Thursday, June 30, 2005

Suddenly tot of this strange incident and just wanna share it. There's a funeral downstairs at my void deck since Monday, and yesterday when I was coming home from work, at around 8pm, I walked on the road outside instead of along the void deck so as to avoid obstructing the ppl. There were 2 cats, sitting near the side of the road and 'meowing' to each other. It dun seem strange when u hear cats meow, but this time, they sound like babies crying. Its so real and loud somemore. They sounded even more like babies when I walked nearer, and the cats bo hiew-ed me when I walked pass them. Normally cats will kind of 'diao' you when you walk past but these 2 cats just carry on 'meowing'. Or maybe they were crying??

Monday, June 27, 2005

Nothing to blog about tonite.. waiting for my dowload of Steven Gerrald's top 10 goals to finish so come and blog something...

It's funny that when you are working, you wish that you are still studying. But when you are back in school, you wish that you are working outside instead of slogging over books.

It's my mobilisation period from tml to 12th july. So if anyone sees the sign, 'Armour PLate or Bronze Medal', blinking on your tv screen, please call me. I'm on alert for 2 weeks, there's a very high chance of recalling. Thanks a million!

Someone won the 2 million TOTO today. And it's not me. My mum forgot to help me buy, but the numbers I am buying cant win me anything anyway. Thanks mum! For helping me save a dollar.

I'm still waiting for a chance to wear my new Liverpool jersey.....

What's Hot?
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon

What's still hot?
Creative Neeon

What's not?

What's lukewarm?
My running attire

What's cool?
Me, if I follow ah lian's theory cos if she says that she's hot, then I must be damn cool.. Ya.. Lame I noe...

Gerrald's Top Ten Goals Are Damn Nice!!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

2 words to describe me now. Tired. Confused. The former is due to work, and I can't describe the latter.

Anyway chocolate exotic cakes taste good! It has the right amount of chocolate for me, and the sweetness is just right.

Toking bout sweetness, I went with 2 friends to do a short coffee survey yesterday after work. We knocked off early and since there's still some time to kill before I meet my friends for a bday celebration, we went to this cosy looking office in Tanjong Pagar to do the survey. What's more, you'll get paid 15 bucks when you complete this 10 min survey. Basically they'll give you 2 cups of coffee to try, and you are to rate them according to how sweet, how thick etc these 2 cups taste. Good lobang, but this 15 bucks soon disappear after buying present and eating sushi.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

*Disclaimer : This entry is not a racist entry. Whatever written is just refering to a colleague of mine who happens to be an Indian. Therefore it cannot be treated as a racist remark or whatsoever...

This female Indian colleague of mine, let's call her Ah In. She's a hardworking girl, and often joins the company's events like trips and sporting events. But she's not skinny or fit in anyway in case u think so. And 'fate had brought us together', as my desk is just beside hers.

Okay. What's so interesting bout her? Apparently at 6.15pm sharp, Ah In will dutifully switched on her Indian songs (I dunno if it's from mp3 or radio) on her computer. Why at 6.30pm? Cos most of my colleagues would have left by then. Sometimes I stayed till 6.30pm during mondays and tuesdays to finish up my work. And she must play her wonderful songs then. Once a colleague ask me, quite loudly and purposely within the ear shot of Ah In, 'WY, you like the songs? Nice right?' I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say. Then I made this famous dance, using my computer monitor as a tree trunk, I shift my head sideways, pretending to play hide and seek that colleague. Then Ah In saw that, and asked, 'WY am I disturbing you?'

Hell you are disturbing me!! This songs give me the creeps!!

'Er.. No lah its okay.. I can dance to the tune also....' -_-|||
Another colleague told me not to stay too late, cos I'll get headache if I stayed. I tot she meant that I will get sick if I worked too hard. Then she added, 'The songs ah, listen liao head pain.' Haha..

And 5 mins later, Ah In will take out her perfume and start spraying all over herself. I have a very sensitive nose to SMELLY or CONCENTRATED perfume. Like my sisters'. When I was young, their perfume always make me choke in my sleep as they will spray a lot a lot b4 they go for work. ARGH. Ah In's perfume is damn thick, and smelly too. I just hate this smell. ARGH. So I would hold my breath (stupid, I noe) and *cough cough* finish up my work in triple quick *cough* time so I could get out of this hell. So I take this as a sign for me to stop my work and leave.

And my colleagues were still wondering y I always go back at 5.30pm nowadays.

Friday, June 24, 2005

'One Night In Beijing~~'

Just as I belted out my opening theme song during the ktv session, my fans went hysterical. Ah lian, the bday girl, shrink to a corner and cried; Justin was pulling his hair out; Grace was screaming in a vain attempt to drown my voice; YY was trying to stuff her socks into her ears; and Kel was wondering wat make his glasses cracked. Nice song mah, this 'One Night In Beijing', I even sang it twice, at the begining and the end of the session. Too bad I got no voice to sing the 'female' part of the song by then. This song rocks!

'MacDonalds' MacDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut~~' This is the Song of the day! Haha. We took this video of us singing and doing the stupid dance for this song, I haven seen it yet, but it should be damn funny and crappy. I never had a ktv session as crazy b4.

Anyway dont really count that as singing, more like screaming instead...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mr ESPN is back to work. My boss (ex boss to be exact) reminded me that

I have not given him the 1 article and pics of some events. And so

being the responsible guy, I've promised to try and give him the stuff

asap. I could have give some excuses like nv recieve his msg; I'm not

free; I'm overseas etc, but I chose to help. And so I am trying hard to

locate the bloody pics and the article, which all seemed to disappear

into thin air. *POOF*

I told my vampire colleague what's my 1st impression of her earlier

today, and immediately her facial expression turned. Suddenly she

looked like she's gonna suck my blood dry, with her eyes becoming

bigger and viens popping out of her neck. CONFIRMED. She's a vampire

after all. I'm in grave danger....

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Here's a pic to make all Jay Chou's fans jealous.. Haha

Monday, June 20, 2005

Leading a boring and sleepy life now.. Who could make it brighter?

Now you're here, in my life
And from here everything will be fine
From now we're, gonna fly
You're my heaven, my dream and my life,
You're my light

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Went to work for Opus in OCBC bank for yesterday and today, help them upgrade their comp from Win NT to Win XP. Was chit chatting wif my friend while waiting for the software to load bout planning a trip to JB for seafood, then he said, 'You are the busy one leh. You are working 7 days a week u noe tat??'
I never realised that. 7 days a week. Wow. And next week I'm working for them too, the pay's good, 6.5/hr on sat, 13/hr on sun. Haha. Not that I'm desperate for $$, but since I got lobang, so just do loh.

It's been a long long time since I last kicked a ball.

What's hot?
'Du the Dudek' by the Trophy Boyz.
LCD monitor.

What's still hot?
Dan Brown's Books.

What's not?

What's lukewarm?
My guitar.

What's cool?
Ice Cream in this weather now.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Ya ya ya ya... Come phunk with my heart...

I feel like a job agency.. Recommended ah lian to a job in Ritz; Kelvin to a week's job in Underwater World; Boon to help me at Opus for the weekend; and the traffic survey to Zhongyi and a few more. Shacked out liao..

Life is pretty monotoned nowadays.. School life was much more colourful, compared to punching the keys of calculators every minute of everyday.

My colleagues were asking whats my opinion of this colleague of mine. 'She pretty?' 'What do you think of her?' etc. Think they're trying to play match making. And my remake almost make them faint.
'She looks like a vampire leh'
'But a pretty vampire lah..'
Anyway she's attached, and even if she's not, I would not make any move.

Cos I'm Mr Brightside

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why my mouth feels numb at the wrong time?? Argh

Monday, June 13, 2005

My timetable sux.. I had to sacrifice my lunch time to finish it as my Plan A and Plan B failed.. Completely. I had to re plan it, thus taken up m lunch time. Mon, Thur and Fri I had to wake up at 8.30am! And Tue and Wed @ 9.30am!!! If wat Jus said is true bout nutella being my 'xian dan', then I'm gonna need a lot of them. ARGH I HATE IT WHEN I AM PROCASTINATE.
The nite b4, 'I am going to wake up tml'
Next morning, 'Let me lay down for a while longer.' ZZZZZzzzzz

Hopefully a change of feng shui (I am moving upstairs) will help..

Sidenote : NTU website is damn confusing, and user-unfriendly.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Too much alcohol can cause irregular heart beat in me.. I've just realised it, and usually I'll sleep like a pig (yes a pig, and a damn loud one) when I drink too much. But surprisingly, I only slept for 3 hours or so, and I can't fall asleep anymore..

1 night of clubbing has caused me to miss my soccer training sessions. Die lah, the Newpaper's headline will be 'Young starlet out drinking and missed training session, coach fuming.' Haha...

This song keeps on playing in my mind:


你说要我 死了这颗心
敲也敲不破 连时间都忘记你
你一直唠叨着 所谓真理
剖开了心 就看到我不是她的记忆
要我节哀 虽然她不该
如果看不开 我怎么活过来 爱

也许我自己太在意 被抛弃
我鼓起 最后的 一分力 撑下去
相信真爱 就在我醒来的新世纪

Saturday, June 11, 2005

2 months ago I was still happily running around NTU without much effort (literally lah..), but just now, I went for a short run around my neighbourhood, and I was panting like siao... And it started to rain when I reached Bendemeer, so I had to U turn back.. And I just calculated the distance I ran.. 2.5km in 14 mins 22 secs.. Oh no.. This dun sound good for my IPPT.. ARGH no stamina = no IPPT $$ = Remedial Training = Weak legs = Trash upside down by opponents in soccer.. NOOOO.. I hate it when ppl 'lobang' or 'ole' me and then run pass me in soccer.. I will be 'lobang-ed' for thw whole of the game.. NOOO... My worst nightmare.. I feel so tired now... 2.5km only leh.. hehz

Friday, June 10, 2005

Finished reading Da Vinci Code, it's nice, but a bit too 'Christian' for me. I wonder such a 'truth' exist.

IPPT! ARGH! Got work = no time to keep fit = EXCUSES!!

My 1 week worth of pay in May is here, and I can finally buy my Liverpool jersey... I got 30% discount from Reebok somemore. I got it from the Big Walk, and Reebok is Liverpool's brand, and of course Carlsberg too ;)

Alright.. Off to bed and wake up to another day of calculator pressing and stapling... Take care

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Rojak Song

Please take me by the hand (Blink 182 - Going Away to College)
I have nobody to call my own (Akon - Mr Lonely)
I took some shots and fell from time to time (Bon Jovi - All About Loving You)
The story of a charmless man (Blur - Charmless man)
I thought it'll be easy but no one believes me (Sum 41 - Pieces)
We're once upon a time in love (Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love)
I lay around and wonder why you're always there for me (Sugar Ray - Someday)
You're the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep at night (Damage - Forever)

Baby, There'something about you that (Five For Fighting - Something About You)
Can't take my eyes off you (Frankie Valli & Four Seasons - Can't take my eyes off you)
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be (Goo Goo Dolls - Iris)
So high above me, You're so lovely (Tal Bachman - She's So High)

Late at night when all the world is sleeping (Selena - Dreaming of You)
Make a wish and send it on a prayer (Firehouse - Love of A Lifetime)
Cos all of the stars are fading away (Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out)
Let's rewrite an ending that fits (Nikelbeck - Someday)
Deep inside the corner of my mind I am attached to you (Ryan Cabrera - True)
You could be my someone you could be my 'cieve (Puddle of Mudd - Blurry)
Even if you don't want to speak tonight, Thats alright with me (Lifehouse - Breathing)
But first I need your hand, then forever can begin (Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone)


how's it? Combined words of different songs together.. Tried to find something that can link it better but this is the best I can do, at least for tonite. Love songs are the easiest to write I find, yet it's also the hardest. Don't you agree?

Sunday, June 05, 2005


I'm not dumb, yet words just can't come out
I'm not deaf, yet words can't get into my head
Can you just hear me out, for a moment
Hear the voices in my mind
Hear my heart beats, and wailings
So hear me say now

I don't know what's going on
Don't know what's left here to scavenge
But I only know what my heart tells me
That you've entrenched yourself in it
Can't seem to go away now.....

Your're in my mind every moment
Hearing you everywhere I go
Confused, afraid I am not
For your voices gave me warmth
You are right there standing
Yet no words can come out

I don't know what's going on
Don't know what's left here to scavenge
But I only know what my heart tells me
That you've entrenched yourself in it
Can't seem to go away now.....

A feeble attempt at song writing. Haha. How's it?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I got into Mechanical Engineering, and couldn't get into my preferred Environmental Engineering. Sad.. I had many dreams when I was young, and 1 of them (don't laugh!) is to mend hole in the ozone layer above the Antartica. Seems like I could only design robots and machines le. Should had work triple hard! Now it's too late to regret, and can only look forward to my 2nd year. On the plus side, many of my friends will be going into the same course. So there's no need to be afraid of eating lunch alone in Canteen A, or walking to Exam Halls alone.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I am just so glad that I am in engineering course. My job in the acc department is driving me a bit nutty. Sit down whole day long and press the calculator. Ah... And my boss still joked, 'Why not you don't study engineering and continue doing your income audit?' 'No way!!'