Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I knew that this is love at 1st sight. She was standing by the door, gleaming in the moonlight. I blushed as I walked towards her. She's tanned, not so tall, and has a perfect figure that one would die for. I looked at her lovingly, and gently touched her neck, feeling her smooth skin on my rough fingers. My arm held her waist, and we embraced. Without hestitation, I brought her back home.


Meet my new wife, Ibanez GSA-60!!


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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I wanted to blog last nite, but the ntu network dun allow me to load this website properly. And now when I can access it, I dun feel like writing what I wanted to write last night... Nowadays NTU network sux, its very very slow...

Anyway, its time for What's Hot, What's Not!

What's Hot:
Ibanez Electric Guitar
Addidas Sweater!!

What's Warm:
World of Warcraft

What's Luke Warm:
My handphone alarm

What's Cold:
Water from the water cooler
GBGS Email Gang

What's Not:
Lime + Lemon + Coffee Powder + Almond Syrup

Friday, August 26, 2005

We were just 'hi-bye' friends, yet his departure came as a shock.. Young, promising, and its his final year, it's a pity.. What happened nobody really noes, but he'll be missed for sure..


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

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Here are the pics from my gig last Fri. Check out the one I took with Jamie Yeo! She looks better in real life.. And I would like to thank these ppl, Qiyong (for his guitar and pedal), Choon Lin (for his guitar), Weirong (for his pedal), Kelvin (for his tuner), and all those who came, and those who cant make it yet wished me luck! I knew we wont win cos we were just formed like 2 weeks before the gig, but I had a good time, gained some experience and I'm looking forward to my next gig already! It'll be an external one and details not confirm yet.. ==> HAHA!! His last entry was damn funny!

It rained damn heavily this morning, so I thought that since there's no way I can reach my LT without gettting wet, I went back to sleep. Yes its true! Confirm will get wet! There's no sheltered walkway from my hall to school, and the road at the shuttle bus stop at my hall will be waterlogged, which means that when cars zoomed past, the water will zoomed on to me also.. And so I woke up at 12 noon for lunch. Shiok!!

I had my 1st quiz yesterday and it was quite alright.. If my teacher is kind I might get a B.

I have been downloading the World of Warcraft patch for almost 24hrs already, and it's still not complete. Mine is a 7-day trial version, minus 1 day of patching left 6 days! Maybe that's their plan. Clever bastards...

Tomorrow its the year of the '2s'! Wonder if my relatives will still give ang baos as it's my 22nd bday, not 21st.. People are more interested in these ages : 1 month old, 1 year old, 18, 21, 40, >65..

I wish for world peace! And I want to play World of Warcraft...........

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My hand got some cramps during the performance last nite.. During the American Idoit interlude, when only me and the drums are playing, wah lao it was damn obvious... But nvm, our next song was good.. We got $400 after a day's work, and took pictures with Jamie Yeo and Electrico, so its not bad at all!

Bookworm gang came and celebrate my bday in my hall, where we played The Drinking Game. Darn, it was crappy.. Haha, again all the stupid rules that we set made us hit combos and most of the time u dunno y are u drinking. Its fun and contrary to what they thought, I am not drunk! My whole face red and got bloodshot eyes only lah.. We finished 1 bottle of Vodka and 1/2 bottle of gin with coke, sprite, root beer and !!Greentea!! haha the best part was when someone toppled the drinks and you should've seen the reactions of the rest of the ppl.. HAHA! Damn funny..

Friday, August 19, 2005

Been practising for my performance for everyday since last week, now I can feel numbness in my left hand.. Praying hard tat my hand wont cramp tml...

Here's the song that we'll be playing at tml noon..
Buffy Opening Theme
American Idiot
Song 2
Time of Your Life <-- I like our edited part of this song.. sounds good!

At night for the Jam and Hop event we'll be playing..
American Idiot

I dun think we'll win this Jam & Hop with these 2 songs at night. But what do you expect from a band that's formed only like 3 weeks ago?? Oh ya I forgot to mention, my band is called 'Dead Poets'. Sounds very dead and satanic I think. I didnt come up with the name but the rest of the members were ok with it and so here we are! Dead Poets! Alive and kicking @ss!!! haha

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fri's coming! And I shall see if our hard work pays off...

I've asked the bookworm gang to stay over at my hall after the Jam & Hop event, to sort of celebrate my bday and play stupid games which all of us noe so well.. Too bad, for 2 consecutive yrs I cant get my $20 chalet!! So I'll have to settle for 2-239 instead. Shall try again next year...

Quiz!! Argh!! Y must they find me when my bday is coming!! Haiz.. I guess I'll be mugging at home for this 2 weekends le.... I am lagging, and I need to switch on my catch up mode now.. Yup, catch up mode, after 1 month ONLY since sch started..

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I am sure tat a bad day like tat comes only one in a blue moon....
I had a bloody bad day today.... Nothing went right for me. Overslept; turned transparent to ppl ---> IGNORED, OVERLOOKED, USED; amps and guitars screwed up; THE BLOODY STUDIO SUCKS...

Me, after breaking a string, 'Eh u wan me to pay for this broken string when it's already rusty?!?!'
Auntie, 'Yes. It's written over there, $2 for any broken string.'
Me,'But it's a sting waiting to be broken! RUSTY LEH AUNTIE, sure break wan!'
Auntie,' Nono, We got ppl to maintain it. How many times u've used our guitars and the sting dun break?'
Me, 'U got ppl to maintain then y are the strings still rusty?!? If It's a nice, clean string and I break it then no problem, I pay, no questions asked. And I DUN COME HERE OFTEN LEH'
Auntie, 'Sorry, rule is rule. Break sting, pay up'

Wat the fuck.. Its not bout the money, but its the condition of the guitarS (note the SSSSSS) that made me du lan. ARGH.

15 AUGUST ==> fucking wasteful day

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fri nite was my hall's DND. It was quite alright though, except that there was only 1 mc for the nite and sometimes I think he ran out of ideas on what to say... But nevertheless, that did not prevent me from winning the 20th lucky draw prize of the nite! 1 pair of GV tickets! WOOHOO!!! The 1st prize was an Ipod mini!! Argh.. But nvm, I've Zen Neeon already.. The other time that I won something in a DND lucky draw was way back when I was in NPCC.. Won some files which I donated back to them.. haha.

My rock show is coming in 5 days' time! It's amzing how 5 strangers.. er not really strangers, I knew the bassist and drummer liao, but the rest dunno each other except for the lead guitarist and vocalist who played together in JC. After our jamming practise yesterday, I felt that we were quite alright, the coordination was there, just tat each of us just need to remember the sequence of the songs, and stop refering to our tabs.

"I fell in love with the girl at the rock show... She said, 'What?!' and I told her I didn't know.. She's so cool gonna sneak in thruough her window..."

Weekend's coming to an end. And I need to manage my time properly!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.. What a unique show, it's a kid's show yet they have the 'Dude, where's my car?' kind of humour in it.. Like when any of the other 4 kids got 'punished', those little people who work for Willy Wonker and have the same old man face, will appear and started singing and dancing! Haha.. Lame but I found it very amusing. Really laughed till peng. Anyway this show is so-so only lah, not as good as what the reviews had written. But it's the company that counts right??

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don't believe it makes me real
I'd thought it'd be easy
But no on believes me
I meant all the things that I said

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don't know how it got so bad
Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing could save me
But it's the only thing that I have

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

Sunday, August 07, 2005

For some reason I cant create a hyperlink here.. Anyway, go listen to the song in this guy's blog! Damn funny!
New blog skin!! I found 1 nicer blog skin than this, but somehow I cant get the alignments right, so I have to use this instead. Nice pics right? On the left it's Dudek saving Shevchenko's penalty that won Liverpool the Champion's League. On the right it's Steven Gerrald lifting the trophy with the rest of the team. Hope they can do it this season again!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's the 7th month. One can smell smoke and ashes almost everywhere. As I went home yesterday, I walked passed this market, and almost got suffocated. The people are burning so much incense paper that the whole area got so smokey that I cant see my stretched out hand!! After much struggle I finally reached home... Air pollution!!

Life's such a drag now.. There's nothing to look forward to except the start of the EPL season next week.

Motivation such an aggravation,
Accusations don’t know how to take them.
Inspiration’s getting hard to fake it.
Concentration’s never hard to break it.
Situation never what you want it to be.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I started this blog a year ago to help me improve my English.. Seemed likes my english still are not improving after all.

Anyway, there's this virus emoticon in my MSN that shows a download bar and will make the user thinks that he/she is d/l a virus from me. And I used that to trick a lot of people. And now, my laptop got infected by a virus.. !@#$#@%@^%$^!!! Orbi good, you say. Yes I noe....... But the ever so resourceful me managed to remove the virus, and my laptop is back to working condition again!

On 19 Aug, it's Union Day in NTU. I'll be performing in a band on that day, for the opening of the Union day in the noon, and well as competiting in the band competition in the evening. Do come and support us!