruption is a crime.
Crime dont pay.
No pay no money.
No money equals bankruptcy.

Therefore, I hereby proved Law 1. Reading can make one bankrupt.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wow its been almost 2 weeks since I've last blogged. Nothing much happened though. Life has been so mundane that... that... er.. I cant remember what I did each day but it's something like this: Report to work, coffee break, act busy, lunch, act busy, coffee break, act busy, knock off. Sounds like fun.

It's mid Oct! Those on IA better finish up the bloody log book! Those still attending lectures please start studying! You don't know how much I've missed school, skipping lectures, tutorials, and mugging for exmas! Haha. I went back to NTU last thurs and thought I can crash a lecture in my school but it turned out that it was some e-learning week where those only online lectures and tutorials so students do not have to come to school. Thus I crashed a EEE lecture instead. Feels good to be in a Lecture Theatre! And after attending that lecture I am glad that I'm a Mechanical.

Watched World Trade Centre and its an 'okay' movie. Cant really descibe my thoughts on the show, because its not touching yet its emotional, its not a thriler yet its exciting (initially). The show did well to avoid political topics and just focus on the minds and emotions of the 2 trapped men. Since they were trapped they couldnt really act much, and you will be just looking at their eyes: scared, in pain, lost, yet with a faint glimmer of hope that someone will find them someday, somehow.

Why Osama is still at large??

Monday, October 02, 2006

Things I hate most on a bus ride

1) Drivers who didn't realised that they are in the year 2006 and are driving air-con buses. 'Eh uncle! Switch on the air-con lah!!'

2) Noisy kids who play and scream around on the bus. Infants are forgivable. I am thus thankful for my MP3 player, and my ear phone that blocks out extenal noises. But I can still hear them in between tracks!

3) Smell of food after a long day at work and hungry. It just makes my stomach growl. GGRRRROOOWWWWLLLL....

4) Passengers who want to stand up and walk to the exit when there's still a long way to go before the bus reach the stop. What's the big deal you may ask. It's not alright when they are sitting so damn near the exit and the bus is bloody crowded!!! 'Can relac or not?!? I will let you pass wan!!'

5) People who fart on a bus. Esp the 'got sound & got smell kind'. You can smell what they had for breakfast and lunch.

6) The person sitting beside you fell asleep and his head somehow found a place on my shoulder. Damn. No girl has fallen asleep and rest her head on my shoulder before.

7) Drivers who think that they are Formula One racers. I don't mind that when I'm in a rush. But they still want to race in a crowded bus? Beating red lights, drifting at bends doing a Jay Chou, and jamming the brakes like stamping a cockroach to death. I know the bus is a Merc but uncle I'm old already cannot take the thrill lah.

8) Cockroaches. The small babies who think that they are cute and like to appear out of nowhere to play peek-a-boo. I can play peek-a-boo with you but just don't crawl into my bag thank you very much.

9) Bells that don't work. You have to shout 'Ding dong!' to alert the driver that you want to alight next.

10) Contrary to the 1st point, drivers who think that they are cool and set the temperature to -180 degree Fahrenheit. A certain bus no 16 can attest to that. 'Ah chooo!'

11) People who refused to get down because their EZ Link cards have a problem and they could not tap to exit. They will just stand at the exit, despite stares from everyone on the bus, and frantically tapping the card reader hoping that it will beep and show the yellow light and the right fare deducted. But no, it's not going to work cos your big butt has sat on the card and crushed it. So please accept that the card is spoilt. JUST GET DOWN AND DON'T WASTE OUR TIME WATCHING YOU TAP THE BLOODY THING! ARGH!

Friday, September 29, 2006

"At Liverpool from the very start I'd planned
To build a bastion of invincibility."
I believe that "I was made for Liverpool, and
Liverpool was made for me."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

All of a sudden I like the Pirates of the Carribean theme song! I have been listening to it for the past hour already!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Meet the new addition to my family..

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Her name is Goh Shu Hui.

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She weighed a whooping 4.13 pounds when she was born.

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She has a nice hairstyle! And her eye brows are quite long!

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It's time to sleep!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Damn it. I am sick again. How many times this year I've been sick? Argh. Diarrhea for the whole day, headache, and I am feeling cold all the time. I get shivers and goosebumps for the whole day already. Damn MCs are expensive these days. I dun wan to be sick!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Random thoughts here..

For months I've been procastinating to clear and revamp my 'work place' desk at home. Finally I've started something already. At least the CRT monitor is gone, but its still quite messy. Now to get my ass to IKEA to get some boards and after some hammering I hope it'll turn out nicely.

I need to change a mobile phone plan, Singtel Classic plan do not have free incoming calls, the Singtel iPlus student plan will suit me very very well. And besides, Nokia 6280 is selling at $99 for students! Damn. I was aiming for N70. But since N70 is quite an old model and 6280 has the functions that I wanted and its 99 bucks, I think I will get that. Compare phones here. Who cares if there are many ppl using that phone? Since I'll save $$ if I buy 6280, I think I will be able to spend more to revamp my work area at home already!

Liverpool website has been counting down to the top 100 players ever to play for the first team since June, and I've been religiously downloading every single video clip of the players. So far it's at 14th place and it's Micheal Owen. I wonder who'll get first. Dalglish, Keegan, Rush , Barnes, Fowler, Gerrard, Chua Wei Guan are all possible candidates. Cant wait to see who'll top the list!!

I hope I can get out of Republic Poly by mid Oct. Wake me up when September ends.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This dude is coming to Singapore!!

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He's Russell Peters. How cool is that? Pay $85 and watch him make funny racist comments. Haha. But I am quite gian. His famous quote: 'Be a man. Do the right thing.', still sticks in my mind till now.

Anyone want to watch him talk nonsense too?

Monday, September 11, 2006

24 Things to do in an elevator.

1. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
2. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.
3. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?"
4. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
5. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off. 6. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.
7. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
8. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom.
9. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"
10. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, no, not now, damn motion sickness!"
11. Meow occasionally.
12. Holler "Chutes away!" whenever the elevator descends.
13. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
14. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce "You're one of THEM!" and move to the far corner of the elevator.
15. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.
16. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "is that your beeper?"
17. Say "Ding!" at each floor.
18. Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons.
19. Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
20. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."
21. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body."
22. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
23. Wear "X-Ray Specs" and leer suggestively at other passengers.
24. Stop at every floor, run off the elevator, then run back on.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mystery of the pot bellies part 2.

What I covered previously was just during day time. Now for what they do after office hours....

We had a Residential Inspection (RI) a few days ago and we passed this smoothly. So come managers from the main contractor company went for dinner and drinks at the kopi-tiam nearby and my boss asked me and my friend to tag along. Okay for dinner we didnt order much, just some dishes and stuff. But they ordered like what? 10 gallons of beer??? And after dinner they still ask, 'Want to go karaoke mai??' What do they do there? Drink somemore! And know more girls! Still want to drag me along somemore. I rather go and touch the dusty pipes and carry fire extinguishers then touch the girls there lah.

For a project there will be many RIs. And imagine they go and celebrate like this after every inspection, and after every successful contract negotiation, and after every phase completion. No wonder their bellies get bigger and bigger!!

A typical pot belly is made up of:
40% fat
30% beer
20% kopi/tea/soya bean
10% STD virus!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My 2nd sis gave birth to a healthy baby girl this morning at 6.09am. She's the fourth addition to my family since 1999. She's big! She weighs 4.13 kg while I was only 3.5 kg or so when I was born. My house is gonna be even livier and noisier and messy from now on. 4 kids!! I hope that she's quiet and easy to feed and fall asleep easily. Not much to ask for right? Haha. She's not named yet, as her parents want to consult a fortune teller 1st. But anyway, I looking forward to seeing her!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

After a few weeks of working in a construction site, I finally found some time to slack off in the day time. My work cant start until 7pm as we are doing the fire alarm tests and if we do this in the day it will be noisy and disturbing. So for the past few days I've been walking around aimlessly, playing bejewelled and minesweeper, and taking a lot of kopi breaks.

Since I was so bored, I went to observe ppl. What I found out is shocking! About 99% of the men working in the site holding engineer positions and above have POT BELLIES! Not the small belly type, but those that are able to rival pregnant women! I don't notice this high percentage in other places before! And so after much detective work, I present my theory. The pot bellies usually do plannings, meetings and paperwork. Sounds very desk bound job right? But you're wrong. They need to be on the move most of the time, sometimes supervising works, attend meetings at different places, liasing with other people etc. And this is the problem. In between meetings, if they got the time, where do they go? Office? No way! What if they kana more arrows in the office to do more work? And so they go for canteen breaks! They went up to 3 canteen breaks in a day, excluding lunch time and dinner time (if they got OT). And if there's OT, there's always the supper! So here's a typical day of a pot belly:

900am - Report to work
930am - Boss not here yet, go and eat breakfast.
1000am - Meeting
1100am - Too early for lunch, dangerous time to go back office, so canteen beckons.
1200pm - LUNCH!!
100pm - After lunch break, slack around in office before another meeting
130pm - Meeting
300pm - Official coffee break.
330pm - Saw old friend, or met other boss - extend coffee break for chit chat or informal meeting.
400pm - Go back office to do some work and show face
530pm - Go home/Dinner if there's OT

Their coffee breaks are not just drinking coffee only. There will be snacks or finger food like chicken wings, buns, bread, deserts, nuggets, fishballs, fries, burgers and so on... Now you know where the bellies came from.

Mi di yi zing jie kai le!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Finished my work at 4am, and cooked some noodles once I reached home. Going to report to work at 1pm tmr and I cant sleep. Strange.

Damnit my pay check is not here yet. It wont be ready in time for Comex! Argh! Speaking of Comex, anyone interested?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My desktop has been spolit for a few months. And since I've decided to use my laptop at home now, I plan to get rid of my desktop minus the hard disk of course. And so I went to get a external hard disk cover for $55 so that I can put in my desktop harddisk in, and WALA! A portable hard disk drive for my laptop! After I bought it I realised that I can just buy the cable to hook it into my laptop for $25!! Argh..

But nevertheless, I got my old hard disk running while I was backing up my files into it I found these pictures. Haha.. Enjoy!

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Yup, that baby is me! My 2nd sis on the left, my mum in the centre and my eldest sis on the right. Their dressing in the picture is what we called retro now.

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Fast forward 23 years later, and here's what you get. A prawn in my nose?? Haha.

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And playing prank on Alan. A candle on his belly button! And all this while he tot someone else did it! It was me! Haha.

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FOC time. A bunch of gundos!

Just tell me what do you think they are doing..

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Sorry Jus, this pic is just too funny. Haha couldn't resist not putting it up.

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Ghost!! Argh!!

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Look! I have a beak!!

Ok funny pics are over. Now for the 'seh' ones..

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I like this pic! Damn pro right?

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

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This pic is very heart wrenching. Don't you think so?

Here're 2 to brighten up...

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

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That's me at dbl o last night. Haha. Thanks for coming and getting me drunk. =)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I bought 5 dollars TOTO quick pick and won 30 bucks. Minus away $26 medical fee (I went to see doc for MC), I made a loss of $1. Haha! I will look forward to more MCs in the future, something which I've never thought I will be looking forward to. Haiz. Work is such a drag now. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate working. It's just this job I'm doing now. Argh..

Ok back to my rest day. It rained heavily just as I was going to fetch my nephew home. His kindergarden is 10 mins walk away from my house, and due to the fact that it was raining pretty heavily and I was wearing a pair of 'botak' slippers, I was late and my nephew cried a bit in school cos he thought no one is going to bring him home. Haha. You should have seen the way I walked, like those ancient Chinese girls who bind their feets, taking small, painful and careful steps. I almost slipped and fell most of the time. Damn the sheltered walkways, they can shelter people from rain, but the bloody tiles are so slippery!

And after lunch I slept the whole afternoon away. Shiok.
I've won!!! Yes!! I won TOTO!!! My eyes almost popped out when I saw the results!!

I am rich!!

Together with 44,206 ppl, I am richer by 30 bucks!!!


Monday, August 14, 2006

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That was a good game! And Liverpool won!

Friday, August 11, 2006

TOTO jackpot on Monday is $5.5 million! :)~~

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

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My boss just don't get it...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I'm freaking bored. I'm not sleepy, not hungry, and my dota khakis are not around. Just played one game with my friend's friends and still feel sian. Thought that could meet up some of the bookworm gang later but got cancelled. I think I'll go watch some dvds.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Everytime when it gets too quiet, I can imagine my phone ringing, and it will be my boos looking for me.
Everytime before I fall asleep, I will be thinking bout stuff at work.
I even dream of my work place!!

Please tell me I am still sane.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

You are in a deep deep forest... as you walk on you saw an old hut standing there

(1) What is the status of the door?

You enter the hut and see a table...
(2) What is the shape of the table?

On top of the table there is a vase... in the vase there is water.
(3) How much water is it filled up with?

(4) and what is the vase made of?

You walk out of the hut... as you carry on your walk in the forest... you see a waterfall from far...there is water running down...
(5) What is the speed of the water?
(Choose a number ranging from 0 to 10)

Some time after the waterfall... you step on something hard on the ground... as you look down... you see glistening gold in colour. You bend down and pick it up... it is a keychain chained with keys...
(6) How many key /keys you see hanging on the keychain?
(Choose a number ranging from 1 to 10)

You walk on and on... trying to find your way out...suddenly you see a castle.
(7) What is the condition of the castle?

You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water with shining jewels floating on it...
(8) Will you pick up the jewel?

Next to the murky pool... there's another pool... with clear water and money floating on it...
(9) Will you pick the money?

Walking to the end of the castle there is an proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the exit, there is big garden, you see a box on the ground.
(10) What is the size of the box?

(11) What is the material of the box?

There is a bridge in the garden some distance away from the box,
(12) What is the bridge made of?

Across the bridge, there is a horse.
(13) What is the colour of the horse?

(14) What is the horse doing?
(still and quiet/nibbling grass/running about)

OH NO!!! There is a tornado coming... some distance from the horse. You have 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?


Here are the interpretations:

(1) The door:
opened door - you are a person who is willing to share
closed door - you are a person who is keeping things to yourself
I keep my $$ to myself.. Hahaha!

(2) The table:
Round/oval - any friends that came along, you will accept and trust them completely
Square/rectangle - you are a bit more choosy on friends and only hangout with those whom you think are on the same frequency
Triangle - you are really very very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life

(3) Water in vase:

Empty - your life is not fulfilled
Half filled - what you want in your life is half fullfilled
Full - your life is completely fulfilled and good for you! :)

(4) Material of vase:
glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in your life and tends to be fragile
metal/plastic/wood - you are strong in your life

(5) Flow of waterfall:
0 - no sex drive at all
1 to 4 - low sex drive
5 - average sex drive
6 to 9 - high sex drive
10 - gone case!!! super high sex drive!!! Can't live without sex...

(6) Keys:
1 - you have one good friend in your life
2 to 5 - you have a few good friends in your life
6 to 10 - you have a lot good friends

(7) Castle:
Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.
New - your last relationship is good and it's still fresh in your heart.

(8) The jewel from the murky pool water:
YES - when your partner is around you, you will flirt around with others.
NO - when your partner is around, you will stick around with him/her most of the time.

(9) The money from the clear water pool:
YES - even when your partner is not around you, you will still flirt around with others.
NO - even when your partner is not around, you will still think of her and and will be loyal to her, not flirting around with others.
Opps! Double Kill..

(10) The size of the box:
small - low ego
medium - average ego
big - high ego

(11) Material of the box (outlook of the box):
cardboard/paper/wooden(non-shining) - humble personality
metal - proud and stuck up personality

(12) The material of the bridge:
metal bridge - have very strong bond with your friends
wooden bridge - average bond with your friends
rattan bridge - you are not in good terms with your friends

(13) Colour of the horse:
white - your partner is pure and good in your heart.
grey/brown - your partner is only average in your heart.
black - your partner doesn't seem to be good in your heart and appears to be bad sign.

(14) Horse action:
still and quiet/nibbling grass - your partner is a very homely and humble person.
running about - your partner is a wild type person.

This the last but most important part of the test.
From how I ended the story... a tornado approaches... What are you going do? There are only 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?

What will you choose?

Now, the above is signified by these things:
tornado - problems in your life
box - you
bridge - your friends
horse - your partner

(i) So if you choose the box, you keep your problems to yourself whenever you are met with problems.
(ii) or if you choose the bridge, you will go to your friends whenever you meet problems.
(iii) or lastly if you choose the horse, you seek your partner whenever your partner whenever you meet with problems.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I appeared in I-Weekly! It's just a small pic in some article bout campus food, and a bunch of interns from some poly came to Canteen 2 and I happened to be having lunch there. Actually I was quite pissed off that time, cos I just finished 1 paper and wanted to have a nice lunch then take a nice nap but instead these ppl keep asking and taking pics and preventing me from eating my chicken chop!! Think can tell from the pic that I am trying very hard to smile.

So have u bought a copy yet?

Speaking of interns, I worked till 8pm on yesterday, on a Sat night! I almost had to go to work today also! Argh! They have to rush cos the deadline is approaching very soon, and there are many things uncompleted and many many cock ups! Some thing is very wrong somewhere in the management and organisation of the whole project, and now everybody is suffering. And everyone is in this shit due to a few irresponsible idiots, who take MC on crucial days. Some even left the company and passed their shit work to other ppl who are already so busy. Damn the bloody idiots! Hope they fall into some shit holes and nv get up!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I wanted to rant about my company, but changed my mind. Here's an advice, try not to work for any construction firm or contractor.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm downloading some World Cup video highlights now. Looks cool. Now that the World Cup is over, some regularity has been restored. Haha. Like for example, I don't keep checking soccer odds every 1 hour already.

Crap. And why am I downloading these World Cup videos? Because I cant go out! I am hoping that my ankle will stop swelling by today and don't wish to walk around. The few chinese sin seh I know are all closed on Sundays. Damnit. Wondering whether should I take mc tmr, or brave the pain and go to work and then see a doc after that. But by then my ankle could be broken already. Maybe I should take mc tmr. Nvm shall see how.
I played soccer @ NTU field today. It was good, I scored a goal in 15 mins and then after a while got tackled and sprained my ankle. Damn sad lah. This was my 1st time playing 11-a-side soccer with my A01 gang and I had to come off after only playing for slightly less than 30 mins.

Stupid ankle. Stupid guy who tripped me. May you fall inside a long kang! A very deep one! ARGHH! Now I cant play for 2 weeks minimum. Damn.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mambo was boring last night. It's been almost a year since I last went there, and I was a bit disappointed by the music. I could have slept there if there's a place for me loh. But I still managed to wake up and go to work on time, and finished the day in one piece. But that's because I left early. I think I will drop into some pit in the construction site if I've stayed on later. Haha.

I've got my construction helmet and safety boots already! Promotion again!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I;ve started my attachment, and on the first day, I happily reported to their office in Kallang. I woke up at 745, and reach there at 815, just a short 5 mins bus ride. After I met my supervisor, he happily said, 'Come! Let's go to the site!'
'Huh? What site?'
'Oh we got a project in Republic Poly in Woodlands. You will be reporting there from tomorrow onwards. Don't have to come to Kallang.'

And so, my joy was shortlived. Argh. It will take me 40 mins to reach there by train or bus. But I still have to walk 10 mins to the site. Therefore I've been sleeping at 10pm nowadays, and wake up at 645!! Phew.

The temporary office I located is in the construction site in the Poly. And I always feel left out cos most of the time I dunno what the hell are they talking about.

'The pressure valve ah, must close if not the pipe will blah blah blah...'
'The gateway valve is at the Chiller room, then the pressure tank blah blah blah...'

So many terms and new places to remember. Haiz. 'Huh?? Simi valve? What room??'

And so many drawings. I am used to reading technical drawings of objects or tools, but now I am looking at the technical drawings of seven storey buildings. I should be a civil engineer instead!

But on the bright side, I got a pay raise on my 1st day! As I am attached to the site, I have a $60 extra every month to pay for my handphone bills. And every 5 mins I can help someone's hand phone ring.

Oh, and everyday I follow the whole gang of students to walk to school from the station, and it seems like a fashion parade! The RP girls can dress up better than the girls in NTU!! Haha. Sorry but that's the truth. But ya, NTU guys wear shabbily to school too. But at least I still can blend in with them. A bit. For instance, when I was slacking around in RP during lunch time, many students like to approach me for autograph. Urm, I mean surveys. Haha. And when I replied that I am not a student there but doing attachment, they went, 'Wah...'. What's the 'wah' for anyway? Haha. Wait till I get my safety shoes and helmet for the construction site. Then I think they wont be approaching me already.

One more piece of good news is that I will not be there for the whole of my attachment. But.. They are susposed to complete everything by Sep. And it seems like there's a delay and I think I will be stuck there till Oct or Nov. All because of the lousy main contractor!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Haha! This is damn funny!

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Shaolin Tie Tou Kong!

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

So it's the World Cup Final once again! Besides the burning question of who will win the World Cup, there's also another question that's bugging everyone's mind.. Who will win the Golden Ball award??

This award will be given to the best player of the tournament. Here are the nominees................

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I think it's pretty obvious who will win!! Don't you think so too??

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I had

1 bbq chicken wing,
countless chicken fillet,
sausages and crabmeats,
1/4 packet of Lays' Potatoe chips,
1 slice of cake,
for BBQ last nite.

Then for supper, I shared these with 5 friends -

Sugar cane juice, carrot cake & 'orh-luat' from Chomp Chomp;
Tao huay, you-tiao, shao bing & 3 durians from Geylang;
ice ka-chang from Newton Food Centre;
Ice HK tea from Hong Kong Cafe.

I am still feeling full now.

Friday, July 07, 2006

And so Cristiano 'Crybaby' Ronaldo cried foul on the ref's performance against France. Look who's crying!


Anyway, it's my nephew's birthday tomorrow, and I asked him what does he fancy for his birthday present.

Me: 'Ryan, what would you like to have for your birthday?'
I was expecting him to say Power Ranger Ninja Storm, or Masked Rider 555, or Astroboy, or Pokemon (don't ask me how I know the names), but...
Ryan (without battling an eyelid): 'I want a lot a lot of markers!'
Me: 'Huh? Markers???'
Ryan: 'Ya! Markers are so nice you know.' And he took out a red white board marker that his mum just gave him and drew an 'X' on his small white board.
Ryan: 'See? Wah red colour marker. So nice!'
Me (Dunno whether to laugh or not): 'Urm. Okay..'

And so the next day I asked him the same questions again.
Me: 'Eh Ryan, what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?'
Ryan: 'A lot a lot of markers loh!' And then ran off to play with his toys.

Okay then. I shall fulfill his wish, and save some $$ also!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So Germany was knocked out. I think i better don't jinx any team that I support. Like Argentina in 1998, England in 2002, Spain in 2006.

For the disapointed Spain fans and Germany fans..
Why is the whole world backing Italy?!?!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Henry's offside record in this World Cup would have made Inzaghi proud!

Anyway, attachment starts next week. And to my worst horror, the pay I will be receiving is the bare minimum - $540 a month! Argh! I should not have chosen this company in the 1st place, but because since it's near my house, I put it down as one of my choices. I'll have to work on Sat too! Haiz. Going back to serve NS can get more $$ somemore. But nvm, I like the company's name though. HART sounds like HUAT!!

HUAT AH! Germany you better win the World Cup!! Haha!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mystery. How did the French not score a goal in 2002 and yet streamed past Brazil and Spain so easily? Why is Zidane still so zhai? Why England wasn't awarded 2 clear penalties? Why was Rooney red carded? Why was Jamie Carragher one of the penalty takers for England when I don't even recall him taking 1 penalty in a Liverpool Jersey?? How did Lampard miss chances after chances where he would have scored in Chelsea colours? After his miss in the Portugal match (don't ask me which one), Kel msged me saying that even he can score that one! But seriously, I wonder if England will progress if Fowler was playing. Haha. It's just a dream.

2 of the tournament favourites are out. Sent packing. Going home. For the English players, I think they are quite used to it already, getting knocked out in the quarter finals. Frankly, I think it'll be hard to point the finger at anyone, since all the players performed below par. Rooney, with all the focus on his broken toe, didn't perform. And Stupid Hub still considered him as a 'Lengend of the Day'. Come on, he has not prove himself in the international stage yet. Owen was a mere passenger before he got injured. Beckham didn't really contribute except for his freekicks. Lampard, urm, I think he had about 30 chances in this World Cup and he just couldn't score. For the Brazilians, it's just plain bad luck that Zidane decided to play football that day.

So, Germany vs Italy, Portugal vs France. Ballack vs Totti, Figo vs Zidane.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I can't remember what I want to type in here..

Nevertheless, GERMANY!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Let's talk bout the World Cup. So far all 3 of my favourite teams are out - Spain, Australia and South Korea. Damn! The way the Australians got knocked out was so saddening that I could hear their heart broke. Argh, I hope the Italians get punished for their Seria A match fixing trial!! Spain was unlucky that they met France if not for the French's incapability to top their group. As for Korea, they set themselves up so nicely for the 1st 2 matches only to bow out after their 3rd game.

So, with my favourite 3 teams out, I declare Germany the team to support now! Credits to their coach Klinsman who transformed them from a boring, defensive team to a team that plays good attacking football. Argentina really disappoint me in their last match against Mexico if not I'll be rooting for them. England? Maybe in the semis. Brazil? Will beat England in the semis but only to be overwhlemed by the Germans in the final!

Go Deutschland!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Damn.. Why is the Mexico team playing much much better now? They are making Argentina look ordinary. If they played like this for their last 2 matches, I would have been rich! Argh. And I think Germany is looking good. Should have bought them to win the World Cup! But then again, it'll get on my nerves to see Ballack lift the cup. (Read: Chelsea player. Haha.)

Anyway I went for my uncle's birthday dinner just now, and the moment my cousins saw me they were like, 'Ah Boy ah! Never sleep izzit? Why your eye bags so big and obvious!' Haha. Somehow I find it quite funny.

Ever since I've moved out of hall, my house becomes messier. My things are all around the place. Damn. Since next week I'm going for chalet, I think I wont be able to clear up till the week after next. In the mean time I can search for shelves and stuff. Lobangs anyone? I need to get rid of my desktop too.. The pregnant woman monitor especially.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm becoming a very important person nowadays. I'm sure many ppl have my number as their quick dials on their phones. Haha. I need a break! Argh! I'm going for a week long chalet next week. The chalet is a 2 storeys terrace house kind. And this is my long awaited break! But I'm wondering what are we going to do for that 1 whole week. You can't possibly bbq the whole week long right?

Liverpool signed Craig Bellamy! I hope he wont become another Cisse..

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I woke up late, at 9.05pm, and the first thing i did was to rush down to my block's tv room to watch the match, and to my horror, the room is flooded with Ah Tiongs!!! Its fully packed and the tv is so small, one can only stand at the back of the room, looking at a green screen trying to figure out what the hell's happening. OK what the hell am I doing in hall? There's a bloody EID exhibition tmr! Damn it!! And it starts at 8.30am!!

Anyway just as I was typing this I was trying out PPStream, a china (ya china again, how ironic that they kept me out of the tv room but yet allows me to watch on my comp.) based program that allows ppl to watch tv on their comp. And it works! I am watching Holland vs Serbia & Montenegro on my laptop in the comfort of my room!! There's hope after all!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I did not get Micron for my Industrial Attachment. I got Hart Engineering instead, which is 1 bus stop away from Micron, and 3 bus stops away from my house. Haha. It sounds like 'Huat', so I think it's a good company. Their employees will HUAT!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Extremely important advice and recommendations to be passed on to wives, girlfriends, fiancés, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc. (to all women in general).
These rules are to be communicated prior to the World Cup in June/July this year...


1. From 9 June to 9 July 2006, you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you will be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.

2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, at all times, without any exceptions. If you even take a glimpse of the remote control, you will lose it (your eye).

3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without disturbing me. If you decide to stand nude in front of the TV, make sure you put clothes on right after because if you catch a cold, I wont have time to take you to the doctor or look after you during the World Cup month.

4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require a refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell from the second wont happen.

5. It would be a good idea for you to keep plenty of things in the fridge at all times, and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 9am and 11am, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day.

6. Please, please, please!! if you see me upset because one of my teams is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, its only a game", or "don't worry, they'll win next time". If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" will only lead to a break up or divorce.

7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the halftime score is pleasing me. In addition, please note I am saying "one" game, hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to "spend time together".

8. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I have seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times.

9. Tell your friends NOT to have any child related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
a) I will not go,
b) I will not go, and
c) I will not go.

10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch a game, we will be there in a flash.

11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying "but you have already seen this... why don't you change the channel to something we can all watch??", the reply will be: "Refer to Rule #2 of this list".

12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God the World Cup is only every 4 years". I am immune to these words, because after this comes the Champions League, Italian League, Spanish League, Premier League, etc etc.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I've passed all! Can watch World Cup in peace le..

Friday, June 02, 2006

I always thought that my neighbourhood is very self sufficient, I can get whatever stuff I want from here. But I was wrong! I couldn't even find 1 CDR here! That's quite pathetic. There are lots of hair saloon and bakeries, but not a single shop selling CDR. I cant even find it in NTUC. Maybe I'll set up a computer shop here someday. And I spotted a LAN shop filled with 10 year olds playing DOTA. What the hell are they playing games there?!?! GO BACK TO STUDY! As I was shaking my head in disbelief, then I realised that it's the school hoildays now. Hehz.

I will be falling sick. And will be damn sick for 1 month.

World Cup Fever.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Spoliers Ahead!!

I caught X Men last night. It was disappointing. I was looking forward to the fight between Iceman and Pyro since X men 2, and their fight in X Men 3 was like a typical Dragon Ball fight or Street Fighter fight (Arduken!). It was a fight between 2 of the coolest characters in X Men and.. it's just too short and unspectacular. Angel was a mere 'kare-dar-fare' in the show (he was a founding member of the X Men in the comics). And Cyclops died!! He's the poster boy of X Men!! I hope part 4 will be better.. I'm sure those who died will be back.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I had a fun week. Tired but happy. And I've found out that my joints cant keep up. My ankles and knees will be damn sore midway through a soccer game, even though I am still not tired. I'm still able to run and sprint, but my ankles dun allow me to do that. Argh!

Anyway last thursday, I had 6 ppl in my room for a mahjong game. 4 ppl playing, the other 2 share with 2 of the players. I opened my windows for more ventilation. Then at 4+am, some pranksters threw eggs at my window!! And they threw at my neighbour's windows too!! Damn it! Bo tai bo zhi have to clean windows at 4am in the morning, and wipe the floor, scrubbed part of the toilet (cos some of us stepped on the egg and went to the toilet to wash, and the toilet got the smell). We still continued playing after I cleaned up, and the best thing is, I won $2 the whole night.. We played for almost 12 hours. Hehz..

Sentosa was great!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So many games to play, yet so little time... Hahahaha

Monday, May 22, 2006

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.
Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New pictures for a new cup won!! Hahaha. Seriously I never thought Liverpool will win it after West Ham scored to make it 3-2. They were too tired. Kewell and Alonso were subbed out due to injury. As compared to last year in the Champions League Final, after Liverpool scored the 1st goal I can sensed that Liverpool could equalised to make it 3-3. But this time it's different. Everyone can see that more than 1/2 of the Liverpool players were tired after a record breaking 62 games played this season. And West Ham were running the clock down, until the very last minute where Gerrard scored THAT goal. 3-3. Same scoreline as last season, and when it went to penalties, I just knew that Liverpool could win it. And they did!

THAT Goal:

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This jersey with the 2 blue badges below costs $180.. The jersey itself is $95, the 2 badges cost $85! Damn it. It's a bit too ex, so i figured that I buy the jersey 1st, then after I got my IA pay then i print the 2 badges on the jersey. Anyway, as I was paying for it using Nets, the shop assistant keyed in $9 instead of $95. Being the honest and dumb guy, I told him bout his mistake and he changed it back to $95. Argh.. Now I regretted it. I could have just keyed in my PIN and pray that he didnt notice it, and I would have walked away with a $95 jersey for $9!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Feels damn shitty when you have to wake up at 1pm to go to school... Argh.. Guess tmr I have to wake up even earlier! Anyway my IA interview went okay, but the job scope sounds boring.. But $800 bucks per month, I think it's not bad.. Haha so fingers crossed that I will get it..

Played 2 rounds of mahjong last night, from 11pm to 5am.. What happen to the speed man?!?!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Chiam See Tong!!

Low Thia Khiang!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Exams are gone for a year!! Haha!! Finally got back home, bought a new and better mouse cos the old one got spolit due to too much gaming (during exam period). Missed my speakers too. New mouse + good ol' speakers + friends who stayed through the night to play games with you = damn shiok!

Fowler signed a new 1 year contract! I'm gonna get the new Liverpool jersey with his name on it!

OK to the big election..
I was kind of disappointed when I reached home and ask my mum bout the opposition in my area. She said that she couldn't recognised them as they didn't even go house to house visiting. Where's the sincerity man? And the opposition seems to be very very low profile in my area, how to win like that??

Anyway vote for CNP!! Motto: You stay still here, I move ahead.

Friday, May 05, 2006

4 hrs 25 mins more to freedom! Woootz! ORD LOH~~!!! What a draggy exam this is.. I wonder how I survived my 'O' & 'A' levels..

Tmr is voting day! Vote for CHUA WEI GUAN!

Sunday is football day!! Morning @ Bishan Park, evening @ Anfield!!

Monday is my IA interview! Wish me luck man! I really hope to land this IA at Micron. It's just a short walk from my house, and if I got in, I will try for the Micron Scholarship. It's a small scholarship, not a prestigious one. Besides it guranteed me a job right after graduation, and I will be given monthly allowance till I grad! Will be bonded for the number of years they sponsored me. So if I apply now, I will be bonded for 2 yrs, which I feel should be long enough to earn valuable experience then try for other jobs.

Tuesday onwards I will be back in hall! For the project in the day; mahjong, dota, FM, soccer and runs at nite!

4 hrs and 15 mins left!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've finally found the word I am looking for to describe Singapore. We seem to be democratic but we're not; we seem to be under a monarchy, but we're not. No, dictatorship is out, and we are definately non-communist. So what the hell are we?


Authoritarianism describes a form of government characterized by strict obedience to the authority of the state, which often maintains and enforces social control through the use of oppressive measures. The term may also be used to describe the personality or management style of an individual or organization which seeks to dominate those within its sphere of influence and has little regard for building consensus.

In an authoritarian state, citizens are subject to state authority in many aspects of their lives, including many that other political philosophies would see as matters of personal choice. There are various degrees of authoritarianism; even very democratic and liberal states will show authoritarianism to some extent, for example in areas of national security.

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

No mood to study now, so here I am trying to plan my short hols. I guessed I will still be stuck in hall since I've got this irritating project to complete. It's not those OTOT kind of project, where you can arrange with ur friends what to do and when to meet up. For this we'll have to attend lessons! If I'm not wrong it's from early to afternoon, Mon to Fri. Argh. So I guessed I'll be occupied with the occasional street soccer games, daily DOTA & mahjong sessions for the next 5 weeks. How exciting... ZZZ... Oh and it's been quite long since I've met some of my friends. This time it's my turn to jio them out!

World Cup is coming. Spoilt for choices: England, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Germany or Australia? No I'm not talking bout betting on who to win the World Cup, but which country's jersey should I buy. Haha. Oh ya for next season Liverpool will be wearing their new Adiddas jersey already, no more Reebok. The world have seen so many good players donning the Reebok Liverpool jersey. Owen, Redknapp, Baros, Chua Wei Guan etc. I will miss the Reebok jerseys.

I bought the Sunday Times yesteday. Most of the news on election are on PAP, or the James Gomes saga. SDP, SDA and WP? 1-2 pages each, with the majority of the page taken up by advertisments. Level playing field? NO!! And for goodness sake please stop talking bout upgrading of flats. If they got the foresight 20 years ago, they would have built the lifts that stop on all the floors!! Upgrading of flats is not something that appeals to me. I don't care how my neighbourhood looks like, or whether the life stop at my floor, as long as I'm comfortable and happy inside my house I am glad.

Just vote for CNP!! You wont regret!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

2 more papers! Argh! Have to mug in school which means that I cant go home to see the election rallies! 5th May is my last paper, and the next day it's voting day already. Wasted man, I'll have to wait for another 4 years to see the next rally already.

Its good to see that there are many opposition challenging PAP. Competition will bring the best out of everyone, and if this is the case, we will the ones who benefit. Hope so..

Anyway, one last note..



Thursday, April 27, 2006

I did badly for this morning's paper.. There was this qn, I wrote the 'degree' sign for 4 degree celcius quite big, you know, the degree is a small circle at the top. And when I refer to the tables to find the correspnding values for 4 degree celcius, I looked up 40 degree celcius instead! Argh. Damnit...

Anyway, 6th May is Election Day! 1st time I will be voting, and there will be competition in my area. Sometimes have to pity the oppostion parties, they got no propaganda methods unlike PAP spreading their influences in the newspapers, TV etc etc. I hope that there wont be a fight like last time where the SDP Chee Soon Juan quarrel with Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong, seemed so childish except that they will go to the Supreme Court.

Who should I vote??

Chua Wei Guan for President! Vote for me now! And Chua's Non-existence Party! CNP!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Once upon a time, a red Liver bird slew a Blue lion.
Swooped and flew through the beast's weak den walls,
a wing span casting shadows, over Roman's double talk.
The mighty mythical bird pushed forward, ignored roars,
snatched glory, from beneath the big cat's golden claws.
A hard, bloody fight, won by a goal as soft as kitten paws!
As the beaten beast's blue blood imbrued the red devil's home,
the last birdsong the lion ever heard, was You'll Never Walk Alone.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

You are probably living in a cave if you still have not heard of the big news!


Start of a losing streak? Hopefully!


Here's something for them..

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Song bo?!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ned: The Most Popular Man in the World

Bill and Ned walk into a fast food joint one afternoon to get lunch. Bill orders and the cashier gives him his meal. Ned goes up to order and the cashier greets him with "Hello Ned! How are you? Hey everybody! Ned's here!" Everybody in the restaurant comes up and says hello to Ned. After everyone has greeted him, Bill and Ned sit down and begin to eat.
"Ned, you're pretty popular!" says Bill. "I'm the most popular man in the world," says Ned. "Now Ned," says Bill, your pretty popular but you're not the most popular man in the world." "Oh yeah," Ned replies "I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I'm friends with anybody you can name!" "That so?" answers Bill, "How about the president of the United States?" "Let's go!" says Ned.

The two fly to Washington and knock on the front door of the White House. The president answers, "Ned! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages!" The three go play a round of golf and then leave. "That was luck!" says Bill, "Two thousand says your not friends with the Queen of England!" "Let's go!" says Ned.

The two fly to Buckingham Palace and, sure enough, are greeted by the Queen. ''Hello Ned my boy! What have you been up to these days?" They enter the palace and have some tea and leave. Frustrated, Bill says, "Double or nothing, you don't know the Pope!" "J.P!" says Ned, "Let's go!"

When they get to the Vatican, Ned instructs Bill to wait outside and Ned will come out on the balcony with his arm around the Pope. After a while, a crowd gathers to hear the Pope speak. And as told by Ned, when the Pope came out, Ned's arm was wrapped around him. Ned looks down from the balcony and see's Bill passed out on the ground. He rushes down and wakes him up.

"Bill! Bill! Wake up!" Bill opens his eyes and says, "Ned. You're the most popular man in the world." "I told you that, Bill," says Ned, "but you didn't faint when I knew the President! You didn't faint when I knew the Queen!"

"Well I was shocked that you knew the Pope," says Bill. "But I just couldn't take it when the guy next to me tapped me on the shoulder and said "Who's that up there with Ned?"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My legs itch - I want to play soccer.
My arms itch - I want to play mahjong.
My hands itch - I want to play DOTA.
My fingers itch - I want to play guitar.
My backside itches - I don't want to sit down.
My stomach itches - I want to eat canteen food no more.
My heart itches - I wanna go home. (lol this sentence sounds so childish.)

18 more days! 432 more hours to go!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

26 more days to partial freedom!

I realised that I won't be having a good holiday break for some time. Let me see, from last year Jan to May I was in school, then I had 2-3 weeks of short break and I went to Ritz Carlton to work till school started in August. Then followed by a period of 'intense studying' till Nov. And then there was children's camp and ICT. Right after that school reopened and after my exmas this sem, there's some innovative project which all engineering students have to do for 1 month. Following that, World Cup will start and I'll be busy watching and analysising and betting. Lol. Then my industrial attachment will begin in 11th July till 10th Dec. One week after that, just before Christmas, I think I will most probably have a week of ICT, and then school starts again in 2007. Then after 5 months of school, I want to take 1 GE module in the special semester in May/June period to clear my GE requirements. Phew.
No long statisfying break for 2.5 years! Scary, esp after seeing how some of my friends become so busy working, I think I better enjoy myself more now.

I want to aim for a good break after that special sem in July 2007. By then Jus would have grad already, and I will have 1 more year to go! Can't wait till I graduate. But I think 3 yrs later I will be saying 'I miss school'. But then again, judging from the frequency of my truancy from lectures, most ppl would have thought that I went on a holiday or drop out of school liao. Haha.

Happy mugging!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Friday 31/3/2006

Time : 8.15am
Location : Hall 1
Victims : Hock and He-man
Woke up and went to my friends' room so that we could go for the 8.30am lecture together. They were still sleeping and once they saw me they got shocked and immediately went to wash up.

Time : 9am
Location : LT 19a
Victims: Jo and kc
Reached the LT slightly later as we went to canteen for some food 1st. We sat infront of 2 friends and they were surprised.

Time : 9.30am
Location : TR 4
Victim : kc
Went to my Thermodynamics tutorial class. kc was stunned when he saw me in his class. His response was, 'Since when were you in my class?'

Time : 10.30am
Location : Lee Wee Nam Library
Victims : Boon, xy, Hanyong
2 hrs of break, so I went to the library to do some tutorials. Saw Boon toking to xy and then went with Boon to do some work. He said xy was asking him where was I and he replied, 'WY should be still sleeping in hall ba.' Until I showed up and stunned the both of them. Hanyong passed by a while later, saw me, and exclaimed, 'Wah! This weekend I win 4-D liao!'

Time : 12.30pm
Location : LT 19a toilet
Victim : Choon sin, Ryan
Went toilet and saw my tech com group mate and he kept asking, 'How come you are here for lecture??' Saw Ryan after the lecture and said, 'I was shocked when I saw you walking in..'

Time : 2.30pm
Location : LT 1
Victim : Kel
There was a briefing on EID (a project that all engine students must complete after the exams) and I met Kel. But he wasn't so stun as he knew of my existence in school after Ryan and Hanyong told him.

What I have learnt:
Many people noticed me! Lol. Joking only lah. I should go to lesson more often. I've only left 1 week to do so. Haha. Good luck to my exams.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Haha I came across this on a website and i shall share it since its like my last post

What we men man want..
We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now the men say: These are our rules!
Please note, they are all numbered "1" for a purpose!
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Saturday + Sunday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like film stars. 1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or
angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you
already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during adverts.
1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a
fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as
football, drinking, or cars.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.
1. Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.
Wah like that also can get tagged..

the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of how they want their PERFECT lover to be like. specify gender of the target. tag 8 victims to join in this game. leave a msg on their page saying they've been tagged. (must highlight the word PERFECT, if not it's damn hard for me to do haha, then i'll just rattle out wat all guys wan)

1. Good figure
2. Chio
3. Won't nag or complain
4. Can cook very very well
5. Sexy
6. Caring
7. Rich and generous (HAHA!)
8. Gentle

See? Guys' expectations are much simpler, unlike girls' expectations, sooo looonnnngggg.. hahaha.. Again I must emphasize, thats the PERFECT lover.. Cos you wont find someone who's good looking and sexy yet can cook well at the same time.. Nor a rich girl who wont nag and can cook.. But if any girl fits 4 out of the 8 points above, pls drop me a msg for a dinner appointment.. hahahaha

Friday, March 17, 2006

Its good to see Fowler scoring! One of the first thing I did was to d/l the video of Folwer's 1st goal back at Liverpool, and I wont be tired of watching it!

Anyway tonight was a combined Hall 1 and 2 cultural night, and I was the Logistics IC. Therefore since monday I was busy with getting the equipments and practising for my band's performance. And skipped many lessons. Anyway Hall 2 band is good! I think we did so so but comments from people were great! Hall 1's dance was good too, and the way Hall 2 combine some of the sing and strum songs were cool. Anyway I broke my guitar string during the song 'Stand By Me', and I had to stop playing to change a new guitar. Ji paiseh. The day before we had a rehearsal, and the Hall 2 guitarist broke his string. I lent him my guitar and gave him a new string, and today he returned the favour. Hahahaha.

From now on there's no more excuses for me to skip lessons! Right after I chiong finish my 3 reports this weekend. Sigh.

Monday, March 13, 2006

10 things that you know when exams are drawing nearer
1) Your friends start to put countdown days on their MSN nicknames.
2) Your friends start to change their MSN nicknames with the words 'mugging, stressed, help, save me, jia you etc'.
3) People start to queue up outside the library before the library opens, at 8am.
4) You start to look forward to recieving the Exam Welfare Package email, where they let you know that canteens close much later, tutorial rooms are opened till 3am, and the special discount of 50 cents by Canteen A Jap Food Stall.
5) Weather becomes cooler, cos you will be stuck in the air con library from morning till night, and you wonder if the sun ever exist.
6) Suddenly you are afraid of buying packet lunch/dinner.
7) You start to spend more on pens, pencil lead, etc.
8) There's no such thing as 8 hrs of sleep anymore.
9) Because of point 8, you'll see panda eyes in school.
10) Last but not least, people should start to panic when they see Mr Chua Wei Guan appearing for 830am lectures.

Happy Mugging.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

They come without any warning. They strike fear in the unsuspecting residents, prompting them into action immediately after the 1st sign of them can be heard. Residents will seal themselves in their room, all doors and windows slammed shut. Those who are slow would be consumed by the suffocating smell, and those unaware will be choking and left gasping for air, until they leave. Then life will once again be back to normal, as if they never came. Who are they? Why are they so feared of? Why did their arrival spark such a big commotion?
They are the mosquito foggers.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Tagged by melz cos i think the old man was refering to me.. hahaha.. think i did this b4 already but forgot already. Age is catching up with me and i cant remember well.. Lolz..

1. A girl.
2. Understanding.
3. Caring.
4. Kind.
5. Smart.
6. Can cook!
7. And likes to cook!
'Not sure if this kind of girl still exist. haha'

1. Dead Cockroaches
2. Dead Cockroaches lying upside down
3. Free-falling without parachute (I used to have this dream frequently last time)
4. Fail my exams
5. Wake up one day to find that everyone you knew and loved had gone missing
6. Become a vegetable.
7. If time turns back and I have to study for my 'A' levels again!

1. You are not alone - Micheal Jackson
2. Hear you me - Jimmy Eat World
3. Give me novacaine - Greenday
4. Another Girl Another Planet - Blink 182
5. Save me - Corrinne May
6. You'll Never Walk Alone - Liverpool FC
7. Untitled - Simple PLan

1. Liverpool
2. My guitar
3. My labtop
4. My 2 nephews, and niece, and 1 more on the way!
5. My friends
6. My Liverpool Jerseys
7. Food

1. Bed
2. Pillow
3. Blanket
4. Air Con
5. Bed frame
6. Wardrobe
7. My dreams

1. I'm in NTU.
2. I am very hungry now at 3.13am.
3. I am easy going.
4. I like to sleep, and over slept.
5. I am 1.81m tall and 70kg(I think).
6. I am the youngest child in my entire family for my generation(inc both parents' sides).
7. I am lame.

1. Sleep more often.
2. Eat all the delicacies from all over the world.
3. Improve on my guitar skills.
4. Visit Anfield.
5. Go Bungee Jump.
6. Earn my 1st Million bucks
7. Appear on TV. (hahahhaa)

1. Sleep.
2. Do tutorials.
3. Play Dota.
4. Drink water.
5. Sleep thru my alarm.
6. Walk past a friend without knowing it.
7. Go 1 day without food. (It's damn difficult lah, but I did it b4.)

1. Rockk
2. Huh??
3. Yoyo
4. Bye bye.
5. Yeah man
6. Oh no!
7. Opps

1. Fiona Xie
2. Wong Li Lin
3. Evelyn Tan
4. Avril Lavigne
5. Kiera Knightly (Spelling??)
6. Jolin Tsai
7. Gillian from Twins

1-7. Anyone who wans to do this. Warning: It took me 20 mins.

Sleeping with stomach rumbling. Ciaoz

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Yesterday while playing soccer I scored a goal that Fowler would have been proud of. I'm not going to describe it but just to let you know, after the ball went into the net everyone clapped, even the opposition. Haha. If only can Fowler score against Charlton now..

40 more days to exams, 68(estimated number) more days to holidays.

Save me.

I close my eyes when I go to bed

and I dream of angels that make me smile.

I feel better when I hear them say,

"Everything will be wonderful some day."

Monday, February 27, 2006

Man U won the 'worthless' League Cup! Congrats!! How nice! The League cup was called the Worthington Cup a few years back and people nicknamed it 'Worthless Cup' since it is a less glamourous cup than the FA cup. Just only a year ago I heard ppl talking bout why were Chelsea and Liverpool wasting their time in this competition. And a few years back everyone mocked Liverpool on winning this 'Worthless Cup', esp the Man U fans. And now they are the ones who are desperate to win it, cos its their only chance of winning any silverware this season. I am not going to say much bout LIverpool here cos we may be empty handed this season but then again we are still doing fine in the other cup matches, so I'll rather Liverpool progress further in these competitions than winning this cup since we won it like.. urm.. 7 times? Anyway once again congrats on this victory! And be more respectful to the competition, including the FA Cup. There's no need to pull out to take part in the World Club Cup...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Had a fun filled weekend! 3 birthday celebrations in a row, 1st was Jr's on fri. We were nua-ing around in Orchard till we decided to go to Jus' house for Champions League Mahjong! We had 7 ppl, so we played 2 tables of 3-kah mj as ah lian and yy shared 1 kah. Mahjong aside, we had a hell of a time joking around with plastic bags and alarm pads and on the mystery of the missing nuggets.. hahaha

Went to Ken's chalet at Downtown East, and played drinking game. It was not as fun as the drinking game that I had with the Bookworms, as nobody really got high cos we ran out of liquor and we dun wan to open the bottles of red wine. And we spent the rest of the night toking crap.

On Sunday we went over to Jiexi's chalet at Aloha Loyang. This place quite far from Downtown East but it's big! There're many tables of Mahjong, countless decks of cards, and many many bottles of red wine in her chalet. So much to crap around there, taking photos, bbq-ing and 'sianing' girls. We still went to buy more vodkas and I drank till my face was damn red to play mahjong so that I get be more lucky. It worked and I won! haha!!

I'm seriously deprived of sleep that weekend. And there's still Champions League Football to watch tonight!!! Oh and on a side note, even though I'm over the moon on Liverpool's victory over Man U, I'm quite sad to find out that Alan Smith got a very serious injury. He's one of the few players I admire and to have his leg broken and ankle dislocated that's quite a bad combo. Yet he take it like a man and wasn't crying out like a certain Cisse who broke his leg last year. Hope he recover soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's been some time since I've last blogged.. New year's been great, played a lot of card games and mahjong, collected a reasonable amount of ang baos, and not going to lessons! Haha I've got to kick this bad habit of mine, staying up late to gamble and then missing my lessons in the morning. Can't help it as my timetable is much slacker than last year's, I've got less subjects that require quiz, on the other hand I've got more projects to do.. 3 projects! And 1 more after my exams! So there are 4!! Argh... I've gotta brush up on my presentation skills. I wonder why ppl tend to laugh when I'm presenting, esp after some 'not funny' comments I've made.

On a side note, my fitness is declining. I cant last throughout my sunday football matches anymore. Shit.

As everyone knows, I am not one of the TOTO winners this year. And then I realised this morning, that all 3 Fowler's jersey number in Liverpool came out in TOTO. They are number 23, 9 and 11. He wore 23 when he just broke into Liverpool's first team, then he wore number 9 after Ian Rush left. And now he is back, he's wearing the number 11 jersey. I know that he wore number 7 in Man City, and I dunno bout his number in Leeds. I would have kicked myself if his jersey number in Leeds came out in TOTO. 4 numbers leh! Can win 20 bucks!!! haha..

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Haha.. I found this in Liverpool's website.. Fowler's Version of The Lord's Prayer!! How cool can it get??

Our Fowler
Thou art is scoring
Robbie be thy name
Thy transfer has been done
On a free as it is in January
Give us this day our favourite Red
Alonso will give you the best passes
As Carra stops those who pass against us
Deliver us the title
And lead us not into relegation
For eleven is your number
Forever and ever
Our man

Disclaimer from the website:
We trust this humorous re-working of the Lord's Prayer will be taken in the light-hearted spirit it's meant.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The best thing that happened so far in 2006 is.... Fowler rejoined Liverpool!!! My all time favourite player is back!!!

And have a wonderful Chinese New Year!


Monday, January 23, 2006

Let's say it 1 last time..

1, 2, 3!

'I want to be Zi Muo Tian Wang!'

Haha.. Why I want to be Zi Mou Tian Wang? If you haven guessed it by now, you can go and bang the wall. It's mahjong craze again! I've been playing mahjong for many nights in hall, and luck is not always on my side sadly. That's why I want to be Zi Muo Tian Wang!

The following is written according to my 7 years of Mahjong experience..

Memoirs of A Mahjong-er

Here are the different types of MJ players that I've encountered before..

1) The 'Bang Tang' player
This player believes that luck is everything, and it's from him that the lucky red underwear came about. This player will bring his lucky stuff to the table, like a lucky ring, lucky chip, or die die must sit on his lucky chair. I fall into this category, minus the red underwear.. haha

2) The 'can win happy liao' player
This player will play according to his tiles and luck on that day. If he's not lucky, he will try to win 1 'dai' every game, to prevent others from winning big, thus minising his losses, or could maybe even win some $$. And I fall into this category too!

3) The 'die also must play big big' player
Yup, the name said it all. He want to game 5 'dai' for every game. And he will always play full or half colour, and 'pong' big tiles. His worst nightmare is player number (2), cos player (2) will try to play a fast game to win small, whereas player (3) will need more time to build up his 'perfect' tiles. Therefore he usually loses out to player (2) in terms of speed. BUT if luck is on his side, he'll be owning!

4) The serious player
This player is the most boring player of all. He just stares at his tiles and monitor every single movement without battling an eyelid. BUT, yes a big BUT, this player owns! He usually has good tiles and will seldom 'fang pao'.

5) The 'Guard till you die' player
This player sucks. He won't let you 'eat' when he's sitting before you. Cos he wants to guard you till you die! But extreme satisfaction gained if you win!

6) The 'chao heng' player
Everyone wants to be this player. He can win 5 'dai' easily like nobody's business cos his tiles are always damn nice from the beginning! God bless the other 3...

7) The 'chao sway' player
There are 2 sides to a coin, so when there's a chao heng player, there will be a chao sway player!

8) The optimistic player
He is often regarded by the audience as a bad decision maker. Cos he believes that the tiles he needs will come in soon, therefore he will discard away other tiles which other ppl will often kept till it's necessary to throw them away.

So which type of player are u??

Friday, January 20, 2006

It's Muo, not mou.. Corrected by, of all ppl, Jus! Haha!!

Let's say it again..

I want to be Zhi Muo Tian Wang!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I wan to be Zhi Mou Tian Wang!!!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

This song is invading my mp3 player currently..
A four-year-old girl has beaten Robbie Williams and 50 Cent on the top of the European charts with her song 'Schnappi - Das Kleine Krokodil' (Snappy - The Little Crocodile). 'Schnappi', the crocodile song by Iris Gruttmann and Rosita Blissenbach that found it's way from the depths of the internet to the top of the European charts, now starts to conquer the rest of the world.

Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil (Translated)

I am Snappy, the little crocodile.
I come from Egypt, located at the Nile.
At first, inside an egg I lay,
then I snip-snap-snapped me out one day.

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

I am Snappy, the little crocodile,
I have so many sharp teeth in my smile.
I snap up everything I smell,
I snap because I can so well.

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

I am Snappy, the little crocodile,
I like snapping – I play it all the while.
For my Mom, I’ll set a little trap,
and then she’ll see how well that I can snap.

Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp
Schni Schna Schnappi
Schnappi Schnappi Schnapp

I am Snappy, the little crocodile,
I could go on snapping for a while.
I nip Dad's leg to make him leap,
and then I simply go to sleep.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Blink 182 Top 10 Songs!

1) Adam's Song
2) The Rock Show
3) What's My Age Again
4) First Date
5) I Won't Be Home For Christmas
6) Damnit
7) Stay Together For the Kids
8) Man Overboard
9) Feeling This
10) Always

Damn.. It's hard to come out with this list.. Let's try making another..

My Top 10 Songs of 2005!

1) Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Greenday
2) Wake Me Up When September Ends - Greenday
3) American Idiot - Greenday
4) Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
5) Mr Brightside - The Killers
6) We Believe - Good Charlotte
7) Mr Lonely - Akon
8) Untitled - Simple PLan
9) I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotte
10) Jesus of Suburbia - Greenday

And here's my current top song of 2006!
'My humps, my humps my humps my humps'

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to the Chua Awards 2005!! Here are your hosts for the night, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy!
Kermit: 'Hello everyone! And hello there pig!'
Piggy: 'Hey green stuff what's up?'
Kermit: 'Ok without further delay we shall invite Yunnie and Mishie to give out the first award tonight, Creature of the year!'

Yunnie and Mishie: 'And the nomminees for Creature of the year are..
1) Lizzy! The lizzard prince of Hall 1, ever so sneaky and hungry!
2) King Kong! Big, hairy and every girl's dream guy!
3) Chicken Little! Nerds can be cool!'

*Drum rolls*
'And the winner goes to... Lizzy!'
Lizzy stood up and 'shook hands' with Chicken Little and tried a hi 5 with King Kong before walking up the stage. Just as Lizzy approached, Yunnie and Mishie screamed 'EEEKS!! LIZARD!!', and ran off leaving Lizzy stranded alone..

Kermit: 'Er.. Urm.. Congrats Lizzy for winning the award! Up next we've got Glace and Ah Lian to present the Dance of the Year Award!'

Glace and Ah Lian: 'Thank you Kermit and Piggy! Here are the nominees:
1) Chicken Little and his numanuma dance!
2) Jerzy Dudek and his penalty saving dance vs Milan!
3) Mr Chua and his toilet bowl dance!'

'And the winner goes to...' *drum rolls* 'Jerzy Dudek!'
Just as Dudek walks up to recieve his award, Shevchenko appeared and snatched it from
Shev: 'You've saved my penalty but you can't save your award! Hahaha!' And he ran off never to be seen again.

Piggy: 'Er can we have better security next time boss?'
Mr Chua: 'Budget lah.. Let's continue don't waste time. This studio rent is expensive you know.'
Kermit: 'Alright! Up next we have.. Er.. King Kong to present the Song of the year award!'

Kong: 'ROARS! Roar roar roar! RRooaarrr!!' *Read: the nominees are:
1) The Numanuma Song. The song that's invading our air waves currently.
2) You'll Never Walk Alone. The song that drove Liverpool to triumph.
3) Toilet Bowl song. Enough said, if not people will start running off to the toilet.*

Kong: 'Roar roar!' *Read: And the winner goes to.. The Numanuma Song!'*
Chicken Little stood up and uses the soda-powered bottle rocket and flew over to recieve the award from King Kong.
Little: 'Thank you for your support! Just a reminder, don't ever sing this song in Mandarin! It sucks!!' *Roar of approval from the guests*

Piggy: 'Up next we will give out the Look Alike Award. May we invite the South Park kids up on stage to present the prize!'

*Fart on stage*
Cartman: 'Eew Kyle you farted!'
Kyle: 'No its not me! Its Stan!'
Stan: 'No it's Kenny!'
All: '*Gasp* Sorry boss..'

Cartman: 'The nominees for the Look Alike Award are:
1) Miss Piggy and Glace! They are both pigs!
2) King Kong and Godzilla! They are both big!
3) Justin and his Bro! Urm.. They are Brothers!'

All: 'And the winner is...' *Drum rolls*
'Miss Piggy and Glace!'
Glace: 'What?!?! You mean I look like this pig!'
Piggy: 'What do you mean this pig?!?! You should be honoured that you look like me!'
Glace: 'What do you mean I look like you?? You are the one that looks like me!!'
Piggy: 'Grrr watch my Pork Kick!'
Glace: 'AH!!!'

And so a catfight.. er.... pigfight in this case started. The guest were screaming and managed to escape, while Mr Chua is left behind pulling his hair out watching the stage collapse..
Mr Chua: 'My show!!!! Nooooo!!! It's gone!!'

Till next year...